Aussie Growers Thread

if I recall correctly coco and dope are aware of it as a hemp. (from the Chinese miners?)

Aussies are not very good at any stealth. The flapping of the thongs is always a dead giveaway.
Not like European hemp,Chinese hemp plants are a totally different plant to what ours are and the early Chinese miners liked to get blazed so they did grow plants that had some THC but nothing compared to what would have been growing in other parts of Asia and the Middle East at the same time
Healthy looking plants Gigz

cheers nugs not expeting them to yield all that mutch cuse of the cmall pot dont even think the buds will get all that big but im not fussed tbh ec is good ph is good my other plants look a bit off tbh I lil slow behind but I need 2 get a hps so I can get rid of the milk crate n have n even light distrobution still looking forewerd 2 having some dank I havent been tempted 2 harvest any yet eather lol the timt seems 2 be flying by tbh