ACMPR searches.

Most PPL/DG I've seen are far from being grown in clinical conditions, especially as most have pets that bring in contaminants from outdoors. Pretty much any lease I've ever signed says the landlords have permission to inspect the property if you're giving notice. It seems like you're reaching to justify a statement that was wrong.
That was tongue-in-cheek. Use HC's logic against them. It wouldn't matter what condition my room was in before they got there, I would claim losses after they left - because I can. I can see a landlord inspecting the property if you are 'giving notice' - but if you are planning a move, chances are your garden will be dismantled, so what's your point. And I don't need to reach to justify anything I post -
That was tongue-in-cheek. Use HC's logic against them. It wouldn't matter what condition my room was in before they got there, I would claim losses after they left - because I can. I can see a landlord inspecting the property if you are 'giving notice' - but if you are planning a move, chances are your garden will be dismantled, so what's your point. And I don't need to reach to justify anything I post -

You called me out earlier saying;

Bylaw and building super's would have no authority to determine plant counts - they would have no way of knowing what your script is - that is personal medical info. The only scenario would be the cops showing up during an investigation into illegal activity - and they would need a search warrant to enter. I call bullshit, too.

Since them you've been back peddling when I pointed out how that's absurd and your talking about things you don't know & making presumptions. Every point you've raised since then was illogical. I'm calling bullshit, you were wrong & just don't have the balls to admit it.
You called me out earlier saying;

Since them you've been back peddling when I pointed out how that's absurd and your talking about things you don't know & making presumptions. Every point you've raised since then was illogical. I'm calling bullshit, you were wrong & just don't have the balls to admit it.
so umm why are you here again?:?
You called me out earlier saying;

Since them you've been back peddling when I pointed out how that's absurd and your talking about things you don't know & making presumptions. Every point you've raised since then was illogical. I'm calling bullshit, you were wrong & just don't have the balls to admit it.
I stand by my statement that supers cannot know your legal plant count and could not report you if they did. They are not cops and using an inspection as a guise for HC enforcement is illegal. I'm not sure what the fuck you are talking about 'back peddling' - I haven't wavered one iota from my original post. Which points, exactly, were 'illogical'?
I've been around these parts a long time and I can and have apologized for being wrong in the past - that's not the case this time. I'm not sure why you are determined to start conflict, but ask anyone on this forum if I have the balls to to back myself...
so umm why are you here again?:?

To stop the spread of bad info like this.

I would think the first thing is... loss of license?

When has anyone ever had their license pulled for being a couple plants over? I'm not sure why you're panties are twisted because I shared anecdotes of people simply being told to destroy the excess plants. You're ridiculous.
I stand by my statement that supers cannot know your legal plant count and could not report you if they did. They are not cops and using an inspection as a guise for HC enforcement is illegal. I'm not sure what the fuck you are talking about 'back peddling' - I haven't wavered one iota from my original post. Which points, exactly, were 'illogical'?
I've been around these parts a long time and I can and have apologized for being wrong in the past - that's not the case this time. I'm not sure why you are determined to start conflict, but ask anyone on this forum if I have the balls to to back myself...

That's has nothing to do with my comment & if you think I'm bullshitting because you're distorting things I can see why you're confused.

You're saying it can't happen when I know someone that had an ongoing issue with his co-op because they saw his grow during a yearly inspection. Which happens in most subsidised housing, which a lot of patients live in if they're on disability. The co-op called the by-law to make sure the wiring was up to code, they called in the fire department to make sure it was safe. He had no right to refuse entry & had to allow it. During that whole ongoing process he was told he was over his count & had to destroy the excess.

At no point did I say imply HC was using supers as a guise. That's absurd & I don't know where you got that from but you need to reread the conversation. You've called me a liar when you misunderstood & drew wild conclusions unrelated to anything I said. I was simply correcting the wrong statement that if you're over your plant count they pull your license.
To stop the spread of bad info like this.

When has anyone ever had their license pulled for being a couple plants over? I'm not sure why you're panties are twisted because I shared anecdotes of people simply being told to destroy the excess plants. You're ridiculous.
only bad info is coming from you :idea:
and a right nasty mouth and attitude lol
That's has nothing to do with my comment & if you think I'm bullshitting because you're distorting things I can see why you're confused.

You're saying it can't happen when I know someone that had an ongoing issue with his co-op because they saw his grow during a yearly inspection. Which happens in most subsidised housing, which a lot of patients live in if they're on disability. The co-op called the by-law to make sure the wiring was up to code, they called in the fire department to make sure it was safe. He had no right to refuse entry & had to allow it. During that whole ongoing process he was told he was over his count & had to destroy the excess.

