What did you accomplish today?

Good news! The freezer arrived.

Bad news. They fucked up and sent one guy to bring it up one floor, stairs and no lift, so guess which cripple had to help get new freezer upstairs as well as help get old one down.

I think tonight and tomorrow might be my version of The Great Belgian Bake Off after that, it's gonna hurt...
First day of summer full of annoyances.

Couldn't get pressure washer to run until 11PM last night. And by 11 PM, I had it running but then shut it down because I was beat up and didn't want to make noise.

This morning I go downstairs to the smell of fucking gas. The entire tank leaked out through carb and air cleaner. Cellar finally smells normal again. Got it running, did the job but I have to keep it on it's back to keep gas from leaking out. Carb is gummed up and floods. Can run it for now, fix after weekend I guess. Still have to do front porch.
Have to put flat on back or fix. Need another 10 minutes out of it first.

Rain yesterday again that we didn't need.

Heard a boom in the middle of a driving storm and looked out and got sick.

Dead oak lost a big branch, partially decapitated my nice dogwood.

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Chainsaw died, have to get a new one.

Would have had that cut down by now but the state sent a registered letter saying I can't access my property by the stop sign that we used to bring pallets of pavers to the house last year. Because they were working on the road and some state douchebag decided it was a driveway.

So now, nobody wants to cut it because they can't drive up to it and haul away the wood.

State still working on road, drive past every day so I have to wait till the heat's off or pay a real tree cutting outfit 4 figures.

Think I'll wait.

How do you clean the gravel, like with a cloth? ;) Nice looking fish

I put the gravel in a bucket and run water through it and stir it up with my hands until the water runs off clear

I'm not reusing the gravel though- I'm getting some #3 sand that is the shit

I really stink and should take a shower and change my pants but my wife says she can't smell it so here I sit
here's an actual accomplishment, i was nice to someone for once instead of ignoring them, and it paid off. i was at the restaurant smoking wings and a kid in a pickup pulled up in the parking lot. he started fooling around in the back of his truck, and i went out and asked him if he needed any help. he said no, he was from U.T. and they were doing a soil survey to see how things were bouncing back after the fire. i asked him what they were checking for, he said pretty much everything, not only the mineral composition of the soil, but how much of what kind of organisms were living in it.......can i get a copy of that report? sure, give me your email............sweet, complete soil survey just for being nice....i guess i ought to try it a little more often.....but it kind of hurts

You know your a grower when ^^^^

i'm exactly the opposite, if it's within ten feet, i can read tiny print, once you get more than ten feet away, it gets progressively worse. i can see good enough to drive in the day time without glasses. can't read anything on vehicles, but i can see the vehicles, and pedestrians. night time is a different story, and a rainy night? i should NOT drive on rainy nights, glasses or no.
I'm the same way. Not a strong prescription but a life saver for night driving