She F'n killed him! Are you F'n blind! Yes!

Yeah, me too. And the idea of people like that taking over may explain why we are where we are now, and it only gets worse from here.

I have jus one little point to make to all the guys who wanna be in control of my womb.....

If you cut off my reproductive choice, does that mean I can cut off yours?:twisted:
Ok.... but I have to admit, I'm not selfish enough that my decision is going to be based on whether or not I can have an abortion. I'm responsible enough to use protection and common sense. But than again, I think its obscene you have to have a licence to drive a car, hunt, fish, sell liquor, ect, but any bone head thats old enough to menstrate can have a child. We can fly into space, but yet we can't teach our next generation morals? Something is wrong with this picture.....

I'm torn who I'm going to vote for. I believe Palin is a pretty face woman McCain is using as a front to try to counter Obama being black. Thats why she has come out to tell everyone she is going to be 'ripping' on Obama until election time. Do you know when she made reference to being able to see Russia from Alaska, there is one small Island you can see Russia from? It just so happens that island is filled with Native American Alaskans that most don't know who she is and none have ever seen her? She is also being critized by the same group of people (Native American Alaskans) for being insensative and unsupportive to the customs and native hunting rights? Miss member of the NRA.....

And Obama... geez. But I really don't think he's so bad. He's got some great ideas for the long term benefit of this country. Sure, we're going to take a hit for a while, but in the long run I think his ideas could very well pay off. Besides, look at where all these old school presidents have gotten us. Sure their way of thinking may have worked in the 80's. But no one has changed with the times. I don't know if he's our guy or not. But I can tell you, we need someone new and different thats going to take us down a different road than where we've been going and I'm pretty sure he'll do that.

If only our crystal balls would work for a change. No one knows the future....
To McCain's credit, he did forbid his staff from attacking Obama's personal life and bringing his family and Jeremiah Wright back into this. And to Obama's credit, he's held off bringing up Palin's family and personal life as well as McCain's. Sure, all these things have gotten mention in the media, but they've done all that on their own.

As bad as it seems to have gotten, it definitely could have been worse.
I cracked my crystal ball when it showed me all the shit the Bush administration would have in store for us, goddamit it was right. So I threw it against the wall for showing me the future (which is now our unfortunate present) and it ain't worked since.:blsmoke:

Kudos for not being a one-issue voter. They make it as easy to move us into the totalitarian mindset as much as the loyalists do. For instance, I do not approve of the radical left's stance on guns. I am divided about assault rifles, and the power allowed of handguns, I tend to ride the middle, I am not for complete deregulation but I am not for abolishing guns either. I do not stand with the left on many of the economic policies.

On the other hand, I have never been a supporter of the war in Iraq, (and I have never been a supporter of what we did in Russia under the Clinton administration either.) I find it hard to beleive we turn a blind eye to Darfur and Mymar, while we aer only concerned with countries that have ties to oil. We are poisoned and corrupted by greed, and the average american can do nothing but stand by and weep as our country is brought to its knees in a war we cannot afford, not only the dollar signs but the cost from our best and bravest.

I am also of an old school environmental interest, which I am no longer involved with due to the attacks I got when pointing out problems with grain based ethanol. I could see the groups getting taken over by cooperate fat cats, feeding money and influence from the background. Now it is as corrupt as the rest of it. I am NOT for so-called 'clean' coal (no such thing) or nuke power, and I am not for the infiltration of the NWO in the environmental movement. I was in it when the poster child was Jaques Cousteu, nobody had even heard of Al Gore. There are many false theories in global warming, but the harm done the natural world is still a very real issue.

There are others, but I won't go into them right now.
To McCain's credit, he did forbid his staff from attacking Obama's personal life and bringing his family and Jeremiah Wright back into this. And to Obama's credit, he's held off bringing up Palin's family and personal life as well as McCain's. Sure, all these things have gotten mention in the media, but they've done all that on their own.

As bad as it seems to have gotten, it definitely could have been worse.
Wrongo; Palin rips into Obamas past.
Palin Invokes Jeremiah Wright, Continues Hit on Obama-Ayers Relationship

Palin Invokes Jeremiah Wright, Continues Hit on Obama-Ayers Relationship - Election

Seems she may have forgotten about her witch doctor pastor, People that live in glass houses..................
Well I am hearing that his wife (who was reamed in the news for a comment that our ex-first lady Barbara even came to her support over) is a Black Pantheress and that his father was a terrorist and Obama was trained in terrorism and Muslim ideology.:roll:

But maybe I am on the computer too much.....:blsmoke:
I'm thinking of what Chris Rock said. Vote for the candiate that owns one house. A candidate that owns 12 houses can't identify with me and my one house that I'd really like to hang on to.

