I try not to take what others say someone says, I try to listen to the individual. But I have been getting LOTS of junk from both sides. One side makes fun of Palin being a redneck. While I am not happy with the term redneck used in a derogatory way (like using liberal in a derogatory way) it still doesn't touch what my mom sent the other week, that 'Obama is the devil's homeboy.' The right seems to have cornered the market on shit-slinging and religious fanatism, at least MOST on the left are TRYING to offer a molecule of grace, the right has given up on playin nice long ago. Commercials comparing Obama and Paris and Brittney, I haven't seen the left mock and ridicule McCain in such a fashion. If I go on the attitudes of the two factions, I would say to be on the left would be more attractive, I wuddn't want to be in with the likes of Vi and Cc
But there are so many aspects of the left I have problems with, why I want to put my name down on the ballot next to who I think would be the BEST choice, I don't give a fuck if anyone else thinks they would, this is MY vote. SHould I use it to spite the right, and let them see where all thier denial and hate/fear mongering gets them? Or should I be browbeat into voting for a candidate I see as a money grubing philanderer who stands on the opposite side of everything I stand for?
Remember voter intimidation in Africa? Well, we are sliding fast towards that now, and the tactics of the right are about 2 steps from taking a hose to anyone who wants to vote in opposition to them. People like Vi and Cc are gonna make it so it is so easy for us to slide into fascism, they are incooperating totaliarian tendecies more and more...... Scary.
I still am undecided. But if Vi and Cc and all the other rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth right wingers keeps their shit up, they are gonna push me to use my vote to try and stop the ass-kissing-the-rich, bigoted, mysogenistic, arrogant, intolerant, narrowminded mindset they are forcing on all of us.
Fat Cat Cooperate America----->kiss-ass<-----------Vi and Cc