What did you accomplish today?

you know, that's something i've thought about myself, dedication is good, but i want my surgeon to be relaxed, to have enjoyed their weekend...i don't want a wound up, tired, coffee wired workaholic vibrating around inside me.....
Actually having been one me and many of my colleagues disagree. The pinnacle of our physical performance was our final year of residency. Our judgement and knowledge improve with time but not our physical performance.

Juiced on caffeine we don't shake or we would never drink caffeine. Many of us eschewed it. We worked under magnification.

As for too tired, our movements were reduced to a precision dorsal horn reflex, that was the point of the brutal hours. Enjoy weekends? We knew we would retire early, surgery is for the young.

That is precisely what I look for in a surgeon if I'm lucky enough to choose and this time I am. You see in trauma there is no choice, your ambulance or life flight is directed to the appropriate resident, with an open OR, by your MICN (god bless those RNs). So both my son and dog will get the best chance. Hopefully they'll both be lucky. In the final analysis lucky is always better than good.
I probably should go to the doctor, having pins and needles a couple of times a day now...

Depends on where they are, don't it. If I went every time I had "tingling" or "numbness" because of known pinched nerves or nerves under abnormal pressure then I'd be there every 2 days at best.
Yeah, but I have a feeling I'm not gonna like the outcome, one way or another.
family history of diabetes? ...it runs in my family. i don't have it, but i have some of the charming things that come with having the genetic tag, like neuropathy...sometimes it feels like there are ants running all over me, and there aren't.....every once in a while i get a pain like someone is stabbing me with a knitting needle right where my leg joins my body by my nuts....guess it could be worse, could be in the nuts....still makes it awkward when it happens while i'm driving
never hurts to cut back on sugar. i use too much, but a lot less than some people. even people with no family history can fuck up their nervous system with too much sugar. it doesn't just make you fat and rot your teeth, it put's your nerves on alert, and keeps them there till it wears out or they do.
Before we learned to farm, early humans had very little sugar in their diet.
Fruit was seasonal to prepare us for winter.
Now we eat TONS of sugar for the winter that never comes... :dunce:
Sugars are probably the most ecological food, but very bad for you... Used to eat lots of fruit as my sugar source, but now it is cup after cup of 3 spoon brown sugar coffee. Mybe I should just go check my blood sugar, they do it at the clinic in the closest pharmacy. right now I have kebabs and boerewors on the braai. It is almost done.
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