What did you accomplish today?

Not really *my* accomplishment, but Mrs. Stool bathed the dogs yesterday and now they smell like perfume from the pet shampoo.

It smells like old lady perfume -- but it's better than ass & halitosis, so there's that... :roll:
I use Plax on my dog's teeth, nightly, after picking up their kibble. I put it on a cosmetic puff and then rub their teeth concentrating on the gum line. I also monthly touch up with a scaler. It really helps the halitosis.
I use Plax on my dog's teeth, nightly, after picking up their kibble. I put it on a cosmetic puff and then rub their teeth concentrating on the gum line. I also monthly touch up with a scaler. It really helps the halitosis.
Thanks for the tip!

Maybe the ass & halitosis are related???
Hell both dogs eat their own shit once in a while -- and they LOVE cat shit. :?
Today, I got approved and certified by Los Angeles City Fire Department for Hospital Fire and Life Safety. good for 4 years. After the class, I stopped by the 7Solstise Collective in KTown and got 2 grams of Purple Punch...then finally Got all my documents together and sealed up ready to be mailed to get my Dutch Social Security #.
AKA "Burgerservicenumber". I sneeked in a really good long sweaty workout at GoldsGyms, doing 2 10 minute sessions on the Hydro Message Chair pre and post workout.. It was a really nice weekend! Hope ya'll had an awesome weekend as well. :peace:bongsmilie:weed::p
Do they still use biscuit jointers? Probably too big for a butcher block

Been forever since I've done any woodwork.

Highschool to be exact. Check out this baby lol. Just like everything I did in hs it was thrown together last minute. Teacher wasn't impressed that i put only one piece of Walnut in with the oak. Or that I rounded the edges rather than a fancy router bit. I must've glued the fuck out of it cause friends that made them too split apart. Fuck off Mr. Pankey and the c+ you gave me.

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20 years later it's still a shitty cutting board. I just may sand and vegetable oil this pup today

Is there a food safe wood putty out there?

Not a clue on food safe wood putty, but many years ago I use to make a lot cutting boards, and there's a food safe wood conditioner to prevent bacteria growth.
I switched to vape after a 30+ year cigarette habit about 3 years ago, every 4 months or so I would reduce the nicotine level started out buying 21 mg then 18 mg etc.. (I smoked Camel Wides so I figured I needed the strongest they had) Last January I dropped to zero nicotine still hitting the vape but at this point I am doing it for oral fixation I am sure as what the hell else am I getting out of it? Glad to be over the nicotine addiction anyway and some day I hope to put down the vape as well. At least the wife likes the smell :D
Well maybe I put this behind me too, I just got home from the hospital after 13 days, Went in on an emergency with abdominal pain on July 17th, turns out my appendix burst, then the wound got infected. Looks like I am on the correct mend as they let me go home today. Taking antibiotics and it easy for the next ten days. So good to be out of the hospital and back on RIU and life!
Well maybe I put this behind me too, I just got home from the hospital after 13 days, Went in on an emergency with abdominal pain on July 17th, turns out my appendix burst, then the wound got infected. Looks like I am on the correct mend as they let me go home today. Taking antibiotics and it easy for the next ten days. So good to be out of the hospital and back on RIU and life!

Holy shit, I know peeps that happened to, they said it was the sickest they'd ever been.
unless it gives you a specific order, the part with the calcium should be added first and given time to dissolve, before you add the part with the sulfur. those aren't always the precipitates, but probably 75% of the time.
This wouldn't be surprising if it was a complete nutrient like dyna-gro Foliage Pro, but I was under the impression that one of the reasons for going with 2 and 3-part nutrients was to avoid precipitation problems.
Hydro nutes that are lumpy could cause clogs in drip systems...