What did you accomplish today?

I’ve been shot at once and robbed once. Neither are fun. The time I was shot at we were down the street from a police station so moments later, here they come. Searched me and my buddy, all around where we were only to find nothing. I told them when they pulled up that I was the victim and the chic who shot is now getting away. They didn’t believe me:roll:

We have been getting monsoon rain here just about every afternoon( par for Florida) we got an inch in an hour yesterday. Crazy lightning too..

Yeah I seen your rain on the radar, it looked crazy. I've got family in the pan handle so I'm always checking the radar down there, do you get street flooding with just a little bit of rain , family live one block from the gulf and if it rains heavy, there's standing water everywhere , it usually goes away pretty quick . I think they may be 3' above sea level.....
Yeah I seen your rain on the radar, it looked crazy. I've got family in the pan handle so I'm always checking the radar down there, do you get street flooding with just a little bit of rain , family live one block from the gulf and if it rains heavy, there's standing water everywhere , it usually goes away pretty quick . I think they may be 3' above sea level.....
Yeah we do get the flooding, it comes down so hard the drainage can’t handle it. The road I live on floods in a sprinkle:-?
We have been getting monsoon rain here just about every afternoon( par for Florida) we got an inch in an hour yesterday. Crazy lightning too..

Growing up south of Miami we had big T storms roll in on us from the Everglades almost every afternoon in the summer.
We called them "Everglades Express".

During the storms the drop in temps & the breeze felt nice but afterwards watching the water vapor rise off of everything (and the humidity going through the roof) negated the earlier good feels.
Growing up south of Miami we had big T storms roll in on us from the Everglades almost every afternoon in the summer.
We called them "Everglades Express".

During the storms the drop in temps & the breeze felt nice but afterwards watching the water vapor rise off of everything (and the humidity going through the roof) negated the earlier good feels.

I slept late and then went food shopping. It's too fucking hot to do anything, it was upper 90s in the shade when I got back, but I'm still gonna go cut wood. I'm quartering some 30" dia x 20ft logs lengthwise for another couple huglekultures. It'll be a good test for that saw I just fixed. If it survives splitting logs for a few hours in 90F+ heat, I'll say it was a success. I'm fucking good, but i still fully expect it to go BOOM! once I go full throttle and bury it full depth.
I slept late and then went food shopping. It's too fucking hot to do anything, it was upper 90s in the shade when I got back, but I'm still gonna go cut wood. I'm quartering some 30" dia x 20ft logs lengthwise for another couple huglekultures. It'll be a good test for that saw I just fixed. If it survives splitting logs for a few hours in 90F+ heat, I'll say it was a success. I'm fucking good, but i still fully expect it to go BOOM! once I go full throttle and bury it full depth.

Do yourself a favor and change the pitch of the chain from the standard 25° to 5° .... your welcome.:bigjoint:
Had the air conditioning turned off last Thursday * when the wifey took off to Florida. Just turned it back on omw to pick them up. I'm guessing it should save at least a hundred on the bill. We'll see.
I slept late and then went food shopping. It's too fucking hot to do anything, it was upper 90s in the shade when I got back, but I'm still gonna go cut wood. I'm quartering some 30" dia x 20ft logs lengthwise for another couple huglekultures. It'll be a good test for that saw I just fixed. If it survives splitting logs for a few hours in 90F+ heat, I'll say it was a success. I'm fucking good, but i still fully expect it to go BOOM! once I go full throttle and bury it full depth.

I always go boom when I'm full throttle and full depth
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sounds brolic for a one man job. i had school in the morning 9-10:30 then work from 12-9. i mastered taking out oil filters that are in hard to reach places. i guess that would be my main accomplishment of the day, i've always known how to do oil changes but now i know what techniques and tools to use for particularly difficult filters to reach. anyways, yeah.

Band straps son
No, backstraps, son

Finally got around to frying some loins in bacon grease few days ago 1.5 min each side. I pussed out and did them on the grill.


I'm gonna experiment smoking a roast, braising, then into a crock for shits. Try and make a nice pepper crust. Very small roasts and they've been in the deep freeze for 2 years now so just gonna see what happens.

Also made some bubble. 2 min wash, dump, repeat. Rest of the material saved for coconut oil.

Cleaned the washer and bags with everclear. Winterized for three days and still fucked up and can see a bit of waxes suspended. Think I poured too quickly or possibly a small hole in filters. Either way s'not bad, s'not bad at all.

