DIY with Quantum Boards

Oh, alright... For the sake of the thread! But I must admit it's been fun - he's just too easy to mess with.
How are you messing with me? You're just refusing to acknowledge basic logic regarding this topic, calling me a troll, while you admit that you're the one who is trolling. You've already admitted that you have no idea what I've been talking about. Try quoting anything I've said that you claim is nonsensical, and try explaining why.
The only thing he is doing is destroying peoples threads, people like that should make their on bullshit thread and leave others alone.
That's sort of the point. And its working very well. Killing the hype of a sham company is my incentive.
Ignore this idiot and we'll get or thread back.. 20 pages of Bullshit.. Just stop, all of you, this is ridiculous!!
Good luck growing in cups my dude.
Heres where i heard the Samsung partner talk, start video at 12:40

Ok, so what is the confusion here if the video is right there...? Do you guys not hear the audio clearly, or what?
The new boards have shipped, produced by Samsung, so we've kind of strategically partnered with Samsung on some of our products, so they'll be making the QB288 V2.
How does that turn into this:

Maybe someone should tell Samsung HLG is faking a partnership with them based on a simple agreement to produce some of their products for them, which are assembled in China.

If that ain't a thread killer, idk what is. Think I'm going to email Samsung corporate and see what they have to say about this 'OFFICIAL Horticulture Partnership'. May also mention the new addition to the 'Quantum Board' market, Jerry @ KingBrite. Wonder what their response is going to be.

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I wish him many customers..........who are just like him!

Isn't he starting his own light business? He said they have a web site and are getting ready to launch. Not a good idea to bash a competitor who has helped a lot of people here. I like how all these LED guys are very helpful and civil towards each other on these forums. CobKits, HLG and others - always top notch.

It is really bad form for this guy to bash people. I think the dude must be young and has no idea what karma is.
what is the benifit to running series vs parallel?

i know if something goes wrong in it it could fry the other boards attached to it.

and what would a 4x4 tent for flower look like with 120/132 boards? or i guess how many boards and what wattage. I thought 300w would flower a 2x4 maybe im compairing cob wattage vs qb and they arent equal?
Both methods have their good points and bad. its a matter of choice but It also matters when choosing a driver. A CC + CV can run either type circuit. A CC driver provides constant current. Lets say you have a driver rated at 2100ma. That means it will provide each COB, etc in a series circuit with the same2100ma while it will divide its voltage output among the number of COBs etc, up to its maximum rating. so if you have four, 50 volt boards in series the driver will need to provide 200V and 2100 ma. The down side of the series circuit is the voltage adds up in the circuit. If you COB holder is rated for 150 volts your above rating in a 200V circuit and could face failure of the part. A parallel circuit won't work on a CC drive it doesn't have enough voltage to run that way. A CV driver is the exact opposite. it provides consant voltage across the LEDs but would divide the amperage among the COBs or boards. lets use that 2100ma again. You wire a Cv in parallel so you divide the amperage by the number of COBs. 3 COBs would get 700ma each. The potential problem with parallel is the potential of thermal runaway. This could supposedly happen when the Vf ( forward voltage of a cob or board doesn't match that of the other COBs or boards. Personally, I've not seen this and I suspect there would need to be a fairly large discrepancy to begin with. I won't say it can't happen, but I've not seen an example on the forum. I run two QB light strings in parallel and have not had any issues. I chose parallel as I'm running QB 304, 100V boards in one giving fewer driver choices because of the high voltage. I aslo run 2 QB 120 on a constant current driver in parallel as the CC driver only compensate a small voltage range say, 47-47 Volts. QB120 are nominnal 24V boards so i have to run them in parallel on a constant current driver so that the voltage is shared by the boards and each board gets the 2000ma the driver provides.

Sorry, i didn't see how to provide a shoerter answer lol!

what is the benifit to running series vs parallel?

i know if something goes wrong in it it could fry the other boards attached to it.

and what would a 4x4 tent for flower look like with 120/132 boards? or i guess how many boards and what wattage. I thought 300w would flower a 2x4 maybe im compairing cob wattage vs qb and they arent equal?
I'm running a pair on an HLG80H 54. Turned up to 100% it pulls 104 watts so likely 45-47 watts per board. They work perfect on it and you can get them for around $35.00. I got three for $15 a piece at a going out of business sale. Been on this driver for months now in my breeding cab.

and one is a 4000k and the other a 3000k

View attachment 4166157

$35? Where? WTF?
Ok, so what is the confusion here if the video is right there...? Do you guys not hear the audio clearly, or what?

How does that turn into this:

Maybe someone should tell Samsung HLG is faking a partnership with them based on a simple agreement to produce some of their products for them, which are assembled in China.

