An ODD place for ODD plants and ODD thoughts...


Active Member
Hey there,

Thanks for droppin into my new grow journal for my medical garden.
I just restarted my garden after being down more than a year due to... snitch related buggery.
I am doing this journal not to teach, because I barely tread water as a grower, but more just to share, learn and, above all, keep myself accountable to my garden.
Back on Overgrow in the early 00's I did a journal and those were my best, most meticulous grows. Right now I have some plant health issues solely related to my disinterest in the garden and having my attention elsewhere. So, yeah, trying to get my shit together, mayne. :lol:

BTW, I preemptively invite all who pass through to post freely in this thread about whatever you like.
Criticisms and advice are welcome, I'm trying to improve my game.:hump:
I'll probably even use this place as a psychiatrists office, save my damn money.o_O

Anyway, guess gotta start somewhere.

The garden in it's new form is roughly 50sqf lit by 3600w in the form of 600w x 6.
There are 3 large Adjustawings reflectors with 1x 600w HPS and 1x 600w MH under each.
I'm growing in 70/30 coco/perlite in 9L hempy buckets, feeding H&G nutes etc.
Usually my plants stay pretty healthy but currently the Peyote Criticals in the room are unhappy, yellowing and dropping leaves quite early. Upped the nutes but that seemed to worsen the problem. Just can't reign them back in totally but they are still budding fairly nicely at the moment so, you know, not too worried about it.
This is a grow to get me back on my stash feet again. I got no stash, smoking old C grade from my freezer.

Next grow I will rock some decent genetics, but for this grow I am running former freebie seeds I still had.

Barneys Farm Peyote Critical is the main plant in the garden. The mother plus a handful of her cuts which are 7 days or so behind the mum in flower. She's just now starting to purple up ever so slightly. Smells of sweet coffee & leather. Should be decent enough flowers until I can get some real fire rocking in here.

Theres a Nirvana WR, absolute rubbish. I grew it in the early 00s and it was fire, greasy indica. This specimen is a very unimpressive sat dom. Also a Critical + in the garden.

The most interesting plant is the THSeeds Underdawg OG. This is the smoke I am anticipating the most from this round. Seems like a nice plant but hard to tell as I stunted it's growth and it stayed short as a MFer. Unnaturally short, same with the Critical +. I accidentally smothered them with Gnatnix top dressing.
I put it on as a preventative against gnats but as I was doing it I noticed how much powder was mixed in the granules and thought this can't be right but ignored my instinct like a dumbass and it basically caked up and smothered, and kept too wet, my plants for some time until I pulled my head out of my arse and figured out what was up. So yeah, if you use that stuff, don't be a dick like me, rinse it first. :finger:

Fuck I can ramble on, eh?

Okay, couple pics for now:


overall shot of the room & my sexy ferrari red floor fan.


My ballasts and shit. And my old Vaportek Optimum 4000 smell thingy still going strong at more than a decade old. That reminds me I have to order a new cartridge. Thing works beautifully and allows me to get away without a carbon filter.


This is the star of the garden. She's a single seed freebie Peyote Critical (Peyote Purple x Critical Kush) in a 15L hempy bucket. She is at Day 32F. Just now starting to show a bit of purp in the buds.


Most of the plants in this pic are cuts from the Peyote Critical and are about 7-8 days behind their mother.
These plants are heavily pruned and defoliated. This is the first time I am experimenting with this sort of brutality with the plants. I learned in the 'never cut a leaf off' school so it's hard to stomach the amount of butchery I have to do but I am loving the results I am having.
You can see I've got lock out or something on the Peyote Criticals... I just haven't been able to keep them healthy. I am kind of out of practice and have some old bad habits creeping up but I am determined to get back to growing at a decent level.

This is a 6'x3' tent with cuts from the PC in 3L hempys. These plants are in much better health. I've been much more attentive and disciplined with these. Also I am trying out Mills Nutrients line on these and loving the results so far. These will be cut right back again soon, trimmed of most of their larger leaves. These are going to flower in this tent under 600w. The PC doesn't stretch much at all so they've got a bit more vegging to do before being flipped.
I play fortnite! Games great! And plants look amazing man! Respect

Much thanks, mate. Thanks for droppin in.
Yeah, the plants are coming along nicely, despite my best efforts haha.:evil:
I think the co2 and sealed room enviroment helps them bulk up even if not totally healthy,

Yeah I love that game. For anyone who hasn't tried Fortnite, you should, it's free to play and insanely fun.
I wish we could trade gamertags and shit but obviously thats big security risk. doh.
do you have a gun maybe a latex marvel suit ???

Na not for me!

Haha yeah sorta! I have the fishman skin, he's in a latex suit. lmfao.
Yeah fair enough it's not to everyone's taste.
Some peeps are more about PUBG.
I just didn't like it.
I also play Rainbow 6 which is like a new generation Counter-Strike if you ask me which ya didn't.:blsmoke:
So, here's something someone else might find as cool and useful for their garden as I do.

These little things (about size of half dollar) are Xiaomi temperature/humidity sensors that talk to a base station called a Gateway which then talks to the app on your phone. So all I have to do is grab the phone to check temp & humidity in multiple areas. You can have up to 8 devices total on each Gateway.


this out of focus guy is hanging in my canopy from a reflector.


this one is on the wall center of the area.


This is another Xiaomi gadget that works with the Gateway. It's a leak sensor, very handy for the garden.
It detects water around it and alerts you.

I also have a door opening sensor set-up.
You can get smoke alarms that work with the system as well.


This is the app. I have an old beat up smart phone I use as my hub. I monitor temps and humidity remotely. And I can operate my split system via it's built in wifi to alter temps as needed. You can set-up 'rules' so you are alerted on your phone and/or your gateway blinks and screams say if your temps go above 30c or your humidity goes to low etc.

I find the temp and humidity sensors to be very good compared to the average digital gauges I've used over the years.
Very handy stuff and not expensive.

Mah shortys.
Critical+ on the left, Underdawg OG on the right both at D32F.
I think these could qualify as ODD plants.
I had to extend veg for some time and I think these gals got a bit rootbound because neither of them stretched barely at all. If I had purposely grown this compact, full canopy on these I'd be proud, but it wasn't intentional. Still, they seem like they could turn out *okay*.
Both these plants had to have an assload of defoliation to open up the canopies.