Looks Like OK is Legal


Well-Known Member
Well will be once its implemented.

From Normal.org

"Those possessing a state-issued license may possess the following: up to eight ounces of marijuana in their residence; up to one ounce of concentrated marijuana; up to 72 ounces of edible marijuana; up to six mature marijuana plants; up to six seedling plants; and up to three ounces of marijuana on their person. Those who do not possess a license face a fine-only misdemeanor for the possession of up to 1.5 ounces of herbal cannabis."

It is very loose medical law, there are no restrictions for medical issues. As long as a doc says yeah then your good.
July 26th The OK Dept of Health will lay out the rules and regs based off the bill that was passed including how the application processes will go for patients and growers/dispensaries.
August 26th The OK Dept of Health will start accepting all applications. For growers and dispensaries looking to start a business it is (currently) on $2500 for the app but you also have to be registered in the state to run a business, which only means start an LLC. The LLC license is $100 and can be done in 1 day in the state capital. Also you have to be a legal resident of OK.

I'm thinking seriously of moving out there this soon to become a resident...
Anyone with land wanna team up?! I have a huge business plan.
Is this all the same people begging for help the last 2 days.....or is everybody in OK broke.

Actually I have the money to get things up and running but I don't have enough for land..... I wasn't really being serious but of course if the right opportunity came along I won't shy away. Not looking for anything.
most are, there are alot of native american reservation in OK. Major flat lands in the middle of the state itself, mountain areas are in the northwest that start the border to colorado and texas...
Where are these reservations you speak of? And most of the mountains are eastern ok. Central ok is more rolling prairie like to me. There's is some poverty here but there's some $$ here too lol
Im not smelling what your stepping in here. Who's been begging for help?

You didn't see any of the post/threads that got deleted here in the last two days....... People were posting multiple threads in several forums here asking for donations to start a Grow. They were all for a Grow in OK
You didn't see any of the post/threads that got deleted here in the last two days....... People were posting multiple threads in several forums here asking for donations to start a Grow. They were all for a Grow in OK
Gotcha no I didn't see any post like that's crazy to be asking for donations.
Reading the draft it doesn't look like outdoor will be a option for commercial grow so I wouldn't worry about much land.
Not sure which draft your talking about.. I've read almost all of it. The paperwork that was turned in with SQ788 which forced the vote doesn't say anything about indoor outdoor etc., pass me a link if you can so I can read the same.
This and civil asset forfeiture is probably enough to keep a lot of people from applying for any kind of license
Your right it really all depends on what happens in the following months. July 26th The dept of health will lay out the rules and regs I know there will be a lot of info with that.
The only thing that keeps my hopes up is the state is in such a bad way for funds etc. so I'm hoping they will open it up. But we can only wait and see.
NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section
422 of Title 63, unless there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:

A. The Oklahoma State Department of Health will within thirty (30) days of passage of this
initiative, make available, on their website, in an easy to find location, an application for a commercial
grower license. The application fee will be Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) and methods
of payment will be provided on the website. The Oklahoma State Department of Health has two (2) weeks
to review application, approve or reject the application, and mail the approval/rejection letter (if rejected,
stating reasons for rejection) to the applicant.
B. The Oklahoma State Department of Health must approve all applications which meet the
following criteria:
1. Applicant must be age twenty-five (25) or older;
2. Any applicant, applying as an individual, must show residency in the state of Oklahoma;
3. All applying entities must show that all members, managers, and board members are
Oklahoma residents;
4. An applying entity may show ownership of non-Oklahoma residents, but that
percentage ownership may not exceed twenty-five percent (25%);
5. All applying individuals or entities must be registered to conduct business in the state
of Oklahoma;
6. All applicants must disclose all ownership;
7. Applicant(s) with only nonviolent felony conviction(s) in the last two (2) years, any
other felony conviction in 5 (years), inmates, or any person currently incarcerated may not
qualify for a commercial grower license.
C. A licensed commercial grower may sell marijuana to a licensed retailer, or a licensed packager.
Further, these sales will be considered wholesale sales and not subject to taxation. Under no
circumstances may a licensed commercial grower sell marijuana directly to a medical marijuana license
holder. A licensed commercial grower may only sell at the wholesale level to a licensed retailer or a
licensed processor. If the federal government lifts restrictions on buying and selling marijuana between
states, then a licensed commercial grower would be allowed to sell and buy marijuana wholesale from, or
to, an out of state wholesale provider. A licensed commercial grower will be required to complete a
monthly yield and sales report to the Oklahoma Department of Health. This report will be due on the 15th
of each month and provide reporting on the previous month. This report will detail amount of marijuana
harvested in pounds, the amount of drying or dried marijuana on hand, the amount of marijuana sold to
processors in pounds, the amount of waste in pounds, and the amount of marijuana sold to retailers in lbs.
Additionally, this report will show total wholesale sales in dollars. The Oklahoma State Department of
Health will have oversight and auditing responsibilities to ensure that all marijuana being grown is
accounted for. A licensed grower will only be subject to a penalty if a gross discrepancy exists and cannot
be explained. Penalties for fraudulent reporting or sales occurring within any 2 year time period will be an
initial fine of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) (first) and revocation of licensing (second).

D. There shall be no limits on how much marijuana a licensed grower can grow.
I found the part of the draft that talks about cultivation centers. They have to be inside, you might be able to work around with a greenhouse that has Harden roof and walls but hell thats not really a greenhouse.
Not sure which draft your talking about.. I've read almost all of it. The paperwork that was turned in with SQ788 which forced the vote doesn't say anything about indoor outdoor etc., pass me a link if you can so I can read the same.
It's the working 62 page draft on the omma.ok.gov website. I believe it was sub chapter 6 in the construction of commercial facilities section that makes it sound like commercial outdoor won't be a option to me, others may interpret it differently.And it is a working draft. For personal grow I think it said outdoor had to be enclosed by a minimum 6' fence. It all may still change and I've only read it once and that was a few days ago
most are, there are alot of native american reservation in OK. Major flat lands in the middle of the state itself, mountain areas are in the northwest that start the border to colorado and texas...
Gl getting the ammount of water yould would need for a large farm the drought has been bad this year