RIP infowars

the confederate flag still waves in some places waving higher than the american flag.

Are you really high, sweetie? Cause what does that have to do with what I said?

Buck was talking about radicalized Republicans. He acts like that a return to their philosophy of ending slavery is bad with his comment.

Or does your comment mean you want "the south will rise again!" as your new slogan?
Or we can pick Buzzfeed, where the one guy is so embarrassed from something 100% not his fault, the genes you're born with.

"Did you see what happened to Pocahontas." Implying his 2.5% Native American, meant one of his ancestors raped.

If that's true, and how he got it. What does it matter? What did he do? But it's magically better if you self deprecate. You can then "white wash" yourself of some fake guilt to feel better.

Who knew. Both sides have simple minds.

Are you trying to defend infowars with your deflection?
Or we can pick Buzzfeed, where the one guy is so embarrassed from something 100% not his fault, the genes you're born with.

"Did you see what happened to Pocahontas." Implying his 2.5% Native American, meant one of his ancestors raped.

If that's true, and how he got it. What does it matter? What did he do? But it's magically better if you self deprecate. You can then "white wash" yourself of some fake guilt to feel better.

Who knew. Both sides have simple minds.

No one likes you
Authoritarian right wingers deny the 1st and rely on the 2nd to keep others from using it.

Sic Semper Tryannis



Alex Jones removed from Facebook? So what!.. In 2016 we removed Hillary from the planet and erased Obama since. That makes up for 100 Alex Jones plus few O'Reilly's and Barr's thrown in there.
The Radical Republicans were a left-wing party whose goal was dissolve slavery. Since slavery ended, they themselves dissolved in 1877.

Are you saying you wish slavery was back? Who do you want to own as your slave? What would you do with said slave?

But to do such, would make you a member of the right-wing. Could you live with such a switch in philosophy? Would it be for the greater good?
Are you implying you rape little black babies? It sure sounds like it.
Alex Jones removed from Facebook? So what!.. In 2016 we removed Hillary from the planet and erased Obama since. That makes up for 100 Alex Jones plus few O'Reilly's and Barr's thrown in there.
The biggest snowflakes with the tiniest penises seem to have the biggest obsession over Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Lemmi guess, your whore mother gets dicked-down by a big black dude, that's why you are hating on Hillary and Obama so bad.
Pretty sure we use a firing squad or long drop hanging. Although guillotine would be awesome; but, we mustn’t lose our heads, I suppose. :dunce:

how about death by the Bolsheviks method?

we get the whole family to dig their own mass grave..then 'pop'! goes the treason weasels..trump jr divorce is final and she got everything (my how quick and convenient)..ivanka dissolves company (she wants to hang with K St folks). the trumps are giving their things away..what do you men think that means?

where ARE the immigrant children?
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