trump intends to militarize space...

lol. Let me know when we return to the moon
No one wants to see humans return to the Moon and set up permanent colonies more than I do.

No one wants to see our country do a better job of taking care of our poor more than I do.

I don't see why it has to be an either/or choice.
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well, i'd like to go with that, but i can't. both sides are fucked up, both sides are in someones pocket, half the time the same pocket. Republicans and Democrats both have an agenda, and the biggest difference between the two is who ends up giving more orders.
i'd like to say one was better than the other, but they're both just a bunch of assholes who want to tell the rest of the world what they have to do. they can both get fucked as far as i'm concerned
Careful, the Liberal mafia here will lump you in with me if you keep on like that.
i wasn't saying it shouldn't be done, i was saying the best time to do it was while the momentum was there. we could have built a base on the moon years ago, and by now we'd pretty much own space. we would have had a huge lead, and a huge advantage. now we're behind the chinese and the just irritates the fuck out of me to be behind the russians at anything

Russia has the GDP of South Korea. They are not the bogeyman our military propaganda lobby would have you believe.

The Chinese are just getting started in space and haven't yet built up their technology and knowledge base.

We aren't late to the party by any stretch of the imagination.
Although this is costly, it is actually a smart idea. In reality its no different than our current Navy. We control the seas, which is why for the most part why we control most of the world. The same will apply to space once humans can operate more comfortably in it.

Very strategic, (and brilliant), move. Best President ever!
“If you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds that died . . . 16 people [in Puerto Rico] versus in the thousands [in Louisiana], you can be very proud of all your people, all our people,” Trump said. “Everybody around this table and everybody watching could be very proud of what has taken place in Puerto Rico.”
This is a huge danger but it doesn't require militarization.

Currently, nearly all orbital debris flying around is from peaceful projects.

Yes but the amount of debris could be nearing the point of no return, at some point it becomes a self sustaining reaction, that's why I made the post. Two years ago a window on the space station was damaged by what they think was a tiny paint chip traveling at 22,000 mph.

No one wants to see humans return to the Moon and set up permanent colonies more than I do.

No one wants to see our country do a better job of taking care of our poor than I do.

I don't see why it has to be an either/or choice.
return ? lol
No one wants to see humans return to the Moon and set up permanent colonies more than I do.

No one wants to see our country do a better job of taking care of our poor than I do.

I don't see why it has to be an either/or choice.
Idiotic logic
i'm a lump all on my own...don't guess i fit into either side very well, and can't say it distresses me that much
Welcome aboard!

The Liberal mafia here will start bashing you for not slavishly adhering to their edicts soon enough.

It is telling that the most toxic people here don't just hate conservatives but save their most vile hated for those on their left. They preach a peculiar form of intellectual intolerance.
Yes but the amount of debris could be nearing the point of no return, at some point it becomes a self sustaining reaction, that's why I made the post. Two years ago a window on the space station was damaged by what they think was a tiny paint chip traveling at 22,000 mph.

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You're preaching to the choir, brother. This is a situation that could get out of hand very quickly and maroon humans on the Earth, just as surely as Easter Islanders were marooned when they cut last trees down and found themselves with nothing left to build boats.
i believe the liberal mafia doesn't think i'm worth their time. i'm not an intellectual, just a slightly smarter than average hillbilly.
i refuse to pick a side till the sides figure out just who they are and what they stand for. ask 20 liberals, or conservatives, what they want, and get 20 different answers, ask them what the goals of their party are, and get 40 different answers. ask them how they plan to achieve any of this, and get 0 answers.....
i believe the liberal mafia doesn't think i'm worth their time. i'm not an intellectual, just a slightly smarter than average hillbilly.
i refuse to pick a side till the sides figure out just who they are and what they stand for. ask 20 liberals, or conservatives, what they want, and get 20 different answers, ask them what the goals of their party are, and get 40 different answers. ask them how they plan to achieve any of this, and get 0 answers.....

Conservatives and liberals can find answers together when the have to and when they stick to facts . Unfortunately, the "conservative" party has been hijacked by radicals who make up what they believe and reject facts. Same is present in the Democratic party but mostly in the fringes such as the Progressive(TM) movement led by Bernie.
Trump knows about the aliens and when they are set to arrive. The space force is for Earth's protection from the alien invaders.
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Conservatives and liberals can find answers together when the have to and when they stick to facts . Unfortunately, the "conservative" party has been hijacked by radicals who make up what they believe and reject facts. Same is present in the Democratic party but mostly in the fringes such as the Progressive(TM) movement led by Bernie.
The 'Liberal' party has been hijacked by radical centrists who display extreme intolerance towards anyone outside of their tiny little postage stamp of ideological territory.

Can't debate the issues honestly, have to resort to name calling.

You, your party and your sycophants are intellectually, ethically and morally bankrupt and prove it by attacking others on every ground- you even attacked my child rearing choices this morning as if that had any shred of relevance to the topic under discussion.

You're a piece of work and you're losing.

Unfortunately, the right wing extremists are apparently more flexible then the corporate sponsored 'Left' (actually the intentionally mislabeled right of center); they'll take in anyone who will vote for them. Until that changes, Democrats will keep losing.

Intolerant liberal.
No one wants to see humans return to the Moon and set up permanent colonies more than I do.

No one wants to see our country do a better job of taking care of our poor more than I do.

I don't see why it has to be an either/or choice.

Depends on how many gazillions you’re comfortable leaving future generations in debt for.
Still Using rockets to get to space shows just how unready this whole idea is.

Colossal waste of resources and just a terrible idea overall.
Depends on how many gazillions you’re comfortable leaving future generations in debt for.
Still Using rockets to get to space shows just how unready this whole idea is.

Colossal waste of resources and just a terrible idea overall.
We use the tools we have until we develop better ones. Should the Pharoahs have waited for dump trucks and bulldozers before building the pyramids? Was Michaelangelo wasting his time by not waiting for power tools?

No one is suggesting we haul raw materials up from Earth, just the equipment to turn raw materials already found in space into habitable spaces and more equipment- so it is a finite job.

It would be far cheaper to simply not fuck up our planet but we don't seem to be smart enough for that.
@londonfog here's an original opinion of mine, in my own words.

Let's hear what you got.
I feel that people who can only use labels to describe other individuals are lacking and wanting. The lazy run around using nomenclatures to describe others when it is in fact much deeper than that. I cannot be put in a box.
You call me and others liberal when in fact I'm neither only liberal nor conservative. I in fact can be both in thoughts and believes.

You complain about others calling you names when you in fact do the same. Intolerant liberals meaning what ? Because I won't stand for idiots like Sky who use racist and bigoted speech everyday whilst you ignore or like that shit. Yes I'm very intolerant of that shit and it has nothing to do with being liberal.

You stated " You, your party and your sycophants are intellectually, ethically and morally bankrupt". Question. What party do you think I registered with ? Morally and ethically bankrupt ? Who the fuck think it is moral to want to lock a women in a cage for sexual pleasure or wants to see women duct tape their asshole open with tape... again for sexual pleasure ? You and the sick fucks you defend.

I'm losing ? To who ? certainly not you on the fucking internet. I help raise 3 beautiful children HANDS ON . Great education. One is second year in college, one just finish and now works as a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), the last one coming out this year ,looking at 5 of the top engineering schools in the country. Wifey works as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) with 20 plus years of a solid relationship. How the fuck I'm I losing to you ?

You sound fucking miserable in your life. It shows in all your post bitching about not getting free shit. GET OFF YOUR ARSE
I hate Trump more than you, but I'm still going to get what's mine and no one is going to stop me from getting it.
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