What did you accomplish today?

Everything god touches comes out looking great!

True so true.

Yep, we used Rustoleum tub and tile epoxy.


I need to get some was you able to do the whole thing with just one box .

Nice table btw , polyurethane I'm guessing or maybe lacquer.
Do they still use biscuit jointers? Probably too big for a butcher block

Been forever since I've done any woodwork.

Highschool to be exact. Check out this baby lol. Just like everything I did in hs it was thrown together last minute. Teacher wasn't impressed that i put only one piece of Walnut in with the oak. Or that I rounded the edges rather than a fancy router bit. I must've glued the fuck out of it cause friends that made them too split apart. Fuck off Mr. Pankey and the c+ you gave me.


20 years later it's still a shitty cutting board. I just may sand and vegetable oil this pup today

Is there a food safe wood putty out there?
They fucked up killing Carl off and rumors of killing Rick off. If they do I will quit watching.
Idk if I'm even gonna watch anymore. The stupid choices they were making really annoyed the shit outta me. I actually thought Z nation became more entertaining.

My daughter went to the set to watch an episode being taped, while standing in line for a autograph someone had a seizure she runs over to help and the actor she was waiting for came over and gave her a bottle of water.... she's like wtf I'm I suppose to drown this guy.....whatever it's a cool momento.

It's less than a three hour drive to the set from the house so she's been a few times, and stranger things is shoot there too.
Idk if I'm even gonna watch anymore. The stupid choices they were making really annoyed the shit outta me. I actually thought Z nation became more entertaining.
Scott Gimple is an idiot and should have been fired but instead was promoted.

The walking dead show should have stayed fairly true to the comic. The have fear the walkimg dead to do whatever on.

I don't really think Andrew Lincoln will leave the show. He is only in six episodes next season. I know he gets hurt bad. I'm thinking the whisperers take him hostage.

Maggie is only in six episodes. She has a new show as well.
Do they still use biscuit jointers? Probably too big for a butcher block

Been forever since I've done any woodwork.

Highschool to be exact. Check out this baby lol. Just like everything I did in hs it was thrown together last minute. Teacher wasn't impressed that i put only one piece of Walnut in with the oak. Or that I rounded the edges rather than a fancy router bit. I must've glued the fuck out of it cause friends that made them too split apart. Fuck off Mr. Pankey and the c+ you gave me.

View attachment 4172950

20 years later it's still a shitty cutting board. I just may sand and vegetable oil this pup today

Is there a food safe wood putty out there?
I use JB Weld wood epoxy, says it doesn't have any solvents so might be safe for food?
Do they still use biscuit jointers? Probably too big for a butcher block

Been forever since I've done any woodwork.

Highschool to be exact. Check out this baby lol. Just like everything I did in hs it was thrown together last minute. Teacher wasn't impressed that i put only one piece of Walnut in with the oak. Or that I rounded the edges rather than a fancy router bit. I must've glued the fuck out of it cause friends that made them too split apart. Fuck off Mr. Pankey and the c+ you gave me.

View attachment 4172950

20 years later it's still a shitty cutting board. I just may sand and vegetable oil this pup today

Is there a food safe wood putty out there?
i've always used saw dust and elmer's wood glue for anything food related. i know that's not stained, but if you do anything that is, you can put a few drops of the stain in the wet glue/saw dust, and it'll be damn close to matching when it dries.
Do they still use biscuit jointers? Probably too big for a butcher block

Been forever since I've done any woodwork.

Highschool to be exact. Check out this baby lol. Just like everything I did in hs it was thrown together last minute. Teacher wasn't impressed that i put only one piece of Walnut in with the oak. Or that I rounded the edges rather than a fancy router bit. I must've glued the fuck out of it cause friends that made them too split apart. Fuck off Mr. Pankey and the c+ you gave me.

View attachment 4172950

20 years later it's still a shitty cutting board. I just may sand and vegetable oil this pup today

Is there a food safe wood putty out there?
Biscuits are too small, thin and can't handle the shear force of a heavy block. Pegs(dowels) are the way to go, I used oak pegs. If you don't make it as end grain it will be a lot less work. Effectively I used maple "2x4's", not end grain. 12 3ft sections, drilled them for the pegs, slapped it together, glued and clamped the shit out it, left it alone for 2 days. Planed, sanded, oiled it and she was using it 5 days later. I've resanded it 3 or 4 times in the 15 yrs just to pretty it up. If you do do it, pro-tip: work from inside out
Biscuits are too small, thin and can't handle the shear force of a heavy block. Pegs(dowels) are the way to go, I used oak pegs. If you don't make it as end grain it will be a lot less work. Effectively I used maple "2x4's", not end grain. 12 3ft sections, drilled them for the pegs, slapped it together, glued and clamped the shit out it, left it alone for 2 days. Planed, sanded, oiled it and she was using it 5 days later. I've resanded it 3 or 4 times in the 15 yrs just to pretty it up. If you do do it, pro-tip: work from inside out

Duly noted

I'm really liking the idea. Winter is where I have the most time and always looking for something to do.

Been checking ideas on Google and purple heart with Maple looks pretty cool.

She wanted to do purple heart wood floors if we were to have had a girl so that may be a sell.

I have about everything needed besides a planer.

*Anyone interested in checking out some amazing woodwork, from hand carved custom recurve bows and arrows, inlays with fine grain wood, hardened self knocks, hand spliced fletchings, natural joinery, and you're on IG, pm me for his handle. My best buddy father. He's one of a kind. Stunning detail.

Warning; you could spend the better half of the day checking out his work
Duly noted

I'm really liking the idea. Winter is where I have the most time and always looking for something to do.

Been checking ideas on Google and purple heart with Maple looks pretty cool.

She wanted to do purple heart wood floors if we were to have had a girl so that may be a sell.

I have about everything needed besides a planer.

*Anyone interested in checking out some amazing woodwork, from hand carved custom recurve bows and arrows, inlays with fine grain wood, hardened self knocks, hand spliced fletchings, natural joinery, and you're on IG, pm me for his handle. My best buddy father. He's one of a kind. Stunning detail.

Warning; you could spend the better half of the day checking out his work
I have to be very careful about that. Last time I did that one of these things followed me home and won't let go of my Unisaw

Duly noted

I'm really liking the idea. Winter is where I have the most time and always looking for something to do.

Been checking ideas on Google and purple heart with Maple looks pretty cool.

She wanted to do purple heart wood floors if we were to have had a girl so that may be a sell.

I have about everything needed besides a planer.

*Anyone interested in checking out some amazing woodwork, from hand carved custom recurve bows and arrows, inlays with fine grain wood, hardened self knocks, hand spliced fletchings, natural joinery, and you're on IG, pm me for his handle. My best buddy father. He's one of a kind. Stunning detail.

Warning; you could spend the better half of the day checking out his work
Forgot to tell you; I ended up making it free-standing a year later, made a stand for it. 2x3 ft took up too much counter space and it weighed close to 100 lbs. She has a big enough kitchen though. (maple is around 45 lbs/cu foot)

Purple heart is gorgeous. However it makes wicked splinters and they infect easy. For a cutting board/block it should be end-grain or else nasty splinters