Seeds sprout but no growth?


Well-Known Member
Hey all first post.
Just pick up some seeds. White widow. I did the 24ish Hr soak in RO water. All 3 that I threw in split and the tap root started to show. Planted in peat and perlite 1/8 deep. Thats when things halted.
Medium is wet but not too wet. I'm thinking the seeds may be bunk. I tried 6 straight in the peat first and I had one grow. Looks like most started and then quit. Doesn't really look like an infection and the seeds were supposed to be regular any insight? Relatively new to herb but have a green thumb.
How long do you let the tap root get before going to regular media?
Hey all first post.
Just pick up some seeds. White widow. I did the 24ish Hr soak in RO water. All 3 that I threw in split and the tap root started to show. Planted in peat and perlite 1/8 deep. Thats when things halted.
Medium is wet but not too wet. I'm thinking the seeds may be bunk. I tried 6 straight in the peat first and I had one grow. Looks like most started and then quit. Doesn't really look like an infection and the seeds were supposed to be regular any insight? Relatively new to herb but have a green thumb.
How long do you let the tap root get before going to regular media?

Could be a bad batch, I just germinated 3 seeds the past 4-5 days and only 1 of the seeds taproot successfully made it to sprout. The other two popped out enough to plant so I put it into some coco and they grew barley anymore, then just died out. Usually they say 1/4 to 1/2 in taproot.

There are many factors behind a failed bean.
Hey all first post.
Just pick up some seeds. White widow. I did the 24ish Hr soak in RO water. All 3 that I threw in split and the tap root started to show. Planted in peat and perlite 1/8 deep. Thats when things halted.
Medium is wet but not too wet. I'm thinking the seeds may be bunk. I tried 6 straight in the peat first and I had one grow. Looks like most started and then quit. Doesn't really look like an infection and the seeds were supposed to be regular any insight? Relatively new to herb but have a green thumb.
How long do you let the tap root get before going to regular media?
If the seed doesnt sprout within a week then there might be cause for concern. Dont water everyday, let it dry out on the top until it is dry. Then water. Do this wet/dry cycle for about the first two weeks it helps establish the root system.
Thanks for the input folks. Does colloidal silver cause weak seed? These are supposed to be "o"natural but you know how that goes sometimes.
Soaking and planting after taproot shows are gemerally for the more advanced and will be the reason most of your seeds have failed. Water soil and plant and you will probably get higher germination rate.

Coll. silver again not recomended here :-)
Soaking and planting after taproot shows are gemerally for the more advanced and will be the reason most of your seeds have failed. Water soil and plant and you will probably get higher germination rate.

Coll. silver again not recomended here :-)
I soak them in water but I dont leave it in there for exactly 24hrs more like 16 or 18 just to be on the safe side.
Soaking and planting after taproot shows are gemerally for the more advanced and will be the reason most of your seeds have failed. Water soil and plant and you will probably get higher germination rate.

Coll. silver again not recomended here :-)

I was under the impression it was recommended by most seed breeders. Not sure how this is such an advanced method.
Ya the first 6 went direct into pete perlite and 1 is growing. Thus the water napkin tec.
I have some king tut sprouting now and so far they look better. Will be going into media today. On that note. Maybe Rockwool would be the thing to try with these stubborn WW after the soak?
I was under the impression it was recommended by most seed breeders. Not sure how this is such an advanced method.

Kindgrow is right!

Soaking is NOT a recommended method by any top breeder! In fact, many are now not honoring ANY kind of guarantee if you soak!

Greenthumb and Matt Riot flat out tell you so on their sites, AND Greenthumb in notes/instructions he sends with the order too!

Here's why.
When you soak beans. The water can be of varying dissolved O2 content.
Low O2 content water makes for seeds drowning. (What yours did)
RO, distilled and any water left out to remover chlorine, etc. Will also be very low in dissolved O2!

The seeds may pop or even not! The seeds need that O2 to grow and at all stages. Beans must have it to actually start growth. That tap root needs it to continue growth or drown in poor water.

Even with the use of the paper towel method....I always add a few drops of H2O2 to that water I use to soak the towel with.

Many still do this method, some with shorter soak times but, Having almost perfect success with the PT method in 24 - 48 hrs....I won't use it for anything but Beet seeds now...
i've started just using a heating mat and planting straight in the soil. put them one inch down, keep them warm, and they'll pop. the inch of soil helps them push the seed coat off, and they come up vigorous and ready to grow.
if you sprout them then plant them, its like transplant shock imo, you're taking them from basically a hydroponic medium and putting them in soil, changing their whole world.
Ya the first 6 went direct into pete perlite and 1 is growing. Thus the water napkin tec.
I have some king tut sprouting now and so far they look better. Will be going into media today. On that note. Maybe Rockwool would be the thing to try with these stubborn WW after the soak?

Just dont bother soaking and stuff, all this increases fails. Rockwool is another beast, id stick to getting soil germination right first :-)
if you have some that don't want to pop, try scarifying the shells. get a piece of 100 grit sandpaper, roll it into a tube you can cap with your fingers, drop your beans in there and shake them for about a minute. the little nicks and gouges in the seeds will allow water to penetrate and soften the shell a lot better
I was under the impression it was recommended by most seed breeders. Not sure how this is such an advanced method.

Its not an advanced method but when newbies get seeds they seem to want to try everything but the simplest tried most reliable easiest straight to soil 100% germination rate method.

How much time or extra yeild or super growth do you think all these seed soaking priming tap root methods are giving you over soil? Not a damn thing.

So its not the method of soaking thats advanced its your weird learning curve that has yet to advance and as such i say that any method of germination but the simplest is advanced for a beginner and he should start at the basics like with anything.

Next youll want calmag benies additives uv light leds co2 before youve even learnt to do a soil grow with just a + b.

Like an epidemic recently :-)
I never soak seeds and get close to 100% germination rate planting direct. I don't have time to play with seeds. I plant them like mother nature intended and they grow. It's pretty simple.
I just got a batch of old seeds and only had 2 out of 10 of one strain and 4 out of 10 of another.

I used paper towel method (used for many years) and have found that with old seeds often when you put them in soil they kinda stop.

I have found that if I dig down a little (without actually touching seedhead) and expose just the very top of the seed and place under light they will grow.

All 6 of the 20 seeds I just had come up only 2 actually penetrated the soil surface and those two (plus all others) had to take hull off and pinch cotyledons with fingernail to get them to open.

Found that even if most of cotyledons are missing (or half etc.) as long as the tips to first true leaves appear then you got it!

More pics and guide at my grow...see sig.

some seedling progression pics:


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soaking isn't bad, but i try not to let them actually pop in the water when i was doing it, it just softens up the seed shell, if it's a good vigorous plant it shouldn't have any trouble gettin it's jimmy hat off.