The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Putin: 'Ready' to go to Washington, invites Trump to Moscow
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he is ready to go to Washington and has invited US President Donald Trump to Moscow, but there "has to be necessary conditions."
Maybe it's still on! I wonder when Mitch McConnell is gonna call up Mueller and beg him to present his conclusions! Another russian meeting, Donald must need extra instructions because he's so stupid, Vlad needs to give him an update.

Millions of American morons are eager to give their freedom to a traitor in exchange for the vague promise of getting at the brown folks and their "liberal" allies. Why not, they gave up health care for themselves and their families because they are controlled by hate and fear. They also gave the 1% the biggest tax cut in history at the expense of everyone else including themselves, only hate make ya that stupid, folks with low IQs have more sense.
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Putin: 'Ready' to go to Washington, invites Trump to Moscow
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he is ready to go to Washington and has invited US President Donald Trump to Moscow, but there "has to be necessary conditions."
Maybe it's still on!

The summit to return the Soviet union to greatness?
Hey, listen to the Progressives(TM). Russian interference in our election and helping Trump win is all a distraction from passing Sander's universal health care bill.
Hey, listen to the Progressives(TM). Russian interference in our election and helping Trump win is all a distraction from passing Sander's universal health care bill.
I keep hearing the conservatives support treason, not progressives. If you had single payer health care you will go a long way to reducing the fear in American society, this will help to elect more responsible governments. Besides a single payer system would cost less than a third of the current mess. Racism is the only reason the richest country in the world doesn't have universal health care, a shameful situation. It's the same reason that got Trump elected and it's the reason he's still there, the base control the GOP and they are racist to the core.
he should be planning his escape route to russia, may be the only way he avoids being shot or hung
does a 727 have enough range from Mar a Lardo to Moscow?
does a 727 have enough range from Mar a Lardo to Moscow?
He will make the trip on AF1 and if he's spooked he'd do it before the election too! His farewell message to America will be, SO LONG SUCKERS! Donald will claim a deep state coup brought him down and do propaganda from moscow for Vlad. He'll be in moscow a long time before he loses support from the base and republican senators will pilgrimage to moscow to try and talk Donald into coming back home. They will beg for treason
I keep hearing the conservatives support treason, not progressives. If you had single payer health care you will go a long way to reducing the fear in American society, this will help to elect more responsible governments. Besides a single payer system would cost less than a third of the current mess. Racism is the only reason the richest country in the world doesn't have universal health care, a shameful situation.
Why Don’t Sanders Supporters Care About the Russia Investigation?

Some believe that Russian meddling is, at best, irrelevant to the needs of working-class Americans, whom Democrats should focus on: Katrina vanden Heuvel, the editor of The Nation, has chastised Democrats, saying, “Focusing on Trump’s ties to Russia alone will not win the crucial 2018 midterm elections, nor will it win meaningful victories on issues like health care, climate change, and inequality that affect all of our lives.”

Others say that the investigation is an overhyped, “neo-McCarthyist” conspiracy theory. The journalist Masha Gessen, for example, wrote in The New York Review of Books that it was “distracting from real, documentable, and documented issues” and at the same time “promoting a xenophobic conspiracy theory in the cause of removing a xenophobic conspiracy theorist from office.”

Bernie Sanders: Russia and Stormy Daniels distract us from real problem of inequality

Enough about Russia and Stormy Daniels. The leaders of the progressive movement want to talk about growing income inequality in the US.

At a live-streamed town hall event on Monday night, Senator Bernie Sanders once again circumvented cable news to host a 90-minute panel discussion on poverty, the decline of the middle class and the consolidation of corporate power.

He was joined in Washington by Senator Elizabeth Warren, director Michael Moore and economist Darrick Hamilton while roughly 1.7 million viewers tuned in to watch online, according to Sanders’ office.

Speaking to the Guardian before the event, Sanders said: “We have to fight Trump every day. But we have to not lose our vision as to where we want to go as a country. We can talk about the disastrous role Russia has played in trying to undermine American democracy. That is enormously important. But we also have to talk about the fact that we have the highest rate of child poverty in any major economy of the world.”

The two -- fighting child poverty and investigating Russia are not linked at all. Yet, Sanders portrays Russia investigation as an impediment to fixing US social problems. We can and should do both. The reason we haven't passed universal healthcare is only tangentially linked to the Russia investigation -- in that Republicans hold power in part due to Russian meddling.