If that ain't a thread killer, idk what is. Think I'm going to email Samsung corporate and see what they have to say about this 'OFFICIAL Horticulture Partnership'. May also mention the new addition to the 'Quantum Board' market, Jerry @ KingBrite. Wonder what their response is going to be.


shouldn’t you be working? you guys probably need a no cellphone at work policy. how are you getting any work done being on RIU all day?
You guys seem like children, not like hey im an' edgy hipster with this killer tech' type, but like the third grade who has a bigger dick kind. Why? Like keeping it going is almost worse. smoke a bit and reflect on how to make less drama in the world...

thanks for the constructive replies but like ill figure this stuff out on my own.
Still? Come on fellas.
You guys seem like children, not like hey im an' edgy hipster with this killer tech' type, but like the third grade who has a bigger dick kind. Why? Like keeping it going is almost worse. smoke a bit and reflect on how to make less drama in the world...

thanks for the constructive replies but like ill figure this stuff out on my own.
Its not normally like this. The few times I've needed help with any of my diy led builds, I have gotten alot of info here. People are people. No1's perfect.
shouldn’t you be working? you guys probably need a no cellphone at work policy. how are you getting any work done being on RIU all day?
What makes you think I'm not working? Plenty is getting done, and not just by me, because we have a team. I can get quite a bit done from my computer, believe that.
Mental institutions don't usually require that of the patients. Although I am surprised he is allowed Internet access. Maybe its part of his therapy.
I wouldn't have access to RIU in a ward, and haven't been in one in years ;) Therapy is ongoing, though. Its working out pretty good, I enjoy it. We're doing quite well, as we were already before. I'm enjoying the process of learning everything I've learned over the year I've been working on this business, and am excited to continue to evolve what we've built. Sorry to have upset this crowd with the facts. Probably hard to swallow when you have to look at your overpriced, under powered, uniformity lacking fixtures hanging in your ops every day.

@nfhiggs You still never answered...What in the living fuck is this? How did you come up with that masterfully designed piece of art?


Its funny, because you all seem to want me to disappear, which is a very real possibility. Problem is, instead of just taking the L and moving on, you have to respond with an insult. On the previous page, you'll find that you all were very confused by what HLG meant in their video, where they released that they were now working with Samsung, to assemble their boards in China for them. Then you'll see the bold statement where the claim was made by HLG stating that HLG is the "OFFICIAL Horticulture Partner of Samsung".

Now its not certain, but there is a chance Samsung won't approve of them making a false statement like that, as some of you have mentioned already in this thread. And upon learning that their boards are now being sold by a company with much more money and resources than them, for half the price, Samsung is likely going to have limited interest in continuing any type of relationship with HLG.

We'll see if they respond, or how they respond. This is similar to claiming you're patent pending before filing the application and being granted that right. Its not allowed, there are penalties for doing it, and it causes you problems.

I think its also funny how all of you guys' main complaint is that HLG has had their name stolen and now someone else is profiting off the name they built. What about this whole partnership fiasco? Is that not HLG proclaiming to be more deeply involved with a large company like Samsung than they really are? Trying to generate hype with Samsung's name by making rashly exaggerated statements Samsung never endorsed. Their relationship is this: Samsung manufactures some of their products in China for them, and HLG sells them under their trademarked name. And all of you are complaining about Chinese companies selling the same shit...

We'll see what Samsung says. Who knows?
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LOL, if you're trying to get under my skin, its not working. All you're doing is giving me exposure - for free. Thanks.
Well with this new exposure, now's your opportunity to explain your logic behind the design of that 'fixture'. Exactly what led you to believe that was the winning design? I'm genuinely curious.
Well with this new exposure, now's your opportunity to explain your logic behind the design of that 'fixture'. Exactly what led you to believe that was the winning design? I'm genuinely curious.

Speaking of designs, is there anything you could share with us about what you guys have going? Is it only for commercial grows or also at home growers? What are some stats that you can share? Thanks :blsmoke:
Those that "get it" don't need an explanation. If you don't "get it" then its simply not for you, and explanations would be a waste of my time.
Speaking of designs, is there anything you could share with us about what you guys have going? Is it only for commercial grows or also at home growers? What are some stats that you can share? Thanks :blsmoke:
This account will never post any of that. We have designs for commercial and small home grows. Based on the opinion you all have of my capabilities, I don't think there's really a chance you'll connect my company to this account. Even if that occurs, I've got no issue being abrasive towards disrespectful people who admit they can't understand the basics of the topic at hand. There are a few people in this thread who I've had positive exchanges with, and the majority of you were disrespectful, so you didn't have a positive experience with me. Its unfortunate, but at least we all are now more learned on HLG's business practices, and have a more clear projection for their future.
Those that "get it" don't need an explanation. If you don't "get it" then its simply not for you, and explanations would be a waste of my time.
Right. I moreso think, based on your philosophy, not enough thought went into the 'design' for you to be able to produce an explanation for why you chose to configure it in that way. I wish I had someone sitting next to me before you posted. I would have put a hundred on you avoiding an explanation for my perfectly reasonable request.
This account will never post any of that. We have designs for commercial and small home grows. Based on the opinion you all have of my capabilities, I don't think there's really a chance you'll connect my company to this account. Even if that occurs, I've got no issue being abrasive towards disrespectful people who admit they can't understand the basics of the topic at hand. There are a few people in this thread who I've had positive exchanges with, and the majority of you were disrespectful, so you didn't have a positive experience with me. Its unfortunate, but at least we all are now more learned on HLG's business practices, and have a more clear projection for their future.

Right. I moreso think, based on your philosophy, not enough thought went into the 'design' for you to be able to produce an explanation for why you chose to configure it in that way. I wish I had someone sitting next to me before you posted. I would have put a hundred on you avoiding an explanation for my perfectly reasonable request.

I was actually wondering if there was any info you could share. Wasn’t trying to stir shit up.