Aussie Growers Thread

So, the SA govt are looking to up the fines on possession of mj, from $500 to $2000.
And have classed it as a dangerous drug, destroying families.

All I'm hearing is. Don't get your kicks from those guys. Give us your money, so we can poison you instead.

Get fucked big brother.
It's worrying but not voted in yet
Either way I won't change
I try n keep storage at home under a couple oz in between curing jars and moving to the safe house
I just might have to be more vigilant in terms of storage under so many grams
But I will NOT change my growing habits so fuck em if they bring it in
As far as it being a dangerous drug. I think them saying that is misleading. It's only dangerous if you've got an addictive personality, and/or smoke that much you can't function without it.

Now. If these asshats were truly serious about "the war on drugs". They'd be putting more focus on the ice heads. Cos that shit in your freezer is dangerous.
As far as it being a dangerous drug. I think them saying that is misleading. It's only dangerous if you've got an addictive personality, and/or smoke that much you can't function without it.

Now. If these asshats were truly serious about "the war on drugs". They'd be putting more focus on the ice heads. Cos that shit in your freezer is dangerous.
Or instead of fighting a war against any drug maybe have a look at the underlying social and mental issues that the majority of people with serious drug addiction have.
I’m no longer surprised by any idiotic laws or proposed laws from either state or federal politicians the whole system is corrupt but what’s worse is we all just sit back and accept,even condone having our rights and freedoms taken away from us on a almost weekly basis
So, the SA govt are looking to up the fines on possession of mj, from $500 to $2000.
And have classed it as a dangerous drug, destroying families.

All I'm hearing is. Don't get your kicks from those guys. Give us your money, so we can poison you instead.

Get fucked big brother.
Ooft they're getting a taste of the W.A treatment, they made it fucked over here all the way back in 2010 randomly. Used to be only a fine for 2 plants and up to a half ounce of weed. Now you can get instant jail time for any plants and only 10grams
It’s a shame that such harsh penalties apply for something so natural... cannabis has been here since dinosaurs I’m guessing... it’s in our human rights to grow this prehistoric herb :)
Or instead of fighting a war against any drug maybe have a look at the underlying social and mental issues that the majority of people with serious drug addiction have.

Best video I've ever watched about drugs if yous have 15mins, I know I've got an addictive personality which is why im growing my own lol. But honestly whats the worst I can do plastered on weed ? Fall off my chair or down some stairs, I don't feel the urge to go break into houses and steal stereos out of cars
You're right. We should be resisting our freedoms being taken away.

If we can't do what makes us happy in life. We're not really living at all. We're just letting ourselves be pushed around until we've passed our useby dates.

Best video I've ever watched about drugs if yous have 15mins, I know I've got an addictive personality which is why im growing my own lol. But honestly whats the worst I can do plastered on weed ? Fall off my chair or down some stairs, I don't feel the urge to go break into houses and steal stereos out of cars

You wouldn’t believe how much stolen gear I’ve been offered for weed. Thieves are thieves a bag of ice or weed can’t break into an old ladies house that’s all down to the person,drugs are inanimate objects they can’t be good or bad people try and rationalise their fear or hatred by giving them a human quality.
You wouldn’t believe how much stolen gear I’ve been offered for weed. Thieves are thieves a bag of ice or weed can’t break into an old ladies house that’s all down to the person,drugs are inanimate objects they can’t be good or bad people try and rationalise their fear or hatred by giving them a human quality.[/QUOTE

Yes and no, I would say more no ( I don't want to get into an argument like that last fella about whatever was or wasn't in that feralizer bahahaha ) but Drugs do change a person and their personality. How many really bright kids have you heard about with a great future ahead of them to wind up on ice or cocaine. A mate of mines younger brother was exactly this, but got into the ice and basically ruined his life for 2 years and lost access to his 6 month old child etc. 12 months now he's clean, got a new job and just started visitation rights to the kid.. I've never know canabis to have that sort of effect on someone to just spiral them down so fast. Yes he did take the drug to start with so no one to blame, but his personality on the gear was a complete different person. I'm the same when I drink too much I turn into an asshole. Am I an asshole in life... oh wait nevermind that might debunk my theory lol
Yes and no, I would say more no ( I don't want to get into an argument like that last fella about whatever was or wasn't in that feralizer bahahaha ) but Drugs do change a person and their personality. How many really bright kids have you heard about with a great future ahead of them to wind up on ice or cocaine. A mate of mines younger brother was exactly this, but got into the ice and basically ruined his life for 2 years and lost access to his 6 month old child etc. 12 months now he's clean, got a new job and just started visitation rights to the kid.. I've never know canabis to have that sort of effect on someone to just spiral them down so fast. Yes he did take the drug to start with so no one to blame, but his personality on the gear was a complete different person. I'm the same when I drink too much I turn into an asshole. Am I an asshole in life... oh wait nevermind that might debunk my theory lol

yeah dunno. I've taken lots and lots of drugs regularly since my early teens including long stretches on things like mushies, acid, coke and yes, even about a month or two on the dreaded ice in there somewhere. Blew thousands on it in a really short time and fucked myself up a bit but I made the choice to do it and I also made the choice to stop it. I have my regrets here and there but apart from wasting money and a fair bit of time, throughout I've always managed to hold down a good career, raise a family etc. I've never once collected benefits despite being eligible for free hits on the public teat. I didn't lean on my family financially and I didn't take my failings out on them either.

I know that some people come from a shitty place in life through no fault of their own and this can drive them to do desperate things - but - many people who fuck their lives up are happy to blame drugs – I think a bit of personal responsibility, accountability and self-respect go a long way to stopping yourself from going down the gurgler or turning into a menace.

My 2 cents (rounded up to 5 cents since they got rid of them)

PS, ice does suck, not even a good drug. I'd rather sniff paint (or preferably a massive bag of really good coke)
It is weird, some people have a crap start to life but use it to do amazing things , and others do the opposite.
But I figured I don't know what people have been through so I can't judge, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else.

anyways thats a pretty depressing topic lol, do you guys grow anything else ? I'm a huge chilli nut and just about to repot these Carolina Reapers :fire: I bought some seeds from overseas, spend 4 months growing them and they weren't even Reapers I was soo pissed off after spending the money and time to grow them. These are actually from a pepper a friend gave me :) can't wait till they are ready.


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