The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
Imagine if the democrats win big in november and you work for the Trump administration, how long before the investigations and subpoenas begin? Lawyering up is gonna cost a fortune. The entire WH staff will resign in mass before january because all are gonna have to testify before congress and probably special commision(s) too. Nobody is gonna lie under oath for Donald when he might cut yer throat the next day as he has done with others. I'll bet half these assholes recorded their conversations with Trump to cover their asses in the future. I'll bet the russians recorded everything with Trump for years, if he farted in moscow they have it on tape.
i have a feeling when 'strong and powerful' putin and trump met alone, there was a laptop with some very special vids..


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Well-Known Member
23% of Americans are republicans and 88% of those approve of Trump's job performance, this is Trump's real base and when combined with the confused and ignorant independants (36%) amount to between 30 to 40% of the electorate. By the time Mueller is done with Trump those numbers should be closer to 30% by election day... The midterms are not looking good for the GOP and by the time november rolls around it will be even worse.
Amy Walter and Susan Page on Helsinski summit poll numbers, Trump factor in midterm races
Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report and Susan Page of USA Today join Judy Woodruff to discuss how President Trump’s controversial meeting in Helsinki with Vladimir Putin is playing out in the polls, how the president is affecting midterm campaigns around the country, and why Sen. Bernie Sanders and Democratic House candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were campaigning in Kansas.


Well-Known Member
Dear Donald...
Then why haven't you done anything to protect America? Also, why do you suck Putin's ass?

Not even the base is stupid enough to believe that one, a lie too far methinks.
Read the comments on that post. People are indeed dumb enough to believe it


Well-Known Member
Read the comments on that post. People are indeed dumb enough to believe it
30% won't win elections and if the GOP loses the house Trump is in trouble when Mueller presents his conclusions to congress. I figure Mueller has got Trump firmly by the balls with a rock solid case on multiple charges and the senate will have a hard time finding him innocent. I think by the time the midterms roll around the GOP senate majority might even be in trouble, even though they only have 8 seats open. The GOP has a lot of senate sets up for grabs in 2020 and if they are to have any hope at all, Trump will have to be a bad memory well before then.

Racism runs deep in america and across a sizable proportion of the electorate, but Donald is very bad and I don't think the GOP can overcome all the baggage and bullshit that go along with Trump. They have the majority of the white vote, but is it enough of it to win? Fortunately enough white folks are smart enough not fall for Trump and the party of stupid.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
30% won't win elections and if the GOP loses the house Trump is in trouble when Mueller presents his conclusions to congress. I figure Mueller has got Trump firmly by the balls with a rock solid case on multiple charges and the senate will have a hard time finding him innocent. I think by the time the midterms roll around the GOP senate majority might even be in trouble, even though they only have 8 seats open. The GOP has a lot of senate sets up for grabs in 2020 and if they are to have any hope at all, Trump will have to be a bad memory well before then.

Racism runs deep in america and across a sizable proportion of the electorate, but Donald is very bad and I don't think the GOP can overcome all the baggage and bullshit that go along with Trump. They have the majority of the white vote, but is it enough of it to win? Fortunately enough white folks are smart enough not fall for Trump and the party of stupid.
Millennials will probably save the country if they stay focused but i fear they are the NOW generation and will give up if they don't get what they want NOW
I'm a dying breed but maybe that is a good thing ...America has always been great to me ...warts and all :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Trump-ally congressmen introduce impeachment resolution against Deputy AG Rosenstein
(CNN)House Freedom Caucus leaders Reps. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan on Wednesday escalated their fight with the Justice Department, introducing a resolution to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

The resolution is not a sign that the House is about to vote to impeach Rosenstein, as House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte and House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy -- who have been pushing for documents from the Justice Department -- did not sign on. The House is also leaving for a month long recess after Thursday.
The resolution to impeach Rosenstein, which Meadows and his conservative allies have been threatening for weeks, is the strongest step that conservative allies of President Donald Trump have taken in their feud with Rosenstein and the Justice Department.
In a statement, Meadows said Rosenstein should be impeached because of the Justice Department stonewalling of congressional subpoenas, hiding information from Congress and for signing one of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant renewals for Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page.

By no means a done deal, just showboating for Trump, I don't think the senate would convict and I don't even think they can get a majority in the house to impeach, they have absolutely no case for starters. Any vote to impeach Rosenstein would happen at the start of election season after the upcoming break and not too many GOP house members want to be on the record for that during the election.