The fundamental problem that plagues the politics section

To: The Democratic National Committee
Re: 2016 GOP presidential candidates
Date: April 7, 2015

This memo is intended to outline the strategy and goals a potential Hillary Clinton presidential campaign would have regarding the 2016 Republican presidential field. Clearly most of what is contained in this memo is work the DNC is already doing. This exercise is intended to put those ideas to paper.

Our Goals & Strategy

Our hope is that the goal of a potential HRC campaign and the DNC would be one-in-the-same: to make whomever the Republicans nominate unpalatable to a majority of the electorate. We have outlined three strategies to obtain our goal:

1) Force all Republican candidates to lock themselves into extreme conservative positions that will hurt them in a general election; 2) Undermine any credibility/trust Republican presidential candidates have to make inroads to our coalition or independents;
3) Muddy the waters on any potential attack lodged against HRC.

Operationalizing the Strategy

Pied Piper Candidates There are two ways to approach the strategies mentioned above. The first is to use the field as a whole to inflict damage on itself similar to what happened to Mitt Romney in 2012. The variety of candidates is a positive here, and many of the lesser known can serve as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right. In this scenario, we don’t want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more “Pied Piper” candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican Party. Pied Piper candidates include, but aren’t limited to:

• Ted Cruz
• Donald Trump
• Ben Carson

We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to them seriously.

So that worked out great. Smart people, those HRC team strategists..

addionally, Tim Keane was already slated as her running mate as far back as this memo.

there never was any consideration for anyone other than Happy Harmonica.

HRC did manage to adopt many of Sanders' platform into the one she already had: NONE.

HRC thought it was going to be a slam dunk, so much so, she avoided campaigning in the rust belt (deplorables) which ultimately led to her undoing by small numbers of only in the thousands in many districts and states overall.

that's what happens when you busy yourself with 'you', and ignore the needs of 'we'.
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Isn't it racist to assume that every ape refers to only one racial type?

To: The Democratic National Committee
Re: 2016 GOP presidential candidates
Date: April 7, 2015

This memo is intended to outline the strategy and goals a potential Hillary Clinton presidential campaign would have regarding the 2016 Republican presidential field. Clearly most of what is contained in this memo is work the DNC is already doing. This exercise is intended to put those ideas to paper.

Our Goals & Strategy

Our hope is that the goal of a potential HRC campaign and the DNC would be one-in-the-same: to make whomever the Republicans nominate unpalatable to a majority of the electorate. We have outlined three strategies to obtain our goal:

1) Force all Republican candidates to lock themselves into extreme conservative positions that will hurt them in a general election; 2) Undermine any credibility/trust Republican presidential candidates have to make inroads to our coalition or independents;
3) Muddy the waters on any potential attack lodged against HRC.

Operationalizing the Strategy

Pied Piper Candidates There are two ways to approach the strategies mentioned above. The first is to use the field as a whole to inflict damage on itself similar to what happened to Mitt Romney in 2012. The variety of candidates is a positive here, and many of the lesser known can serve as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right. In this scenario, we don’t want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more “Pied Piper” candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican Party. Pied Piper candidates include, but aren’t limited to:

• Ted Cruz
• Donald Trump
• Ben Carson

We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to them seriously.

So that worked out great. Smart people, those HRC team strategists..

Hey, now that you are here, I'd like to ask you what happened to the $1.8 million that Justice Democrats spent on non-campaign activities? They only gave $18,000 to candidates and have pittance left in the bank. What happened?
That ego he's so quick to attach to everyone else won't let him answer.

Remember when he told me "it is time for you to choose a side"? LOL. For him it's not ego, it's pretentiousness. I'd say he's vainglorious but he might think that was a good thing.
Sorry. Respect is earned.
I must “respectfully” disagree with that statement.

Respect is not earned. Respect should be something you choose to give. It shouldn’t be based on someone’s personality or achievements or what they may or may not believe in. If someone needs to earn your respect, then you’re not actually respecting that person. You’re respecting whatever achievements they’ve accomplished or talents they may have, which is fine, but that’s completely different to respecting the actual person.

If you want to be respected, then u need to treat people with respect. You don’t need to agree with someone to have respect for them. Whether someone agrees or disagrees with u (and vice versa) is irrelevant. You can still debate and argue topics/opinions whilst being mindful and showing regard towards the other person. By no means is holding a different viewpoint grounds to de-value someone and reason to be rude towards them. It’s very easy and very possible to debate in a “respectful”, polite and considerate manner, without the need to insult, belittle, berate and otherwise “hurt” the other person.

I think that’s what op is trying to get across. You can disagree with anything and anyone to your hearts content, but that does not mean it’s ok to be disrespectful!

Treat people exactly how you wish to be treated. If one is respectful in their argument, then they should “expect” that respect be shown back in return. And if it’s not returned, isn’t it absurd to think one would then go out of their way to “earn” it?
I must “respectfully” disagree with that statement.

Respect is not earned. Respect should be something you choose to give. It shouldn’t be based on someone’s personality or achievements or what they may or may not believe in. If someone needs to earn your respect, then you’re not actually respecting that person. You’re respecting whatever achievements they’ve accomplished or talents they may have, which is fine, but that’s completely different to respecting the actual person.

If you want to be respected, then u need to treat people with respect. You don’t need to agree with someone to have respect for them. Whether someone agrees or disagrees with u (and vice versa) is irrelevant. You can still debate and argue topics/opinions whilst being mindful and showing regard towards the other person. By no means is holding a different viewpoint grounds to de-value someone and reason to be rude towards them. It’s very easy and very possible to debate in a “respectful”, polite and considerate manner, without the need to insult, belittle, berate and otherwise “hurt” the other person.

