Any sexperts out there?

I think its a male as well. If it were fem, I think you would of seen some white hairs by now, and it looks like a tiny ball on a stem, which is another telltale sign of male, the being on a stem part.
oh yeah. I dont yank til im 150% positive. I've been surprised before.

edit: I am by no means saying I am a pro. At all. not even close.

Anyones a pro when they leave it till 100% accuracy can be obtained, everyone else just dosent have the patience and wants answers before they are really ready.

One of those balls in the pictures has a pointed end, this is more female than male for this particular feature, it does look male but i'm refuse to call until the fat lady (or man) sings :-)
I clicked on this thread cuz I thought I'm gonna share my sexcapade in my stud days. Damn, its a wrong thread, I must be getting old and nostalgic of that good old days. :bigjoint:
One of the ones i yanked towered over the other one, the bigger one definitely was male, the other one could have been female, but ive ran the strain once, was female, my buddy ran the strain and got all males. So i assumed it was male, it was showing balls just not as developed as the other.