Jordan Peterson

wait what? when did he become a nazi?

he was kneeling and wasnt saying anything
He made a decision to align with fascists who were threatening violence on women

Are you one of those people who thinks there were “very fine people” at the torchlit nazi March in Charlottesville too?

You march with nazis or march with fascists and you are one
He made a decision to align with fascists who were threatening violence on women

Are you one of those people who thinks there were “very fine people” at the torchlit nazi March in Charlottesville too?

You march with nazis or march with fascists and you are one
it wasnt a nazi rally....

the attacker was a professor at diablo valley college

you know the left wing sort that we cant talk about because you say anyone who speaks about it is a nazi

wait a minute this is getting a bit circular.....
it wasnt a nazi rally.....

Yeah, and milo isn’t on video sieg heiling

And milo isn’t wearing the nazi iron cross in pictures

And Richard Spencer never called for ethnic cleansing

And Jordan Peterson doesn’t peddle nazi conspiracies to angry young white males

Just give up already. You’ve been caught lying way too often to have any credibility anymore

Go tell your tall tales to your 4 dozen transgender buddies who all love Jordan peterson
Yeah, and milo isn’t on video sieg heiling

And milo isn’t wearing the nazi iron cross in pictures

And Richard Spencer never called for ethnic cleansing

And Jordan Peterson doesn’t peddle nazi conspiracies to angry young white males

Just give up already. You’ve been caught lying way too often to have any credibility anymore

Go tell your tall tales to your 4 dozen transgender buddies who all love Jordan peterson
again it wasnt a nazi rally

everything is nazi to you buck everything

your such a tool and a perfect example of the left gone bad
You have zero credibility

You used it all up denying that Jordan Peterson spreads cultural Marxism conspiracy theories to his cult following of angry young white males
again as someone who has actually watched and listened to what peterson actually says

i reject your premise

you've refused to watch or listen what the fuck do you know?

that and your utterly ridiculous claim that the kneeling protester was attacked in "self defense"

keep posting buck not only have you kept this thread at the top of this sub forum for weeks

but your also a walking talking perfect example of the left gone bad
again as someone who has actually watched and listened to what peterson actually says

i reject your premise

you've refused to watch or listen what the fuck do you know?

that and your utterly ridiculous claim that the kneeling protester was attacked in "self defense"

keep posting buck not only have you kept this thread at the top of this sub forum for weeks

but your also a walking talking perfect example of the left gone bad
We get that you reject reality

It has destroyed your credibility

Thanks to weirdos like you the worldwide creep toward fascism is fizzling big time. People are sick of you bigots and your conspiracy theories and racist pseudoscience
“We’re not Nazis! Now let me tell you about how blacks are of inferior intelligence and the cunning Jews are using them to destroy our white civilization”
We get that you reject reality

It has destroyed your credibility

Thanks to weirdos like you the worldwide creep toward fascism is fizzling big time. People are sick of you bigots and your conspiracy theories and racist pseudoscience
yeah i differ to you in how to deal with the right

you prefer to call everyone who doesnt agree with you a nazi

i prefer to reserve that term for actual nazi so that the term doesnt get watered down to irrelevance

that and as a person who has actually listened to what peterson has said

i think he is doing much much more to fight fascism than your particular brand of hatred will ever do
JP is a word-wide phenomenon, sparkplug. The stance against neo-marism and postmodernism is gaining momentum, not losing it; and it's a direct response to idiots like you who push this hyperbolic, victim-narrative.

You're stooopid.

No one has made this argument in this thread, and neither has JP.

You're such a whiny little cunt... lol Make sure you try to fabricate some more outrage along with your rampant virtue signaling.
You guys are being violently denied the right to speak but you’re not the victims?

And Peterson isn’t peddling cultural Marxism and racist pseudoscience?


Jesus. Deny reality harder
yeah i differ to you in how to deal with the right

you prefer to call everyone who doesnt agree with you a nazi

i prefer to reserve that term for actual nazi so that the term doesnt get watered down to irrelevance

that and as a person who has actually listened to what peterson has said

i think he is doing much much more to fight fascism than your particular brand of hatred will ever do
Peterson spreads nazi conspiracy theories
no he doesnt

theres real world examples of what he's talking about

he does more to fight fascism than your brand of hatred could ever do

save the nazi slur for actual nazi

it might get you further

Cultural Marxism posits that Jews are ruling minorities to destroy “western civilization”

It is the exact same as the Nazis judeo-Bolshevism and comes from the Frankfurt school conspiracy theory

Cultural Marxism posits that Jews are ruling minorities to destroy “western civilization”

It is the exact same as the Nazis judeo-Bolshevism and comes from the Frankfurt school conspiracy theory
Except JP specifically states he's against neo-marxists and postmodernists, not Jews and minorities. He is against the practitioners of identity politics.

JP has never once written an article or given a speech/lecture about cultural marxism, the only reference to it was that article written by someone else (which also says nothing about Jews coincidentally) that he posted on his FB page.

What's it like being an over-sensitive, hyperbolic, virtue signaling, moral crusading, PC, beta male? God, you're just the worst. lol
Except JP specifically states he's against neo-marxists and postmodernists, not Jews and minorities. He is against the practitioners of identity politics.

JP has never once written an article or given a speech/lecture about cultural marxism, the only reference to it was that article written by someone else (which also says nothing about Jews coincidentally) that he posted on his FB page.

What's it like being an over-sensitive, hyperbolic, virtue signaling, moral crusading, PC, beta male? God, you're just the worst. lol
Except Peterson explicitly posted the Frankfurt school conspiracy theory

Beta male, eh?

Nothing like adopting all the nazi terms du jour to prove you’re not a nazi

Care to compare accomplishments in life? Body size and physical fitness? Educational attainment?

It might hint at who is the beta here
Except Peterson explicitly posted the Frankfurt school conspiracy theory

Beta male, eh?

Nothing like adopting all the nazi terms du jour to prove you’re not a nazi

Care to compare accomplishments in life? Body size and physical fitness? Educational attainment?

It might hint at who is the beta here
Since when is beta male a nazi term? And you seem fine using it yourself.

I'm 6"6 250lbs 8% body fat and have 3 pHD's. I also have 141 IQ which is higher than your meager (and imaginary) 140. I also belong to 14 separate minorities, and am married to an inter-sexed, pan-gender, vegan feminist.

I also have 14" penis.

Here's my pic;

What now, sparkplug?
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Since when is beta male a nazi term? And you seem fine using it yourself.

I'm 6"6 250lbs 8% body fat and have 3 pHD's. I also have 141 IQ which is higher than your meager (and imaginary) 140. I also belong to 14 separate minorities, and am married to an inter-sexed, pan-gender, vegan feminist.

I also have 14" penis.

Here's my pic;
View attachment 4172995

What now, sparkplug?
Aren’t you the IT guy?