At no point did I say imply HC was using supers as a guise. That's absurd & I don't know where you got that from but you need to reread the conversation. You've called me a liar when you misunderstood & drew wild conclusions unrelated to anything I said. I was simply correcting the wrong statement that if you're over your plant count they pull your license.
How does bylaw, or the fire department know what the plant count is - you do not have to reveal that to anybody but law enforcement. First you claim it happened during yearly inspections and then change it to when some had given notice, now you're on about inspections on disabled subsidized housing residents. I think YOU are confused. Even if you have your pinks posted and they read it, they have no authority to comment much less order you to destroy anything. At most they could contact police and report their suspicions.
I never accused you of bullshitting or being a liar, I simply said I don't think it could legally go down like that. Maybe your buddies should get a lawyer and sue.I also never said anything about anyone pulling anybody's license for any reason - perhaps it's you who should reread the conversation. You are picking a fight with the wrong guy dude - Folks are allowed to disagree with what you're saying - it's up to you whether you want to listen. I have 40 years of cannabis activism under my belt and I am pretty informed about most things cannabis - especially legal issues and rights. You need to sit back, smoke a fatty and relax, bud - I'm not the enemy. But I could be....
I believe plant counts are somewhat irrelevant but it is a question of if you’re growing or not.
My condo sent around an amendment to the by laws banning smoking vaping or growing of cannabis. Of course cigars and cigarettes are still allowed in the units.
There’s enough shit going on in the building that brings them in a few times a year.
The access needed (fire alarms, heating and cooling units) is only in the common areas but I have had to have tradespeople in my en suite for various reasons and they’ve seen my tents.
I’ve had to go legal as a result. The condo nazis don’t know anything about plant counts but it’s a there or not thing.
How does bylaw, or the fire department know what the plant count is - you do not have to reveal that to anybody but law enforcement. First you claim it happened during yearly inspections and then change it to when some had given notice, now you're on about inspections on disabled subsidized housing residents. I think YOU are confused. Even if you have your pinks posted and they read it, they have no authority to comment much less order you to destroy anything. At most they could contact police and report their suspicions.
I never accused you of bullshitting or being a liar, I simply said I don't think it could legally go down like that. Maybe your buddies should get a lawyer and sue.I also never said anything about anyone pulling anybody's license for any reason - perhaps it's you who should reread the conversation. You are picking a fight with the wrong guy dude - Folks are allowed to disagree with what you're saying - it's up to you whether you want to listen. I have 40 years of cannabis activism under my belt and I am pretty informed about most things cannabis - especially legal issues and rights. You need to sit back, smoke a fatty and relax, bud - I'm not the enemy. But I could be....

You really aren't reading very well. Most patients I've known have their licenses posted, as I've said many times. So anyone can look at them at check the plant count, it's the easiest way to avoid hassles. If you hide it & make the police come that's your choice but most people (myself included) don't create unnecessary stress just to hide our legal activity.

Again, you're misreading it. I've never changed my story, I made a simple statement about police or by-law checking licensed grows that you grossly misinterpreted. I stated that yearly inspections are common in some buildings & unit because you don't seem to have a clue about tenant/landlord rights. Prove me wrong by going through my comments and quoting these supposed contradictions.

Sure they could argue that the police are the only ones that can enforce the law but that's just begging for trouble. Which is stupid if you're over your plant count, why would anyone make an issue of it when they're breaking the law & have been caught growing more then their allowed?

I never said that you made the false assertion about HC pulling licenses. I quoted the comment that cause me to reply because it's horribly wrong & no one had corrected it yet. That's spiralled into you calling bullshit and saying it couldn't happen.

I call bullshit, too.

So if you didn't accuse me of bullshitting them what are you calling bullshit on?

If your argument is that anyone caught breaking the law by growing more plants then they're legally allowed should fight it and force the police/HC to get involved, that just seems absurd and pointless.
I believe plant counts are somewhat irrelevant but it is a question of if you’re growing or not.
My condo sent around an amendment to the by laws banning smoking vaping or growing of cannabis. Of course cigars and cigarettes are still allowed in the units.
There’s enough shit going on in the building that brings them in a few times a year.
The access needed (fire alarms, heating and cooling units) is only in the common areas but I have had to have tradespeople in my en suite for various reasons and they’ve seen my tents.
I’ve had to go legal as a result. The condo nazis don’t know anything about plant counts but it’s a there or not thing.

