The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

She gives him the "evil eye" enough to burn him to dust. When Donald goes to prison she will soon be free of Donald with whatever money Donald has left. When the dam breaks, a lot of people are gonna turn on Trump like a pack of dogs, his wife will be one of them, she'll be a real BITCH!

Maybe they will take the "FREE DONALD" movement on the road though, there might be money to be made and suckers to fleece! The base is out there and they are a gullible bunch of morons who can be cultivated and milked like a herd of cows. These are pre qualified suckers and are valuable to any grifter who wants easy cash. Maybe they will start the church or Trump and have a golden statue of a crucified Donald crown of thorns and all erected that they can worship and have processions around carrying tiki torches...

death by dog..

James Wood tweeted someone bubble wrapped Hillary :lol:

Your desperation is palpable
just in on putin summit helsinki:

'why did they choose that reporter because the question was too hard for me?' -blood orange toddler-in-chief
I don't know why people have a hard time believing that the GOP would sell out this country in a attempt to seize power and hold on to it permanently by colluding with Russia and committing treason. The Confederacy has been rebranded to the GOP and they tried to destroy this country once to continue their disgusting agenda and they're doing it again,pretty simple.
You know what scares me? Cheeto Jesus has had so much luck that I bet he gets a second term in office. The scenario plays out like this:

Cheeto the Beloved will get away with collusion/conspiracy but will be hit for money laundering and other underhanded shit. His base will cry so hard that those things mean nothing and he didn't hurt America at all. The trial will drag on for months and months and in the end his hand picked supreme court will vote 6 - 3 in favor of him being innocent of any crimes against America. He will be pardoned and his worshipers will flock around him in bigly numbers carrying signs with "KKK" and "Guns for Tots" and "Make America White Again".

Trump gets 4 more years cause his base rallies the country and the Russians interfere with the Bernie people again and the democrats fall apart at the seams. Hillary makes a last desperate attempt to be the first woman pres but jumps off a 2 story building after the stunning loss only to survive with 2 broken legs and a bad hair day.

I feel for you America. I pray that this wont happen but with Cheeto around........ya never know :blsmoke:
You know what scares me? Cheeto Jesus has had so much luck that I bet he gets a second term in office. The scenario plays out like this:

Cheeto the Beloved will get away with collusion/conspiracy but will be hit for money laundering and other underhanded shit. His base will cry so hard that those things mean nothing and he didn't hurt America at all. The trial will drag on for months and months and in the end his hand picked supreme court will vote 6 - 3 in favor of him being innocent of any crimes against America. He will be pardoned and his worshipers will flock around him in bigly numbers carrying signs with "KKK" and "Guns for Tots" and "Make America White Again".

Trump gets 4 more years cause his base rallies the country and the Russians interfere with the Bernie people again and the democrats fall apart at the seams. Hillary makes a last desperate attempt to be the first woman pres but jumps off a 2 story building after the stunning loss only to survive with 2 broken legs and a bad hair day.

I feel for you America. I pray that this wont happen but with Cheeto around........ya never know :blsmoke:

never say never..but in this case..nyet.
You know what scares me? Cheeto Jesus has had so much luck that I bet he gets a second term in office. The scenario plays out like this:

Cheeto the Beloved will get away with collusion/conspiracy but will be hit for money laundering and other underhanded shit. His base will cry so hard that those things mean nothing and he didn't hurt America at all. The trial will drag on for months and months and in the end his hand picked supreme court will vote 6 - 3 in favor of him being innocent of any crimes against America. He will be pardoned and his worshipers will flock around him in bigly numbers carrying signs with "KKK" and "Guns for Tots" and "Make America White Again".

Trump gets 4 more years cause his base rallies the country and the Russians interfere with the Bernie people again and the democrats fall apart at the seams. Hillary makes a last desperate attempt to be the first woman pres but jumps off a 2 story building after the stunning loss only to survive with 2 broken legs and a bad hair day.

I feel for you America. I pray that this wont happen but with Cheeto around........ya never know :blsmoke:
I think Donald is gonna go down for the whole ball of wax, he's been indolent, impulsive and reckless his entire life making enemies all along the way. His only hope is to jump on AF1 when the shit really hits the fan and head for moscow on a one way trip. Asylum and blackmail are Vlad's hold over Trump now, Donald will do ANYTHING to avoid jail and humiliation, he would do "deep state coup" bullshit propaganda from moscow to the hate filled 5th column morons back home. Donald is delusional enough to believe he could be a treasonous fugitive living in moscow and retain his property in the west.

Make no mistake much of this is about money, Vlad's and he's got piles of it stashed in the west, when the dust settles on this shit he's gonna lose that money and probably his life too, you don't do this shit to America and live, or ya shouldn't. Like Obama had to deal with Osma a patriotic democratic president will probably snuff Vlad for the safety of the USA and the good of the world. Cold war level sanctions on russia are coming along with a host of other undreamed of measures, if they want internet access they will have to get it through China, if they wanna deal with the malware and viruses that pour out of the place.
Liberal Redneck - Vlad n Donnie 2gether 4ever
Trump is either in some lizard form of love with Vladimir Putin or he's as terrified of him as the Russian people, but either way it's bad for us and nothing makes any god damn sense anymore.
Liberal Redneck - Vlad n Donnie 2gether 4ever
Trump is either in some lizard form of love with Vladimir Putin or he's as terrified of him as the Russian people, but either way it's bad for us and nothing makes any god damn sense anymore.

if you're a trump supporter papaw, you need to go back to papaw school, lol....

so true....

fuck nazi's and russsians....