I think that’s what op is trying to get across. You can disagree with anything and anyone to your hearts content, but that does not mean it’s ok to be disrespectful!

Treat people exactly how you wish to be treated. If one is respectful in their argument, then they should “expect” that respect be shown back in return. And if it’s not returned, isn’t it absurd to think one would then go out of their way to “earn” it?

Never in my post did I say I only respected people who I agree with. I said respect is earned and I stand by that 100%. No need to twist 4 simple words into an essay.
I must “respectfully” disagree with that statement.

Respect is not earned. Respect should be something you choose to give. It shouldn’t be based on someone’s personality or achievements or what they may or may not believe in. If someone needs to earn your respect, then you’re not actually respecting that person. You’re respecting whatever achievements they’ve accomplished or talents they may have, which is fine, but that’s completely different to respecting the actual person.

If you want to be respected, then u need to treat people with respect. You don’t need to agree with someone to have respect for them. Whether someone agrees or disagrees with u (and vice versa) is irrelevant. You can still debate and argue topics/opinions whilst being mindful and showing regard towards the other person. By no means is holding a different viewpoint grounds to de-value someone and reason to be rude towards them. It’s very easy and very possible to debate in a “respectful”, polite and considerate manner, without the need to insult, belittle, berate and otherwise “hurt” the other person.

I think that’s what op is trying to get across. You can disagree with anything and anyone to your hearts content, but that does not mean it’s ok to be disrespectful!

Treat people exactly how you wish to be treated. If one is respectful in their argument, then they should “expect” that respect be shown back in return. And if it’s not returned, isn’t it absurd to think one would then go out of their way to “earn” it?

Respect is earned. people don't "deserve" anything but neutrality. a lack of respect doesn't not imply disrespect, it simply means you haven't earned either respect or disrespect from me yet, and i'll try to treat you neutrally. behave in a proper manner, show that you aren't an asshole, and you start to earn a little respect. but to actually earn my respect, it takes a little more than that.
Never in my post did I say I only respected people who I agree with. I said respect is earned and I stand by that 100%. No need to twist 4 simple words into an essay.
I don’t recall saying you did. You simply said “respect is earned”. I simply replied I disagree, and gave some backing to my argument. I neither twisted your words nor did I write an essay. So why say it?
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Isn't it racist to assume that every ape refers to only one racial type?


Had a friend in school, still keep in contact. One of his many nicknames was Ape Boy, because although the kid was amazing at so many things school wasn't something he excelled at. Ape was referrence to him being of less intelligence than the rest of the group. He was mostly white irish with red hair, and the rest white something. I just remember st patricks day he went all out because he could.

Girl at church everyone calls her "monkey" because she climbs the trees every sunday. Yup, she's white af.

It is racist to assume every ape joke refers to one racial type. but takes a great deal of pain and hurt feels for this underlying racism to reach the surface. They didn't have a racist bone in their bodies, but then there is this. The denial stage will be long and painful.
Respect is earned. people don't "deserve" anything but neutrality. a lack of respect doesn't not imply disrespect, it simply means you haven't earned either respect or disrespect from me yet, and i'll try to treat you neutrally. behave in a proper manner, show that you aren't an asshole, and you start to earn a little respect. but to actually earn my respect, it takes a little more than that.
Hence why I liked your earlier post on remaining neutral until you find grounds. But that’s still not to say that one must “earn” respect. If u and I were to meet as strangers thru mutual friends and engage in conversation, I would hope, and dare say “expect”, that u would treat me and talk to me with respect, as I would you. And now when i look at it like that, if u were to show me no disrespect, then wouldn’t u ultimately be showing respect? (Haha I’m confusing myself now!)

I can somewhat agree with remaining neutral until.... But I think it’s more a case of valuing people. Regarding people. Respecting people and their opinions and not blatantly disrespecting someone who’s opinion happens to differ from yours. (Although I know that’s not what u were saying). I’m only saying that’s the point op was trying to make.
respect is more of what i feel for you...based on your behavior. it takes time to develop. i treat people civilly and politely, until they give me reason to do otherwise. civility and politeness may seem like respect, in a disrespectful world, but they aren't the same.
I'll always respect the right everyone has to their own opinion, but I may not always respect the source, circumstance, or actions that formed that opinion.
Civility and politeness in my opinion is a guarded form of respect given until the other person has shown you otherwise.
True respect for me, has to earned, or shown to me by the actions of that person.
respect is more of what i feel for you...based on your behavior. it takes time to develop. i treat people civilly and politely, until they give me reason to do otherwise. civility and politeness may seem like respect, in a disrespectful world, but they aren't the same.
You’re absolutely right! The “respect” I’m debating is the one I believe should be shown. Common courtesy, just basic manners. You don’t have to genuinely admire a person or have a personal respect for them to be polite or civil. So yes I agree with you they’re not the same thing. I should’ve made it clear I’m referring to showing respect. My mistake.

To show respect and to have respect - two totally different things - I’m in favour of the former.
Had a friend in school, still keep in contact. One of his many nicknames was Ape Boy, because although the kid was amazing at so many things school wasn't something he excelled at. Ape was referrence to him being of less intelligence than the rest of the group. He was mostly white irish with red hair, and the rest white something. I just remember st patricks day he went all out because he could.

Girl at church everyone calls her "monkey" because she climbs the trees every sunday. Yup, she's white af.

It is racist to assume every ape joke refers to one racial type. but takes a great deal of pain and hurt feels for this underlying racism to reach the surface. They didn't have a racist bone in their bodies, but then there is this. The denial stage will be long and painful.
I see that birds of a feather do flock together