McCain can sell 10 houses and still have twice as many has what I have.

I really don't like either choice, but I think I like Obama better than MCain. I know I can't stand Palin or her goofy, dorky hockey mom crap. She needs to clean up the train wreck that is her family before she can even consider public office.
To McCain's credit, he did forbid his staff from attacking Obama's personal life and bringing his family and Jeremiah Wright back into this. And to Obama's credit, he's held off bringing up Palin's family and personal life as well as McCain's. Sure, all these things have gotten mention in the media, but they've done all that on their own.

As bad as it seems to have gotten, it definitely could have been worse.

Fair play. The more basic Christian decency the better. It'd be a start. We could try that here.Christian decency for all. Now. Everybody apologize to cc and Vi or i'll wipe my dead uncle's ass with this picture of John Stewart.:eyesmoke:

Really though,from what i've seen of you on riu you make good points often, and can be quite diplomatic. Fair play.
Wrongo; Palin rips into Obamas past.
Palin Invokes Jeremiah Wright, Continues Hit on Obama-Ayers Relationship

Palin Invokes Jeremiah Wright, Continues Hit on Obama-Ayers Relationship - Election

Seems she may have forgotten about her witch doctor pastor, People that live in glass houses..................
I guess no one told her, eh? McCain staffers have said he forbade his campaign from attacking Obama on Wright, but who knows how long that will last? Apparently it already ended?

I guess everyone's got different issues, which is why candidates are always so careful what they say. I for one, would have a hard time supporting a candidate who was strongly opposed to the use of nuclear energy, ie John Edwards. It's a heck of a lot better than coal, and way cheaper and more reliable than wind/solar.

IIRC clean coal technology pumps all those waste gases into gas pockets way underground so they don't pollute the air. You still have to deal with the ash and the pollution from coal mining, but I guess it's an improvement.
Apoligize to VI and CC for what? Calling Vi out on his obvious racism and calling CC out on sexisim?

I don't feel I have anything to apologize for. Not to mention just because you might be christian doesn't mean I am. Not all of us believe in fairy tales.

Now. Everybody apologize to cc and Vi or i'll wipe my dead uncle's ass with this picture of John Stewart.:eyesmoke:
Apoligize to VI and CC for what? Calling Vi out on his obvious racism and calling CC out on sexisim?

I don't feel I have anything to apologize for. Not to mention just because you might be christian doesn't mean I am. Not all of us believe in fairy tales.

I was making a joke.
The right seems to have cornered the market on shit-slinging and religious fanaticism, at least MOST on the left are TRYING to offer a molecule of grace.....
i'm not quite sure where you got this. most likely you've been paying a little too much attention to the msm as they attempt to convince us all that baby bush is the epitome of conservative thought and that socialist dogma is the only way to save our sinking ship. that molecule of grace that you see in the left is perfectly exemplified by miss moffitt's oh so gracious description of mccain's running mate (quoted below, just in case you've already forgotten it), the same description that is echoed across the left in order to belittle her.

if you're so worried about religious fanaticism, you might not be so enamored of the left. the fervor with which they embrace their pseudo-marxist philosophy of nationalizing business and forcing the redistribution of wealth can best be described as religious in nature. their deity is the illusion of equality, their gospel is a perverse combination of mao's little red book and the edited opinions of our enemies and competitors, their temple is the corrupted halls of the u.n., and their creed is the acceptance of failure and mediocrity.

People like Vi and Cc are gonna make it so it is so easy for us to slide into fascism, they are incorporating totalitarian tendencies more and more......
while both vi and cc are a bit over the top at times (who among us is not guilty of that sin?), they both embrace the exact opposite of the totalitarianism you so fear. they are proponents of a system that has afforded us unparalleled freedoms and the capacity for success and excellence. while i won't even bother to refute your misuse of the term "fascism", i feel i should comment on the true road to totalitarianism.

the successful would-be despot does not tell the people that he is enslaving them, he convinces them that they are being abused and that he has the solution for their woes. he does not openly restrict the rights of a free people, he chooses small wealthy groups to blame and allows the envy of the masses to enable him to make those small groups pay for his rise. he champions the downtrodden because mob sentiment is the surest way to power and they will never have the strength to challenge his own. to placate them, he feeds his mob scraps from what he has stolen and uses the lion's share to built his fortress. once firmly ensconced in his seat of power, with a willing mob to do his bidding, he is free to further ransack the treasuries of lesser powers and use the power of those funds to destroy the very freedoms he claimed to have set out to protect.

does any of this sound familiar, we are seeing the beginnings of it at this very moment.

