'Active Duty Discharge' The military is purging experienced personnel on flimsy excuses

He doesn't track conversations very well.

Just saying, she gets confused and it somehow becomes somebody else's problem.
So NASA is an Authoritative figure in your life, good too know.....

Fogdog I care bro, I care what some dude in Oregon has to say, big time.
So NASA is an Authoritative figure in your life, good too know.....

Fogdog I care bro, I care what some dude in Oregon has to say, big time.
You know the advances made for/by the space program are likely the reason you're able to type and instantly send your bullshit to the world...

I'd imagine he has an encyclopedic knowledge of the secrets of the plasma beings.
Plasma beings is higher knowledge than mundane conspiracy theories. More like religion than delusional paranoid fake conspiracy theories.


I mean, just look at this guy. Wouldn't you pay money to attend one of his seminars about Plasma Beings?

Then again, maybe ribbin knows. I'll ask him.
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this may not be the place for you.....
we're not really interested in peace and well being while our country is being raped by trump and his buddies.
and honestly, many of us aren't really interested in it in general. the world is full of conflict, in the human, animal, and insect world. even plants use other plants to get ahead......it's a savage garden, don't go out without your parasol

I appreciate your reply, but I believe that the Owners of RIU would beg to differ on this topic, as they actually would be concerned with the integrity of its members, would they not?
Plasma beings is higher knowledge than mundane conspiracy theories. More like religion than delusional paranoid fake conspiracy theories.


I mean, just look at this guy. Wouldn't you pay money to attend one of his seminars about Plasma Beings?

Then again, maybe ribbin knows. I'll ask him.
All in all, what is there to be worried over Fogdog? It's a simple positive or negative argument, either you believe or you don't, is it really worth making each other look silly over?

Besides I like the pic, seems like a fantastic fellow.

I was well aware I would receive some kick back from my post/posts I was simply replying that multiple people disagreeing with me isn't going to stop me, I didn't mean that I actually don't care, and I do hope all is well in Oregon and for what it's worth I hope you can feel that I meant no harm to you in this reply.

I feel unless we can mutually agree to discuss this with respect for one another then this particular aspect of the current discussion will have to be discarded.
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fake but I also don't believe in God nor Christopher Columbus and his discovery. Now Santa is up for debate. I was told I am :shock:
I think we can simply disagree on the 9-11 issue. From what I've read of your posts on this matter, you are skeptical and (IMO) find the official explanation difficult to agree with. Same with the Kennedy assassination, which I recall you also have difficulty with the official story. Fake conspiracy lunatics start with cynicism and they have a long list of theories that are consistent with their cynicism about what we hear from the media or government.

Meanwhile I have my bingo game to get on with.
Yes but the Deep State decides what the reaction is to be before the population even knows that the next new big story is, Donald Trump isn't making every move that is being made, just as Obama, and Bush, and Clinton didn't make the moves that they took the blame for either.

You really think Bush pulled off 9/11 by himself? The man was in a classroom hundreds of miles away, reading story books upside down to kids. The Deep State had an agenda and the whole 9/11 story got diverted to Iraq, and yeah Bush played it off well, but the Deep State definitely didn't offer any consolation as to why they dropped the twin towers and dragged us into war, did they?

This is all part of the Deep States agenda timeline, Trump has very little say in almost any real decision that is made, he's just the man they summon when a policy needs signing into Law. No president of America has any real power, it's all just illusion of Power, the illusion that the decision is being made by him, it's all been perpetuated for decades, way past Kennedy even.
Don’t you have contacts in the deep state @ttystikk? What’s there take on this?