There is a Russian connection with Sanders. I don't know how tenuous or how strong it is but there is some other reason why Sanders is trying to using the old false dilemma argument. We can so investigate Russian interference AND fight to reduce childhood poverty. The reason we have not addressed the latter has more to do with who is in power. I don't know why Sanders led his movement in this direction but I smell a rotten fish in that pile of garbage.
Here is what Donald is thinking about, this guy has the keys to the kingdom.
CFO Of President Trump Org Reportedly Being Called To Testify In Cohen Case | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
The CFO of the Trump Organization is reportedly being called to testify in Michael Cohen’s case. Ali Velshi and tax expert David Cay Johnston tell you all about Allen Weisselberg’s long history with the Trump family and whether or not he’ll flip on the president.
Why Don’t Sanders Supporters Care About the Russia Investigation?

Some believe that Russian meddling is, at best, irrelevant to the needs of working-class Americans, whom Democrats should focus on: Katrina vanden Heuvel, the editor of The Nation, has chastised Democrats, saying, “Focusing on Trump’s ties to Russia alone will not win the crucial 2018 midterm elections, nor will it win meaningful victories on issues like health care, climate change, and inequality that affect all of our lives.”

Others say that the investigation is an overhyped, “neo-McCarthyist” conspiracy theory. The journalist Masha Gessen, for example, wrote in The New York Review of Books that it was “distracting from real, documentable, and documented issues” and at the same time “promoting a xenophobic conspiracy theory in the cause of removing a xenophobic conspiracy theorist from office.”

Bernie Sanders: Russia and Stormy Daniels distract us from real problem of inequality

Enough about Russia and Stormy Daniels. The leaders of the progressive movement want to talk about growing income inequality in the US.

At a live-streamed town hall event on Monday night, Senator Bernie Sanders once again circumvented cable news to host a 90-minute panel discussion on poverty, the decline of the middle class and the consolidation of corporate power.

He was joined in Washington by Senator Elizabeth Warren, director Michael Moore and economist Darrick Hamilton while roughly 1.7 million viewers tuned in to watch online, according to Sanders’ office.

Speaking to the Guardian before the event, Sanders said: “We have to fight Trump every day. But we have to not lose our vision as to where we want to go as a country. We can talk about the disastrous role Russia has played in trying to undermine American democracy. That is enormously important. But we also have to talk about the fact that we have the highest rate of child poverty in any major economy of the world.”

The two -- fighting child poverty and investigating Russia are not linked at all. Yet, Sanders portrays Russia investigation as an impediment to fixing US social problems. We can and should do both. The reason we haven't passed universal healthcare is only tangentially linked to the Russia investigation -- in that Republicans hold power in part due to Russian meddling.

There is a Russian connection with Sanders. I don't know how tenuous or how strong it is but there is some other reason why Sanders is trying to using the old false dilemma argument. We can so investigate Russian interference AND fight to reduce childhood poverty. The reason we have not addressed the latter has more to do with who is in power. I don't know why Sanders led his movement in this direction but I smell a rotten fish in that pile of garbage.
You seem to be overly concerned about Bernie, he has a lot of corporate democratic enemies and anybody who is in someone's pocket is no friend of Bernie's. During the 2016 election Trumps air time on the corporate networks was measured in weeks and Bernie's was measured literally in seconds. With the recent gutting of the ACA a lot of people are gonna be worried to death about health care and it's a good issue for a large segment of the electorate. Freaking out about Trump won't get to all the potential voters, good health care policy will help to get rid of the GOP and Trump too. The problem with the GOP was they bitched about the ACA but never had an alternative except crawl away and die if yer poor.
You seem to be overly concerned about Bernie, he has a lot of corporate democratic enemies and anybody who is in someone's pocket is no friend of Bernie's. During the 2016 election Trumps air time on the networks was measured in weeks and Bernies was measured literally in seconds. With the recent gutting of the ACA a lot of people are gonna be worried to death about health care and it's a good issue for a large segment of the electorate. Freaking out about Trump won't get to all the potential voters, good health care policy will help to get rid of the GOP and Trump too. The problem with the GOP was they bitched about the ACA but never had an alternative except crawl away and die if yer poor.
Then tell me, do you think the Russia investigation is in fact a distraction? I assume you don't. If you don't, what good can come from Sanders saying that?

By the way, Sanders excoriated Democrats for implementing the ACA because he wanted universal healthcare. Not that anybody could pass Universal Healthcare at the time.
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During the 2016 election Trumps air time on the corporate networks was measured in weeks and Bernie's was measured literally in seconds.

Yeah, that isn't true.

Sanders did receive less coverage than Clinton in 2015. Which wasn't surprising given he had not yet won anything, and she was receiving more, let's not forget, it was mostly negative scrutiny over her use of a private server to handle email and never ending coverage of Benghazi.

