You really aren't reading very well. Most patients I've known have their licenses posted, as I've said many times. So anyone can look at them at check the plant count, it's the easiest way to avoid hassles. If you hide it & make the police come that's your choice but most people (myself included) don't create unnecessary stress just to hide our legal activity.
Again, you're misreading it. I've never changed my story, I made a simple statement about police or by-law checking licensed grows that you grossly misinterpreted. I stated that yearly inspections are common in some buildings & unit because you don't seem to have a clue about tenant/landlord rights. Prove me wrong by going through my comments and quoting these supposed contradictions.
Sure they could argue that the police are the only ones that can enforce the law but that's just begging for trouble. Which is stupid if you're over your plant count, why would anyone make an issue of it when they're breaking the law & have been caught growing more then their allowed?
I never said that you made the false assertion about HC pulling licenses. I quoted the comment that cause me to reply because it's horribly wrong & no one had corrected it yet. That's spiralled into you calling bullshit and saying it couldn't happen.
So if you didn't accuse me of bullshitting them what are you calling bullshit on?
If your argument is that anyone caught breaking the law by growing more plants then they're legally allowed should fight it and force the police/HC to get involved, that just seems absurd and pointless.