What did you accomplish today?

Fuckin' FB.

I'm glad I never got into that.

A buddy of mine had a few Canadian caged up years ago. Don't remember why he wanted them but the state game commission showed up one day and read him the riot act.

They released them, but they wouldn't leave. So they took them away. A few days later, they came back anyway to a pond he has on the property. They've been hanging there ever since with a bigger family. Lol.

edit Canadian geese

Lol. For a minute I really believed that your friend was kidnapping Canadians. Reminds me of a joke -

Dude just moved to a small town and took the only job available, which was at a butcher's shop. After only 2 days of training, the butcher left dude there by himself and went fishing. An affluent lady walked into the shop and ordered a Canadian duck. Dude didn't know one duck from another, so he grabbed a duck and gave it to the lady to inspect. The lady wets her finger, sticks it up the duck's ass and says, 'This is a mallard, I asked for a Canadian Duck!' Dude gets another duck, gives it to the lady who wets the same finger, sticks it up this duck's ass and states, 'This is a Western Duck, I WANT A CANADIAN DUCK!' Dude grabs the last duck, lady does the same thing and says, 'Now THIS is a Canadian Duck!' As dude is wrapping it up, the lady wants to break the awkward silence with small talk, 'I haven't seen you around here before. Where are you from?' Dude drops his pants, bends over, and says, 'You tell me!'
Do vegetables count? Ask your HbA1C

Vegetables count, and my HbA1C number is 99 (it's close!) :(
Been up since 5am. Got the smoker started and up to temp. About to smoke 4 whole briskets and 4 slabs of spare ribs.

I’ll post pics soon.

I love it! (that's my other hobby, although I haven't been barbecuing much this year yet) waiting for your pictures for inspiration..!
pics on Facebook and one of the locals (I told her not to add) called the dnr. .

I have most of the social media accounts but never for any dissemination. From a PERSEC point of view they are a treasure trove of valuable info. Who can be sure that even disposable web based chat (Line/TinyChat) are really secure, disposed of and not saved somewhere. IMO the potential for bad outweighs whatever "good" comes from them.
I have most of the social media accounts but never for any dissemination. From a PERSEC point of view they are a treasure trove of valuable info. Who can be sure that even disposable web based chat (Line/TinyChat) are really secure, disposed of and not saved somewhere. IMO the potential for bad outweighs whatever "good" comes from them.

Ya know, I've often wondered about Guardzilla and other similar cams being hacked live.

I'd like to put one in a grow room but I have a bad feeling about it so fuck it. Maybe an old fashion closed circuit, if they even still have those. Everything is a company product with upselling now.

For an extra fee, they offer more storage and other things. I just want a live cam pic, nothing more.
We had "Dorpsdag" today, think a celebration of whatever town you're from, and suddenly SWMBO got scared because of the sight of the cunt who sexually abused her when she was a child.

Now I know the face, he's my prey now, and I will take pleasure in ruining his business and then, when the time is right, introduce him to my crowbar and turn him into a paraplegic so he suffers with every breath until he dies.

He's my puppy dog now, I know where he lives, what he does, and that cunt is going to suffer as much as he can whilst still being able to breathe because death is too good for such vermin....