Open Show & Tell 2018

Hey I’m a first time guerrilla grower and I’m interested in what time of bag/pot is that. Transporting material is my setback bc of my hike but those smart pots looks like I could pack a good bit. They are just a little pricey when trying to grow a good bit. I have my babies directly in the ground but came to clear out more space and found that the area takes on a good bit of water. I still planted them hoping the rain was just heavy that week... if not I want to try your type pot
Fabric pots can be had for fairly cheap. I bought a ten pack of 15 gallon tan and a ten pack of 30 gallon tan from eBay for $38 and $58, respectively. Search TH Choice on eBay, they're sturdy fabric pots available in a lot of sizes.
Fabric pots can be had for fairly cheap. I bought a ten pack of 15 gallon tan and a ten pack of 30 gallon tan from eBay for $38 and $58, respectively. Search TH Choice on eBay, they're sturdy fabric pots available in a lot of sizes.
I've made a few with rolls of landscape fabric. I got my quilter ladies to sew the whole roll into a tube, and you just cut it and tie it off how ever long you want it. I made 3-4 gallons pots. About 20-25 pots to a big roll.
Thanks, not a mini bic. The greenhouse took a beating this year from the several windstorms we had here in BC but it's still there! It's really just camouflage during the summer until fall comes and it actually serves a real purpose.
nice... yeah want to build one next season.
sorry about the rough weather. What kind of soil are you using?
Fabric pots can be had for fairly cheap. I bought a ten pack of 15 gallon tan and a ten pack of 30 gallon tan from eBay for $38 and $58, respectively. Search TH Choice on eBay, they're sturdy fabric pots available in a lot of sizes.

Thanks hopefully the natural soil isn’t too wet I will know in the a.m. if all is lost I’m going with the smart pots. The location is perfect for me access, privacy, sun. I was just a little uneasy coming back and it being so muddy crossing my fingers tonight!
I've made a few with rolls of landscape fabric. I got my quilter ladies to sew the whole roll into a tube, and you just cut it and tie it off how ever long you want it. I made 3-4 gallons pots. About 20-25 pots to a big roll.

That sounds amazing nice tip preciate that! One thing I never understood tho, do the roots grow through the fabric so if I put the smart pot in a hole not to deep will they eventually take root to the ground?
But if you are growing in the bush, I would go ahead and plant in the ground. That is best for water retention.

That’s the way they are now directly in the ground. I’m just afraid that the area takes on to much water after our heavy rains (never drizzles only tsunami when it does) so I was thinking maybe don’t bury the pot completely? Keep it somewhat elevated? Idk just a theory
That’s the way they are now directly in the ground. I’m just afraid that the area takes on to much water after our heavy rains (never drizzles only tsunami when it does) so I was thinking maybe don’t bury the pot completely? Keep it somewhat elevated? Idk just a theory
That would work for too much water.
That’s the way they are now directly in the ground. I’m just afraid that the area takes on to much water after our heavy rains (never drizzles only tsunami when it does) so I was thinking maybe don’t bury the pot completely? Keep it somewhat elevated? Idk just a theory
A semi-buried fabric pot sounds ideal in that scenario. That would be just about as "set it and forget it" as you can get.
Hey I’m a first time guerrilla grower and I’m interested in what time of bag/pot is that. Transporting material is my setback bc of my hike but those smart pots looks like I could pack a good bit. They are just a little pricey when trying to grow a good bit. I have my babies directly in the ground but came to clear out more space and found that the area takes on a good bit of water. I still planted them hoping the rain was just heavy that week... if not I want to try your type pot
Straight out of a roots organic bag-its got drainage holes in the bag