What did you accomplish today?

I was waiting for a friend in the supermarket when I saw this guy wheel a cart full of Boars Head sandwich meats out to the dumpster. I intercepted to see why they were throwing it out, it was overstock they didn't have room for. I got a whole maple smoked ham, peppered turkey and rare roast beef. A couple other people also noticed and grabbed some stuff. Had to be hundreds of dollars worth of meat, easy. One of my friends has a meat slicer so I went there sliced and packaged it all and drove around to all my friends giving it away. Some of my friend's never bought Boars Head before that cause of the price, after that, that's all they bought.. lol. Having that giant chunk of ham to carve a slab off was awesome.
Wow, throwing away overstock, interesting.
I used to be GM of a sub shop, you would be correct, hundreds of dollars. I would have never thrown that away. I was always making my bonuses and throwing meat away was not the answer.
Wow, throwing away overstock, interesting.
I used to be GM of a sub shop, you would be correct, hundreds of dollars. I would have never thrown that away. I was always making my bonuses and throwing meat away was not the answer.
My buddy got a pallet...yea pallet..4ftx4ft stacked 3ft high, of cheese. String cheese, block cheese, shredded cheese, cheese wheels, all kinds and flavors, shit I've never had before, it was ridiculous. It was a delivery for a supermarket, but they wouldn't accept it because the pallet was smashed and they didn't want to deal with it. My buddies company was the next stop for the truck and that pallet was in the way of theirs. The guy asked if he could throw it in thier dumpster, he just wanted it off his truck, so my buddy just slid it into his pickup. I don't think I shit for a week I ate so much fucking cheese in the first couple days.
It is almost 4pm and I have not had a cigarette yet.
I must say my lung function has improved quite a bit this week.
I couldn't believe how much better my father was within a month of quitting. He was 60 and it was like he got 10 years younger. He said he could breath better, didn't get tired as fast, had more general stamina and the big thing he noticed was less joint pain. Keep it up.

I still can't believe cigarettes are legal to sell, it's atrocious.
I smoked for about 3 years because a girl I kissed a lot smoked and I got tired of it grossing me out. Bad move. She left six months later and I smoked another 2 and a half years... Much respect to you guys who smoked lots of years and then quit. It really is no small accomplishment!

I have a relative that works for Boar's Head meats in New Castle, IN. She can buy their products in the company store for $2 a pound. No joke. Only drawback is they only make 2 or 3 lunchmeats at that plant and all you can buy is what they make in that plant. But Boar's Head is really some good stuff and is $10 a pound in the store. I'm sick of their cajun chicken lunchmeat though... hope they make something different soon!

Today is one of the 3 days a year my grow room is empty and my ballasts are off. REMC probably on their way out to see if I'm still alive. I'm disinfecting and all that today and going to take some pics of my grow room to post. Got hired to dig out some additional drainage for a farmer this morning so this weekend I'll be making money which will be nice. I have to go pick up a rental backhoe today and probably should do that first.

I really just want to go hang out with my plant though. We've been together a long time, and I feel like it should have someone there in its final hours.
Must be something about that number 32 years, that was when I switched to Vape it has been a few years since I had a cig, I am still vaping but I brought my nicotine level down to 0 this past January. I was a 2.5 pack a day Camel Wide smoker. Started with Newports but switched to Marlboro in the Army and dropped 1 minute 45 seconds off my 2 mile run just from not smoking menthol anymore, you would think that would have woke me up to quitting way back then, nope stupid is as ....

Good luck ANC we are rooting for you!
I lived next to a paper mill in mosinee, wi. Talk about stink. Smelled just like you peeled back a baby's dirty diaper.

We lived on Clark AFB (Philippines) when I was a kid & I remember the sugar cane plants smelling just like a sour dish rag.
Us kids would be in the back of that gigantic Plymouth station wagon (the Boat) pressing towels or what ever we could find up to our faces it was so bad.
some of the chemicals are to remove the hair, but the ones that really stink are enzymes to dissolve fats off of the hide, gotta have em fat free or they'll stink and rot
most leather now is chrome tanned, not really a lot of terrible smells, usually if something stinks at a modern tannery, it'll be a holding pond they're waiting to get full, so they can reclaim some of their chemicals to re-use.
the vegetable tannins that get used a lot smell sour, but it's not a very strong smell
depends on what method they're using to tan the leather, if they're using chrome, it shouldn't be that bad. of course i guess it's all subjective, i've smelled old school tanning plants that use only vegetable tannins and that fucking STINKS, but it's not the actual tannins or the leather, it's the ponds full of water that have all the fat from the leather rotting in them that really stink