Starting in Jan. the two have received very similar amounts of coverage, from January 4 to February 12, Sanders' campaign was covered for 32 minutes on the network newscasts -- less than Clinton (36 minutes) and Trump (51 minutes), but more than Ted Cruz (26 minutes) and Rubio (nine minutes).

Another study, by researchers at the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership and Policy, also found rough parity between the two.

Ev Boyle, the associate director of the center, and a group of researchers spent a week counting every mention of a candidate on 14 major news websites, including

"The Bernie Blackout isn't really a thing," Boyle concluded, noting that Sanders had close to the same level of coverage as Clinton, although both were far behind Trump.
Yeah, that isn't true.

Sanders did receive less coverage than Clinton in 2015. Which wasn't surprising given he had not yet won anything, and she was receiving more, let's not forget, it was mostly negative scrutiny over her use of a private server to handle email and never ending coverage of Benghazi.

Starting in Jan. the two have received very similar amounts of coverage, from January 4 to February 12, Sanders' campaign was covered for 32 minutes on the network newscasts -- less than Clinton (36 minutes) and Trump (51 minutes), but more than Ted Cruz (26 minutes) and Rubio (nine minutes).

Another study, by researchers at the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership and Policy, also found rough parity between the two.

Ev Boyle, the associate director of the center, and a group of researchers spent a week counting every mention of a candidate on 14 major news websites, including

"The Bernie Blackout isn't really a thing," Boyle concluded, noting that Sanders had close to the same level of coverage as Clinton, although both were far behind Trump.
I see Donald is just hopping mad about Cohen and his bookkeeper, now Cohen is accusing Trump of direct involvement in the russian meeting at Trump tower. The heat is being cranked up and Mueller is just sitting back and watching Trump implode, he'll make his move at the best possible moment. Mueller's moves will be timed with the election in mind and it will put maximum pressure on the republicans and present the facts before the American people before the election. Mueller wants Donald's ass bigly and he's gonna get it, before charging the family, on NY state charges if required.

I figure Donald will issue pardons from moscow until he's removed from office and if he runs to moscow he'll pardon the russians and his family. He might even pardon thousands of dangerous criminals from moscow just to fuck with the USA and tie up the courts. He'll have lots of time since the republicans won't impeach him even if lives in moscow. Murder doesn't matter to his base and neither does treason, most of them are willing to cut their own throats and uncle Sam's too.
Then tell me, do you think the Russia investigation is in fact a distraction? I assume you don't. If you don't, what good can come from Sanders saying that?

By the way, Sanders excoriated Democrats for implementing the ACA because he wanted universal healthcare. Not that anybody could pass Universal Healthcare at the time.
The russian business is deadly serious and Bernie thinks so too from his many public statements. Ya can't fault Bernie for standing his ground against the corporate democrats like the Clintons who made the democratic party just another version of the republicans, betrayed the working people for corporate cash and took the only choice the people had away from them.

Even after they cheated him, he stood with them against Trump for the good of the country like the patriot he is. The week after the election when everybody was in shock, Bernie soldiered on and ya saw him a lot on TV. Cut Bernie some slack, he's one of the good guys who cares about the country. If Bernie went up against Trump he would have beat him like a fucking drum in 2016.
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Yeah, that isn't true.

Sanders did receive less coverage than Clinton in 2015. Which wasn't surprising given he had not yet won anything, and she was receiving more, let's not forget, it was mostly negative scrutiny over her use of a private server to handle email and never ending coverage of Benghazi.

Starting in Jan. the two have received very similar amounts of coverage, from January 4 to February 12, Sanders' campaign was covered for 32 minutes on the network newscasts -- less than Clinton (36 minutes) and Trump (51 minutes), but more than Ted Cruz (26 minutes) and Rubio (nine minutes).

Another study, by researchers at the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership and Policy, also found rough parity between the two.

Ev Boyle, the associate director of the center, and a group of researchers spent a week counting every mention of a candidate on 14 major news websites, including

"The Bernie Blackout isn't really a thing," Boyle concluded, noting that Sanders had close to the same level of coverage as Clinton, although both were far behind Trump.
You've done yer homework apparently, I heard that Bernie only got seconds of air time on ABC while they covered Trump's empty podium for a half hour. Bernie was the change candidate and that's what the people wanted above all else, with russian help Donald conned enough of them.

Bernie sure got a lot of air time right after the election though, while everybody else was in shock, Bernie carried on, another day at the office. Bernie also sowed the seeds of change and his disciples are running in 2018 with some success too.