The fundamental problem that plagues the politics section

respect is earned, but so is disrespect. the absence of one doesn't equal the presence of the other. i try to treat people neutrally till they give me a reason to do otherwise. i do my best not to prejudge...i won't say i'm good at it, but i try. it is my intention to judge people on an individual basis, on their behavior. i don't always achieve that, but again, i try.
some people obviously don't deserve respect, and indeed, have earned heaping servings of disrespect. just don't assume about either, wait till you have reason, like someone believing in pizzagate.....
#1 thing for an honest discussion, you must tell the truth, with NO OBSCUFICATIONS. ONE HAS TO ACKNOWLEGE that tRump has told over 3000 lies in less than 500 days in office, and that when someone lies that much, theres no way you can respect nor believe anything they say , and if they end up in Prison, they should get humane treatment.
You must also believe there are No Such Things as Alternative FACTS.
You cant believe in GOOD NAZIs.

tRump will/would never make it through a Mueller Interview.
5 minutes in, and tRump will have committed Perjury. He cant tell the truth, when the truth would be easier to tell.

George Harrison wrote a couple good verses that sums it good for me vs tRump.

Watch out now, take care
Beware of soft shoe shufflers
Dancing down the sidewalks
As each unconscious sufferer
Wanders aimlessly
Beware of maya

Watch out now, take care
Beware of greedy leaders
They take you where you should not go
While weeping atlas cedars
They just want to grow, grow and grow
Beware of darkness
I should not believe your confessions?
Believe whatever you want. I can't stop you and I little care. Facts are sometimes complicated and there are those who use a shred of truth to spin wild yarns. You and a couple of others are not very smart and very much butthurt that I best you at every turn. I can understand why you cling to convenient fictions - its all you've got.

Leave Buggey alone! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

i start my day with, seeing what both sides are getting wrong, obfuscating, or outright lying about. both sides are guilty, but only trump is there EVERY DAY....he can't quit tweeting, and is incredibly seems the man who should be the most informed about things is the least. the best charity i can give trump is that he is misunderstanding the briefings he's supposed to have about important matters, becasue if he isn't misunderstanding them, he's deliberately misconstruing facts to fit his agenda....LYING.....daily....the President of the United States is either a Liar, or not intelligent enough to understand his briefings....or BOTH
#1 thing for an honest discussion, you must tell the truth, with NO OBSCUFICATIONS. ONE HAS TO ACKNOWLEGE that tRump has told over 3000 lies in less than 500 days in office, and that when someone lies that much, theres no way you can respect nor believe anything they say , and if they end up in Prison, they should get humane treatment.
You must also believe there are No Such Things as Alternative FACTS.
You cant believe in GOOD NAZIs.

tRump will/would never make it through a Mueller Interview.
5 minutes in, and tRump will have committed Perjury. He cant tell the truth, when the truth would be easier to tell.

George Harrison wrote a couple good verses that sums it good for me vs tRump.

Watch out now, take care
Beware of soft shoe shufflers
Dancing down the sidewalks
As each unconscious sufferer
Wanders aimlessly
Beware of maya

Watch out now, take care
Beware of greedy leaders
They take you where you should not go
While weeping atlas cedars
They just want to grow, grow and grow
Beware of darkness
George Harrison was a Nazi collaborator.

It's so easy.
....the President of the United States is either a Liar, or not intelligent enough to understand his briefings....or BOTH
When you watch Fox News through your briefing are you really worried about understanding said briefing? I'm still not certain what that behavior says about someone who is SUPPOSED to give a damn about being the executive in charge of a nation's policy. o_O
I prefer to not make up elaborate stories about people or claim to know their thoughts. YMMV.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Unlike some Progressives(tm) and radical right wingers, I don't claim to know what somebody is thinking.
Is what you post something that you would call a respectful debate? To debate well, first you must learn how to form a logical argument that is free from logical fallacies. Also claiming to know what another person is thinking lacks substance as an arguing point in a debate over ideas.

You should take a class on this topic. Seriously, you might learn why we are showing you the respect you deserve.
Wow... it’s like I’m reading a Nazi who is trying to spread Judaism. :shock:

You missed the for you most important part of Pada’s message: set that ego aside. (So clearly the sole purpose of your post...). Until you can do that, stop pretending. It’s not a fake it till you make it thing. Empty your cup before you try to fill it. Pigeon. And stop stealing my lines ffs have some dignity.

you can't begin to debate someone unless an objective reality is agreed upon first
Lol so philosophical. Though your first example shows you don’t actually get what you are saying. In practice not necessarily true but good luck doing that with Christians, Muslims, Neo nazis etc. How come it’s so hard in your country to agree upon an objective reality... just curious so we can perhaps project our society against such influences. :roll:

American Enlightenment failed, try again. And try to understand it is specifically the anti-dote for religious thinking in politics.

Before you all worry about having a debate with others, for fuck sakes, try to be intellectually honest, with yourself, for a change. Know thyself... actually, that would for most lead to the realization you are not really in a position to “debate” politics.

As I suggesed in the led forums years ago, try dialectics instead of merely debating.

brb, gotta go duct tape my wife's ass open
UncleCuck? :lol:
Wow... it’s like I’m reading a Nazi who is trying to spread Judaism. :shock:

You missed the for you most important part of Pada’s message: set that ego aside. (So clearly the sole purpose of your post...). Until you can do that, stop pretending. It’s not a fake it till you make it thing. Empty your cup before you try to fill it. Pigeon. And stop stealing my lines ffs have some dignity.

Lol so philosophical. Though your first example shows you don’t actually get what you are saying. In practice not necessarily true but good luck doing that with Christians, Muslims, Neo nazis etc. How come it’s so hard in your country to agree upon an objective reality... just curious so we can perhaps project our society against such influences. :roll:

American Enlightenment failed, try again. And try to understand it is specifically the anti-dote for religious thinking in politics.

Before you all worry about having a debate with others, for fuck sakes, try to be intellectually honest, with yourself, for a change. Know thyself... actually, that would for most lead to the realization you are not really in a position to “debate” politics.

As I suggesed in the led forums years ago, try dialectics instead of merely debating.

UncleCuck? :lol:
What language was that?

I recognized the words as English but the poster made absolutely no sense.