.....not liking Palin at all. I just see her as a bimbo.....
thanks for showing us your true colors. the pettiness of both the left and the right has ceased to amaze me, now it only amuses me.

I'm sick of the fat cats in office, regardless of what color they are. I'm ready for a candidate that wants to help the average citizen, not kiss the asses of corporate heads.
then who will you vote for or will you join me in denying them all?

I'm not in love with Obama, but I know for sure I want nothing to do with the belief system that turns out people like Vi and Cc.
so; since you dislike a couple of folks on an internet forum, you'll vote for someone you know will do his best to turn the country into a socialist slum? the system you so despise is the same as the one that has given you a choice in your life.
I don't understand what you mean by this. What would my true colors be exactly? You don't feel that her and her lipstick wearing, hockey momming, camera winking, avoiding the question because she has no idea what they are even asking, are what makes a bimbo a bimbo?

She firmly believes in abstinence only education yet her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. I see her family not practicing what she is preaching. She is cut of the "do as I say not as I do" cloth. She is dragging around a handicapped baby like it's some kind of show pony, using that poor child as an election pawn. It's really sickening. That baby should be home, in his own bed, playing with his toys, not out on the campaign trail. When she is using her child in such a manner it makes me feel that she has no family values what-so-ever.

The woman doesn't even have the sense to practice birthcontrol even though it's well known that pregancies after the age of 40 have a much higher risk of downs syndrome. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it the woman can't work a condom, how can she help lead a country?

thanks for showing us your true colors. the pettiness of both the left and the right has ceased to amaze me, now it only amuses me.
While you deny them all, they are still bleedin you dry. You don't recognise the totalitarianism we ALREADY live in. his country aint gone by any shred of the constitution for some time. Jefferson said that 'dissent is patriotism in its truest form' (I think, don't roast me if I am off a bit, mita been 'purest form') and that is the very thing that is NOT tolerated in the right wing dogma.

As to religious nuts, I am surrounded by the average, church going, closet rascist, keep women in thier place which is open-mouthed-in-front-of-my-dick types that are radically republican, my parents and all thier friends are. I am on alot of other forums, and if you are a 'born-again' chirstian you are pretty much required to be a republican as well, you can deny it all you want but I have SEEN it with my won two eyes, and I am no liar. But many more republicans are bible waving types, they would seem to ounuber the athest or buddist republicans at any rate. Palin refered to the Iraq war as 'God's war', you would NEVER hear that kind of fanatism from the left. Your spirituality was NOT something forced down another's throat, but for your won personal path, and it not interfere with another's path as you wuddn't want another's path to interfere with yours. Republican party is replete with radicals, that is why you see Vi and Cc PERSONALLY attacking other forum members, I don't see MissM engaging in those tactics. So she talkes shit about Palin. It isn't nothing compared to the shit talked about Obama, and she doesn't call THEM dykes and canadians and lawd knows what else. I haven't seen ANYONE on the left as attacking and poisonous to the actual members as them, that claim allegiance to the left.
I don't understand what you mean by this. What would my true colors be exactly? You don't feel that her and her lipstick wearing, hockey momming, camera winking, avoiding the question because she has no idea what they are even asking, are what makes a bimbo a bimbo?
you know perfectly well what i mean. as you try to impress your standards on the life of another, you merely show your own prejudices. we all do it, but to do so while claiming neutrality is rather disingenuous.

She firmly believes in abstinence only education yet her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. I see her family not practicing what she is preaching. She is cut of the "do as I say not as I do" cloth. She is dragging around a handicapped baby like it's some kind of show pony, using that poor child as an election pawn. It's really sickening. That baby should be home, in his own bed, playing with his toys, not out on the campaign trail. When she is using her child in such a manner it makes me feel that she has no family values what-so-ever.
this is the grand show. if she didn't parade her family before the country she would be accused of trying to hide them. we have been dealing with the religious nut cases all our lives and we are still advancing despite them. at least she lives her life by her beliefs and doesn't shed those around her if she feels they are a liability. there is a certain honesty to such a way of life and, though i disagree with her religion based stance, i can't help but feel some grudging respect for those who fly in the face of our ever more secular society. i would also ask whether your entire family abides by all of your beliefs.
To McCain's credit, he did forbid his staff from attacking Obama's personal life and bringing his family and Jeremiah Wright back into this. And to Obama's credit, he's held off bringing up Palin's family and personal life as well as McCain's. Sure, all these things have gotten mention in the media, but they've done all that on their own.

As bad as it seems to have gotten, it definitely could have been worse.
if he forbid pesonal attacts wink wink no one listined