Looks Like OK is Legal

There is handful of elite people than run the world when it gets right down to it. Been that way a long time and will always be that way. Letting all that hate build up and calling people names don't change shit man. If anything it shows no class and hurts your cause.

my cause is kick nazi's out of my government.
Cmon now...we're fighting the same battle here. Doesn't matter if you're a Dem or a Rep. I think its a bipartisan issue that both sides can benefit from it. So I say, let's set aside politics (we have a section for that) and...

Lets screw the real politicians (regardless of party) who thinks they are better than the people's voice.

Back to OK

There's a petition to legalize recreational this coming Nov. I wonder if the've gotten enough signatures to start it rolling. Anybody know?
Cmon now...we're fighting the same battle here. Doesn't matter if you're a Dem or a Rep. I think its a bipartisan issue that both sides can benefit from it. So I say, let's set aside politics (we have a section for that) and...

Lets screw the real politicians (regardless of party) who thinks they are better than the people's voice.

Back to OK

There's a petition to legalize recreational this coming Nov. I wonder if the've gotten enough signatures to start it rolling. Anybody know?
I'm hearing it's gonna be close but somewhat on target for where we need to be with what time is left getting enough signatures. I think people may be feeling like 788 passed so why are we trying to get another vote. But I don't think a lot of people realize the 788 is a state statute and can be changed at the drop of a hat by legislators and 796 is medical and 797 is recreational but both are to be in the Oklahoma constitution and can't be changed without a vote of the people
Where are these reservations you speak of? And most of the mountains are eastern ok. Central ok is more rolling prairie like to me. There's is some poverty here but there's some $$ here too lol

it's the Osage Reservation, north of Tulsa. Ok was initially settle by the native americans that came through the trail of tears. There are smaller ones too. That's the biggest one though.
it's the Osage Reservation, north of Tulsa. Ok was initially settle by the native americans that came through the trail of tears. There are smaller ones too. That's the biggest one though.
Well hell been here all my life didn't know we still have resevervations. I know they call areas of the state nations like Cherokee nation,creek nation,Choctaw nation etc. One thing for sure they all got them casinos and sum of em is sho nuff buying enough land back to have themselves a reservation lol
It's the working 62 page draft on the omma.ok.gov website. I believe it was sub chapter 6 in the construction of commercial facilities section that makes it sound like commercial outdoor won't be a option to me, others may interpret it differently.And it is a working draft. For personal grow I think it said outdoor had to be enclosed by a minimum 6' fence. It all may still change and I've only read it once and that was a few days ago
Yeah I found it.... I agree with your interpretation of it. It talks about walls have to be joined at floor and ceiling and the ceiling has to be one that prevents access etc etc.
for me i would drill for water, and then start a water collection system......

it's been bad for me too down here, almost all of me veg garden has been destroy cause of the heat and drought......
I was thinking the same thing. Having a large water collection system for rain would be great. Also I've looked at trucking a few thousand gallons at a time. It can get costly but if you have a large enough rain collection system it may just be something to help out.
Well hell been here all my life didn't know we still have resevervations. I know they call areas of the state nations like Cherokee nation,creek nation,Choctaw nation etc. One thing for sure they all got them casinos and sum of em is sho nuff buying enough land back to have themselves a reservation lol

there are areas where the native american people have settles as well, but that the biggest of them all....they have a great pow wow there in the spring time.....
States copy other states that went ahead to learn. Anyone working in cannabis will probably be required to be certified or licensed. The classes are online and are akin to training as a bartender. Knowing the laws is a lot of it.


All training is private. No state provided. Fees seem to be standard here. By the way I'm not affiliated with the school above.
July 10th the Oklahoma health organization is supposed to release new information about the changes that they have decided on, but also there is talk of a special session sometime before July 29th I believe it was, maybe next week even. (However Mary Fallin the Governor stated previously that no special session would be called, so that's the latest on that, kind of waiting to see.) July 29th is the date patients are said to be able to first enroll for a medical card in OK.

But yeah July 10th new patient information like age restrictions, plant amounts, edible amounts, total ounces allowed and things that they plan to add to the question 788 legislation (hopefully they don't change much as far as amounts go.....). These are just things that could possibly change, but they said that actual medical conditions would be necessary, not just loosely written doctors recommendations, actual diseases and severe/ terminal conditions might only be allowed.

So it's kind of a waiting game to see if the state can effectively roll out a plan to enact a functional Medical Marijuana program for the people of Oklahoma, and do it within the projected time limits, as if the Government can't get it's act together in time it can throw the 788 question into limbo.

Just like over in Arkansas apparently they are still working out how to set up patient dispensary for MMJ 2 years later, Oklahoman's definitely don't want that.
( Me personally I sincerely hope AR can get their act together for the sake of the suffering patients in that state).
July 10th the Oklahoma health organization is supposed to release new information about the changes that they have decided on, but also there is talk of a special session sometime before July 29th I believe it was, maybe next week even. (However Mary Fallin the Governor stated previously that no special session would be called, so that's the latest on that, kind of waiting to see.) July 29th is the date patients are said to be able to first enroll for a medical card in OK.
I think its July 26th that they have to have the application process and information finalized and then they start taking apps August 26th.
Doest seem like Fallin wants to do a special session, I think thats be cause she and the other conservative representatives want this to fail or flop around for years like AK or NJ..... All I know is they've put on stupid restrictions already that want to get into the business.
This is the bullshit part of it, conservatives/ republicans don't want this legal but then when they are forced by the people they make it so that only the rich can get into it.... thats some bullshit.
I think its July 26th that they have to have the application process and information finalized and then they start taking apps August 26th.
Doest seem like Fallin wants to do a special session, I think thats be cause she and the other conservative representatives want this to fail or flop around for years like AK or NJ..... All I know is they've put on stupid restrictions already that want to get into the business.
This is the bullshit part of it, conservatives/ republicans don't want this legal but then when they are forced by the people they make it so that only the rich can get into it.... thats some bullshit.

u can thank big pharma forthat, think they want competition..........not
I think its July 26th that they have to have the application process and information finalized and then they start taking apps August 26th.
Doest seem like Fallin wants to do a special session, I think thats be cause she and the other conservative representatives want this to fail or flop around for years like AK or NJ..... All I know is they've put on stupid restrictions already that want to get into the business.
This is the bullshit part of it, conservatives/ republicans don't want this legal but then when they are forced by the people they make it so that only the rich can get into it.... thats some bullshit.

yup, conservatives are holding back on this as long as possible.

86% of texans approve of medical. can't get out of committee in the state congress. bullshit indeed...