ACMPR searches.

Yes. If you have your papers, keep on growing. It's your Charter right as a patient.

Don't let them gaslight you like that. They are the ones in the wrong.
Who said that exactly? Seems you haven't read enough posts here. Thats the ONE thing people here all AGREE on. Nice misuse of the term gas lighting. Considering some don't know its meaning itd be hard to do willingly wouldnt it?
My parents are fairly well informed on it. And they were conservative in parenting. Hopefully more people will choose to look into once they sky doesn't fall come Oct.17.
Mine are beyond conservative in their thinking. My dad was a career military guy and never lost that mentality. They know I use cannabis, but we have never once talked about it and I don't smoke when I am around them.
Who said that exactly? Seems you haven't read enough posts here. Thats the ONE thing people here all AGREE on. Nice misuse of the term gas lighting. Considering some don't know its meaning itd be hard to do willingly wouldnt it?

Misuse? You misspelled the word and you want to correct me on its usage? That's rich. Making a patient question their sanity for their choice of medicine is indeed gaslighting.

Why are you being so argumentative, anyway?
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Mine are beyond conservative in their thinking. My dad was a career military guy and never lost that mentality. They know I use cannabis, but we have never once talked about it and I don't smoke when I am around them.
Well, you might want to remind your dad that Canadian soldiers have been using cannabis to treat PTSD for a long time. It was used during the Korean War to calm nerves, for example.
Well, you might want to remind your dad that Canadian soldiers have been using cannabis to treat PTSD for a long time. It was used during the Korean War to calm nerves, for example.

If only it was that easy. My MIL is really old school. She has no issue what we use for medicine, but she would never ever consider using it herself. She will not even take an aspirin. She is also very religious, but even if her god told her to take cannabis she still would not.
Well, you might want to remind your dad that Canadian soldiers have been using cannabis to treat PTSD for a long time. It was used during the Korean War to calm nerves, for example.
It was never an option during my dad's 33 year career that I am aware of, and definitely not for someone in his position. He is of the era that identifies all illegal drugs as one thing and therefore equates cannabis to heroin. I'm sure his views have soften somewhat with cannabis being in the news every week, but he'll just blame Trudeau for being a druggie! lol There ain't no changing that old boy's mind.
Misuse? You misspelled the word and you want to correct me on its usage? That's rich. Making a patient question their sanity for their choice of medicine is indeed gaslighting.

Why are you being so argumentative, anyway?
Yes, misuse. Use a dictionary or google if it's easier for ya. Correcting grammar on the internet is like winning the special Olympics. Congratulations you're still retarded. In order to gaslight someone youd have to have the INTENT on doing it. Otherwise its called having a differing opinion, because no one is intentionally or knowingly trying to convince anyone through manipulative means. Also, no one here has tried anything of the sort. Nice try though. Saddest fucking troll in awhile. 1/10
Yes, misuse. Use a dictionary or google if it's easier for ya. Correcting grammar on the internet is like winning the special Olympics. Congratulations you're still retarded. In order to gaslight someone youd have to have the INTENT on doing it. Otherwise its called having a differing opinion, because no one is intentionally or knowingly trying to convince anyone through manipulative means. Also, no one here has tried anything of the sort. Nice try though. Saddest fucking troll in awhile. 1/10
You haven't met my ex.
Well, you might want to remind your dad that Canadian soldiers have been using cannabis to treat PTSD for a long time. It was used during the Korean War to calm nerves, for example.

You might want to ask a serving member of our armed forces what the deal is before you go spouting off about what you know

Veterans use and have used cannabis for many years, yes, however if you are actively serving and are prescribed cannabis then you cannot be actively deployed and you will be either 1: removed from your post if in theater or 2: if not in theather and still have time left to complete in the forces you will be removed from any supervisory roll or command

One of my very good friends is stationed in Ontario, runs one of the shooting ranges at CFB Pettawawa, and is fairly broken .... it has been suggested to him by a few doctors to use cannabis but if he goes that route he looses his command as well as at the very best being posted to the reserves or at the very worst being honorably discharged early due to medical which in both cases would split his retirement income in half due to him not completing the contract that was agreed upon when entering the service

Might want to get your info straight before you start going off about vets and actively serving members of our forces ....
TL;DR if my boy goes to cannabis as an active member he loses his active status and half his pension (and the guy has been in 2 wars as well as a few minor confilcts in 20 years of service)
To stop the spread of bad info like this.

When has anyone ever had their license pulled for being a couple plants over? I'm not sure why you're panties are twisted because I shared anecdotes of people simply being told to destroy the excess plants. You're ridiculous.
I was just guessing the question mark??? geez...
Whos panties are twisted?
You might want to ask a serving member of our armed forces what the deal is before you go spouting off about what you know

Veterans use and have used cannabis for many years, yes, however if you are actively serving and are prescribed cannabis then you cannot be actively deployed and you will be either 1: removed from your post if in theater or 2: if not in theather and still have time left to complete in the forces you will be removed from any supervisory roll or command

One of my very good friends is stationed in Ontario, runs one of the shooting ranges at CFB Pettawawa, and is fairly broken .... it has been suggested to him by a few doctors to use cannabis but if he goes that route he looses his command as well as at the very best being posted to the reserves or at the very worst being honorably discharged early due to medical which in both cases would split his retirement income in half due to him not completing the contract that was agreed upon when entering the service

Might want to get your info straight before you start going off about vets and actively serving members of our forces ....
TL;DR if my boy goes to cannabis as an active member he loses his active status and half his pension (and the guy has been in 2 wars as well as a few minor confilcts in 20 years of service)

I served.

Yes, misuse. Use a dictionary or google if it's easier for ya. Correcting grammar on the internet is like winning the special Olympics. Congratulations you're still retarded. In order to gaslight someone youd have to have the INTENT on doing it. Otherwise its called having a differing opinion, because no one is intentionally or knowingly trying to convince anyone through manipulative means. Also, no one here has tried anything of the sort. Nice try though. Saddest fucking troll in awhile. 1/10

You don't get the irony of your comment.

PS. Intent? The intent is rather clear when someone tries to make a patient question their choice of cannabis. It's all about money and power, in the end.
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