An ODD place for ODD plants and ODD thoughts...


Active Member
Those hempy buckets look amazing, nice and chunky looking buds

How often do you water those babies and do you go for run off on each feed or every so often? I'm about to move mine into the same size buckets and could only dream for them to look as nice as yours haha


Active Member
Also, just finished a dwc grow with AMS big bud seeds and got around 4 Oz dry. Not too bad of a smoke but has a kind of clove taste to it???


Active Member
Those hempy buckets look amazing, nice and chunky looking buds

How often do you water those babies and do you go for run off on each feed or every so often? I'm about to move mine into the same size buckets and could only dream for them to look as nice as yours haha
Thanks, mate. Yeah, I absolutely love the hempy buckets. Since trying them I haven't looked back. Great growth rates while being very forgiving and, important in my set-up, portable to move from one area to another... this last part was the only reason I stopped using DWC.

I water once a day, PH5.8 to a little (as minimal as possible, just a trickle out the drain hole) run off usually.

Also, just finished a dwc grow with AMS big bud seeds and got around 4 Oz dry. Not too bad of a smoke but has a kind of clove taste to it???
Nice. I remember Sensi Star seemed to have a clove type taste/smell to it. Or black licorice. Something along those lines.


Active Member
Gave my vegging tent ladies a foliar spray of Seasol today.
I spray this stuff at 2ml/L & PH adjusted to 6.0
Plants seem to love it.



Active Member
I really love coco & hempy buckets.
These are 9L mop buckets that cost 99cents at Bunnings (Home Depot type place).
For only 9L of medium they can put down some impressive root systems.
Even in the 3.3L hempys I use I've been quite shocked at how large a plant can get.



Active Member
Lol Bunnings is great for cheap buckets and stuff, do you use the Coco bricks they sell or do you get it from somewhere else?
Nah, I spend up when it comes to coco, I've personally found it to be worthwhile over the cheap stuff.
I currently am using H&G coco but also use Canna Pro and am going to try the Nutrifield coco chips at some point.



Active Member
Yeah I grabbed a bag of canna pro to be sure, those Bunnings bricks look more like Coco dust and have read somewhere on here that people have had pH issues with it, for the price of a bag of ready to go Coco it's definitely worth grabbing


Active Member
Yeah I grabbed a bag of canna pro to be sure, those Bunnings bricks look more like Coco dust and have read somewhere on here that people have had pH issues with it, for the price of a bag of ready to go Coco it's definitely worth grabbing
Absolutely agreed. Coco can be a bitch if it's not quality and pre-rinsed and buffered.
I'd much rather pay the dosh for stuff that's perfect right out of the bag, plus I am lazy and saving myself the work of rinsing etc is work is worth it. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member


Active Member
An update on the tent girls who got right back on Friday.
Here they are again right after the cut:

Here they are now after 48hrs I think, or maybe 72? I can't work it out, too stoned... lol.
They bounce back nicely. I am becoming more and more sold on using heavy pruning and defoliation to shape the ladies exactly how you want them.

The two shorter ones off to the right will be mothers, the other 9 will veg in this tent for another week maybe, probably getting another cutback in that time, and then they'll move to a larger veg area, get repotted from 3L hempy to 9L hempy, and keep at veggin. This PC cut doesn't stretch much at all, not enough, so you gotta veg it to nearly the size you want.
A little leaf tacoing/canoeing happening so they'll get half strength cal-mag methinks.
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Well-Known Member

Mah shortys.
Critical+ on the left, Underdawg OG on the right both at D32F.
I think these could qualify as ODD plants.
I had to extend veg for some time and I think these gals got a bit rootbound because neither of them stretched barely at all. If I had purposely grown this compact, full canopy on these I'd be proud, but it wasn't intentional. Still, they seem like they could turn out *okay*.
Both these plants had to have an assload of defoliation to open up the canopies.
Man, those re purty


Active Member
Man, those re purty
Thanks, man. I'm not trying to be falsely modest or anything when I say believe me these plants have done well for themselves in spite of me. I've put them through a bit of hell numerous times and they're rootbound, you can even see in the photo the coco is drier than it should be. When they're this rootbound in 9L once a day watering means they get bit too dry by watering time.
One of the reasons I've been slack is I flower at night to save electricity costs (daytime 'peak' electricity costs almost 2x as night 'offpeak' here) and I am bit older now and have been out habit for a while, so there have been days I just pass out before getting to watering and have to quickly water before lights off or right when the room opens again.

I give all the credit to the very forgiving nature of the coco hempy buckets.


Active Member
The Peyote Critical seems to be ready at a very speedy 39 days 12/12.
Barney's says 49-55 but this pheno is definitely even faster than that.
A few more amber trichs won't hurt things so I will let her go a bit longer, another week or so, but I harvested a few lower branches to test out.
I've decided to give this cut the nickname of PK39 (Purple Kush... much better than Peyote Critical and easier to say lol) and, while the buds aren't the biggest, they have fairly decent bag appeal (hopefully they'll purple up more with lower temps) and density for a mere 39 days, so I imagine this cut will stay around for awhile.

PK39 at Day 39F:

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