They can't ban medical grows as you have a constitutional right to grow your own medicine, even whether banning recreational grows is legal is questionable. Whether it's worth fighting the condo board over it is a personal issue but legally a condo board can't supercede our constitutional rights to grow our own meds.
That's has nothing to do with my comment & if you think I'm bullshitting because you're distorting things I can see why you're confused.

You're saying it can't happen when I know someone that had an ongoing issue with his co-op because they saw his grow during a yearly inspection. Which happens in most subsidised housing, which a lot of patients live in if they're on disability. The co-op called the by-law to make sure the wiring was up to code, they called in the fire department to make sure it was safe. He had no right to refuse entry & had to allow it. During that whole ongoing process he was told he was over his count & had to destroy the excess.

At no point did I say imply HC was using supers as a guise. That's absurd & I don't know where you got that from but you need to reread the conversation. You've called me a liar when you misunderstood & drew wild conclusions unrelated to anything I said. I was simply correcting the wrong statement that if you're over your plant count they pull your license.
Unless you're leaving out key details, how did they know his legal plant count? He SHOULD have told them to kick rocks and tell them to have the cops come do it. IF they're a legal patient, why go over plant count to begin with? Lol seems pretty fucking stupid. Ask your doctor for a script increase. Unless they're bullshitting to get into the medical program and were given a low script do to an ingrown toenail they got 7 years ago.

Anyone short of someone you may have registered to help you in the garden, the cops are the only ones allowed in. You are well within your legal rights. Seems some people don't know those so well.....
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You really aren't reading very well. Most patients I've known have their licenses posted, as I've said many times. So anyone can look at them at check the plant count, it's the easiest way to avoid hassles. If you hide it & make the police come that's your choice but most people (myself included) don't create unnecessary stress just to hide our legal activity.

Again, you're misreading it. I've never changed my story, I made a simple statement about police or by-law checking licensed grows that you grossly misinterpreted. I stated that yearly inspections are common in some buildings & unit because you don't seem to have a clue about tenant/landlord rights. Prove me wrong by going through my comments and quoting these supposed contradictions.

Sure they could argue that the police are the only ones that can enforce the law but that's just begging for trouble. Which is stupid if you're over your plant count, why would anyone make an issue of it when they're breaking the law & have been caught growing more then their allowed?

I never said that you made the false assertion about HC pulling licenses. I quoted the comment that cause me to reply because it's horribly wrong & no one had corrected it yet. That's spiralled into you calling bullshit and saying it couldn't happen.

So if you didn't accuse me of bullshitting them what are you calling bullshit on?

If your argument is that anyone caught breaking the law by growing more plants then they're legally allowed should fight it and force the police/HC to get involved, that just seems absurd and pointless.
I read just fine son. It is clear you have no interest in a adult conversation, only in trying to validate your claims. I am not going to go through your posts to prove you wrong - the entire forum can form their own opinions - I'm still backing what I wrote. A municipality cannot interfere with your garden, they have no way to verify plant counts and they have no authority to determine if anyone is "breaking the law". They most definitely do not have the authority to order the destruction of personal property. I have been a medical user/grower since 2012 and never once heard of any cop showing up to inspect a medical grow without a warrant for a criminal investigation. Random inspection by HC have never happened."If your argument is that anyone caught breaking the law by growing more plants then they're legally allowed should fight it and force the police/HC to get involved, that just seems absurd and pointless." When did I ever use that argument? I said no one outside of the police is able to determine if any laws have been broken. Landlords and fire inspectors are not law enforcement and cannot act as judge, jury and executioner. Unless they have a badge and a gun, they have no more authority to identify crime or enforce compliance than your mom.To believe anything else is what is absurd.
I've been a landlord and a renter - I've been to court on tenant issues 4 times - I might know a thing or two about "Landlord/Tenant rights". Simply owning a dwelling that someone else resided in did not give me police powers.
I tried to have a respectful discussion, but I think you need to grow up first. This conversation is over until that happens.
They can't ban medical grows as you have a constitutional right to grow your own medicine, even whether banning recreational grows is legal is questionable. Whether it's worth fighting the condo board over it is a personal issue but legally a condo board can't supercede our constitutional rights to grow our own meds.
Yes. If you have your papers, keep on growing. It's your Charter right as a patient.

Don't let them gaslight you like that. They are the ones in the wrong.