Starbucks and Amazon will not help homeless

Chunky is inconsistent. He doesn't always say incredibly ignorant things.

I still don't understand why everybody is so upset that Seattle is looking for answers and proposing solutions.
So you and Bucky can't defend your positions, and that makes *me* the ignorant one.

Got it. :clap:
what can't i defend again?
He's declaring himself a winner. Probably the only time he's won anything.
Now you're putting words in my mouth?

Please continue... :dunce:
chunky, I think you are OK. On this subject, you didn't show any depth of understanding of the subject that makes we want to continue this with you.

Some background information:

Numbers are approximate:

The chronically homeless have been continually homeless for more than a year.
One-third of the people who are chronically homeless are mentally ill
Two-thirds of the people who are chronically homeless are drug or alcohol dependent.
The population is filled with people who have been incarcerated, have trauma due to abuse as children, lack of control of emotions and many are so sick they can't stay healthy long enough to work a real job.
About 10% are so sick they cost the city many time more in hospital stays than it would cost to rent them an apartment.

This is no pity party, I'm just saying regardless how they got there the chronically homeless are not going to one day wake up and decide to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. The vast majority are there until they die or they finally get the help they need.

The situation in Seattle is frozen in a bad state right now. 90% of all emergency shelters are filled. There are 40 semi-permanent but technically illegal homeless camps scattered throughout the city. They need to be cleaned up but there is a law that prevents Seattle from closing the camps until the people living there have a place to stay.

Your answer for Seattle is not an answer at all but a morality statement -- "it was their choice". I asked before what your answer was and you said there is none. So, I think we are done. You have no answer, you have a bullshit idea that people are there because they want to be which is false for most. I don't know what to say other than Seattle is working on a solution when you have none.

Here is an article that goes over what Seattle is attempting. They seem to think they have a solution and a plan. If you don't want to read it, then fine. If you want to talk about specifics on the plan and why you don't think it will work beyond "it's their own fault", then I'm glad to talk it over with you.
Mayor Jenny Durkan proposes spending $6.3 million to add 500 homeless shelter beds in Seattle

You quoted statistics without a source.
And never mentioned crime.
How convenient.

Exactly how do you define "mentally ill"? No doubt depression is common, given the circumstances.

If Seattle had a billion dollars to spend on homeless services, there would still be homeless people wandering the streets.

You know I'm right.
You quoted statistics without a source.
And never mentioned crime.
How convenient.

Exactly how do you define "mentally ill"? No doubt depression is common, given the circumstances.

If Seattle had a billion dollars to spend on homeless services, there would still be homeless people wandering the streets.

You know I'm right.
So, what do you propose be done to solve Seattle's problem with chronic homeless living on their streets.
There will always be homeless people in Seattle.

Tell me I'm wrong.

Why don't you want to talk about crime?
Seattle is trying to solve their problems with the homeless and I think they will be successful.

You aren't wrong if in the absolute term the number of homeless will drop to zero. That wasn't the objective.

What does crime have to do with Seattle's plan for solving their problems with the chronically homeless?
Seattle is trying to solve their problems with the homeless and I think they will be successful.

You aren't wrong if in the absolute term the number of homeless will drop to zero. That wasn't the objective.

What does crime have to do with Seattle's plan for solving their problems with the chronically homeless?
Hey, you're the one who mentioned statistics.
You said that one third are mentally ill.
How many have extensive criminal records?

Let me guess... it's not their fault? :dunce:
Hey, you're the one who mentioned statistics.
You said that one third are mentally ill.
How many have extensive criminal records?

Let me guess... it's not their fault? :dunce:
you seem very worried about crime for a guy who boasts about manufacturing a federally illegal schedule 1 narcotic.
Hey, you're the one who mentioned statistics.
You said that one third are mentally ill.
How many have extensive criminal records?

Let me guess... it's not their fault? :dunce:
What does your assigning blame on anybody have to do with Seattle trying to solve their problems with the homeless population?

What do you propose Seattle should do?
The Conservative Party, of which May is the head, is bankrolled by dirty Russian Money. You may know that we had a dramatic public poisoning carried out in Salisbury by the hands of the Russian Government, using internationally banned chemicals to murder two Russian nationals in the most horrific way. It was described by some politicians as being on the scale of an Act of War, since it flouted virtually every international convention going.

What has Mrs May done about it? Square root of bugger all.

Her party is the party of the rich and makes its money off the back of laundering for the Oligarchs. London is a hotbed of 16 million pound mansions in Kensington & Chelsea and Belgravia all owned by wealthy Russians. We feed of the tit of dirty Russian money.

May is Putin's bitch.

i understand the poisoned russians are alive and well having been discharged from hospital.

imagine that.

are you certain about what you're being told?
What does your assigning blame on anybody have to do with Seattle trying to solve their problems with the homeless population?

What do you propose Seattle should do?
Why do you keep asking the same question over and over, even though I've answered it multiple times?
i understand the poisoned russians are alive and well having been discharged from hospital.

imagine that.

are you certain about what you're being told?

Well Yulia Skripal has been interviewed in public albeit it quite a limited one, this seems to be more out of fear for speaking against the Russian state, and my friends fiancé is a cleaner in the hospital in Salisbury and was on shift when they were first admitted. It is not a conspiracy and was a very real event - the doctors had no idea what they were dealing with and did an incredible job...

For all our faults the British Government is pretty clean (plus we don't subscribe to conspiracy theories in the way Americans do)... just how many think Chemtrails are an actual thing? (God help us all). If our Government does take part in conspiracies, it is very good at covering them up.

Where our institutions have failed to uphold our values, at least we admit it:

I am certain about what we have been told. What I have no faith in, is our spineless government to actually do anything about it - because if we did, our energy security would be all over being that our energy mix is usually over 30% natural gas, mostly imported from Russia's sphere of influence (though proactive steps are being taken to change that)

The event has however, utterly destroyed the economy of Salisbury which was a booming medevil city and a highly popular tourist location. Perhaps it was conducted by the Kremlin's Tourist Board?