What did you accomplish today?

Oh. I forgot. That two, five gallon buckets, is jus tomatoes. Ive done about that much in beans. About half that in various other vegetables.

I am growing okra, squash and zucchini this year.

Yeah but you have no idea what you're missing with me gone. I bet you that people in Winnetka would tell you that things got a little dimmer in 2016 when I left. Just... not in English, so you'd have to translate.
Winnetka was a rather cool undeveloped place in the early 60's. Myself and some buddies were exploring(we were from Burbank) and came upon Pierce College so we went poking around on this Sat afternoon. We saw this huge barn and heard strange noises. Walked in and a few guys were slaughtering hogs mass production style. Was pretty interesting
Winnetka was a rather cool undeveloped place in the early 60's. Myself and some buddies were exploring(we were from Burbank) and came upon Pierce College so we went poking around on this Sat afternoon. We saw this huge barn and heard strange noises. Walked in and a few guys were slaughtering hogs mass production style. Was pretty interesting
What sort of pork swords did they use for this evolution?
Winnetka was a rather cool undeveloped place in the early 60's. Myself and some buddies were exploring(we were from Burbank) and came upon Pierce College so we went poking around on this Sat afternoon. We saw this huge barn and heard strange noises. Walked in and a few guys were slaughtering hogs mass production style. Was pretty interesting
You have got great cemetery stories. LA is dimmer without your star, or is that tracers?
What sort of pork swords did they use for this evolution?
Like this:

They were hogs used to people, raised by the Ag students, so they were quite docile. They have around 5 at a time, a guy would shoot them in the head, other guys would rig a chain to the hind feet and they'd be lifted and guys would go to work with the knives. They were gutted, skinned, then hosed off and lowered onto a trailer that took the carcasses in to the processing butchery
Like this:

They were hogs used to people, raised by the Ag students, so they were quite docile. They have around 5 at a time, a guy would shoot them in the head, other guys would rig a chain to the hind feet and they'd be lifted and guys would go to work with the knives. They were gutted, skinned, then hosed off and lowered onto a trailer that took the carcasses in to the processing butchery
I haz a cimeter
I still don't like pimento cheese
A guilty pleasure is the little jar of Kraft over processed pimento cheese shit you put on celery and bread, I loved that shit on bread, sigh....

no me gusta so slimy
It's not slimy when done right. My daughter in law can cook it wonderfully and of course if you deep fry it yum! I'd eat a piece of cardboard if they deep fried it in a decent batter with garlic aioli
A guilty pleasure is the little jar of Kraft over processed pimento cheese shit you put on celery and bread, I loved that shit on bread, sigh....

It's not slimy when done right. My daughter in law can cook it wonderfully and of course if you deep fry it yum! I'd eat a piece of cardboard if they deep fried it in a decent batter with garlic aioli
Oh sweet Jesus yes that puts me in mind of "Langosh" deep-fried garlic bread in the park in Vienna
The new recent jobs you've had that didn't work out for you also didn't work out for the person before you, so it's probably not you, keep looking, sometimes it takes a while to get a job that you can be comfortable with.
Thank you for the kind words. The interview today was beautiful. They hired me on the spot. The doc I will be working with was hands down the most Down to earth personable doc I have ever had a conversation with. She had no pretentious vibe about at all. Its a contract to hire L.A county job. Laid back!!!Insane benifits with a pension.
A guilty pleasure is the little jar of Kraft over processed pimento cheese shit you put on celery and bread, I loved that shit on bread, sigh....

It's not slimy when done right. My daughter in law can cook it wonderfully and of course if you deep fry it yum! I'd eat a piece of cardboard if they deep fried it in a decent batter with garlic aioli
Yep. I've only had it sliced, breaded (cornmeal?) and fried in a skillet. The thinner the slices, the less chance of slime. Loved it.
I still don't like pimento cheese
I'm a large frame guy. 6 foot even. I'm wide. I had to be taped in the military. If it went by the suggested bmi I would look anorexic.

I refused to buy from thier commissary. It's a rip off. It's messed up at what they charge for that stuff. The phone cards should be outlawed at those prices.

Jail food is horrible. I've been to one jail that had good food.

Not only that but the shit you can get from thier commissary is junk food.

I guess my point was I tried several things I didn't like.
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