Jordan Peterson

Is the left peddling nazi conspiracy theories like Jordan Peterson is?
as someone who has spent the time listening to what peterson is talking about i reject your claim of him peddling nazi conspiracy theories

its really pathetic of you to pretend that we cannot talk about the far left without immediately becoming nazi's

but its ok you be that one trick pony if its all you got
So protesting right wing professors silences their free speech?

Using violence to shut down ones ability to speak is silencing political opponents.

Who can’t talk any more?

Most of the time, they still manage to talk somehow, often at extra expense. It's not from lack of trying on the extreme-left.

We’re nazis known for protest?
Teh fuck are you babbling about?


This is great

You are a stupid person.
Using violence to shut down ones ability to speak is silencing political opponents.

Most of the time, they still manage to talk somehow, often at extra expense. It's not from lack of trying on the extreme-left.

Teh fuck are you babbling about?

You are a stupid person.
Remember when a milo supporter literally shot a kid for protesting that pedophile’s hate speech ?

I can’t think of anything that the left has done that could possibly compare to you right wing nazis literally shooting someone for protesting

Well, there was that nazi that plowed his car into a crowd of protesters, killing one and injuring dozens, but that wasn’t on a college campus

Hard to protest when you’re dead, eh?

So your right wing nazi blowhards aren’t silenced at all but you play the victim anyway

You are quite the blossoming nazi there, beefkitty
Beefkitty: free speech is important!

[nazis start shooting left wing protesters who don’t want nazis spreading hate speech on college campuses]

Beefkitty: clearly we have been victimized by the intolerant left furthermore the iq of the average black
I guess when he shared that article titled “cultural Marxism is destroying America” it was imaginary

You are having difficulty accepting reality

You need therapy
i reject the nazi conspiracy part

ive even posted real world example of what is being talked about

your playing a childish game of "dont look behind the curtain"

At this rate, I give it three pages before beefkitty and gimpywarrior are chanting the 14 words and exclaiming that it is ok to be white
as someone who has actual listened to peterson talk i reject your claims

you havent got a clue about reality
The “Frankfurt school” conspiracy theory that Peterson peddles to his angry white male followers comes from the Nazis

You gonna deny the holocaust while you’re at it?
what has that got to do with someone attacking a kneeling peaceful protestor with a bike lock?
There is nothing peaceful about nazi or fascist ideology so he was not a peaceful protester.

Your own video shows they were threatening violence upon women opposed to fascism
There is nothing peaceful about nazi or fascist ideology so he was not a peaceful protester.

Your own video shows they were threatening violence upon women opposed to fascism
wait what? when did he become a nazi?

he was kneeling and wasnt saying anything