trump's unsecured personal phone

I was in Michigan last weekend. I met some guy who does not know you but he did not like your politics. He said you are the biggest meff klansman ever. So it's true

You should get help.

Plus, you are not smart. I can tell that from your post

Fuckin sad dude.

You met bundee? He’s one of you extreme angry upset dudes on here.

He doesn’t know me.

If you feel that way about me why do you keep defending me to them and even pm’ing me about it?

Pick a side follower.
A whole lot more than 3 people have called you a meth addict when you were up all night methposting for months every single fucking night in the politics section.

No only the small group of angry upset complainers you are part of. And it is all just in response to Bucks lies about me.

But because of him. I don’t need to defend my pride of quitting drugs 20 years ago anymore.

No one is listening to it that bothers me. You should think about what and who you support.

You have been around long enough to know I got caught up in his trolling.
You met bundee? He’s one of you extreme angry upset dudes on here.

He doesn’t know me.

If you feel that way about me why do you keep defending me to them and even pm’ing me about it?

Pick a side follower.
Feel free to post these PMs. I am sure they are terribly incriminating.

So much for trying to make peace.

Meff is a bad drug. It really fucks people up. More than an unending stream of cracker meth seekers does to a predominantly black neighborhood.
in one of the PMs he sent me, he said that he injured himself while he was trying to break into someone's house to rob them. he said the homeowner, who was black (methigan used a different word), beat the shit out of methigan with a baseball bat. then methigan started asking me for medical advice because he doesn't have insurance.
You met bundee? He’s one of you extreme angry upset dudes on here.

He doesn’t know me.

If you feel that way about me why do you keep defending me to them and even pm’ing me about it?

Pick a side follower.

No one has met me except some of the people at the Amsterdam CS boards. That's real.

The reason I give you so much shit is because you backed up some of the racist pieces of shit on this board. Fuck Trump, his followers and those that tacitly support them. Trump is fucking this country over by selling us out to the Russians. He has no ideology. He's a cheap hood who was bought and won the election with all manner of interference from Russia

This country is big enough for everyone the problem is when the extreme fringe rules.
No one has met me except some of the people at the Amsterdam CS boards. That's real.

The reason I give you so much shit is because you backed up some of the racist pieces of shit on this board. Fuck Trump, his followers and those that tacitly support them. Trump is fucking this country over by selling us out to the Russians. He has no ideology. He's a cheap hood who was bought and won the election with all manner of interference from Russia

This country is big enough for everyone the problem is when the extreme fringe rules.
He's always denying it. But yeah, he's definitely one of those racist trump supporters.
He's always denying it. But yeah, he's definitely one of those racist trump supporters.

i've unfortunately seen this in real life.

my family claims not to be racist. i mean they got their token black family at the ALL WHITE, MOSTLY OLDS southern baptist church in the country.

they will tell you they aren't racist and that they are christians. but several of them think obama was born in kenya and is a muslim. they also will tell you donald trump is a christian and god sent him. but they all despise obama.

i've told them they are in a fucking cult and snap the fuck out of it.

their support of trump and his actions vs. the family man (christian) obama, who lived the life of a christian man astounds me. i mean obama went to church every weekend and trump doesn't think he needs any forgiveness from god. the hypocrisy is unbelievable. it can only mean one thing...

i have told them to shove their evangelicalism where the sun does not shine.
Feel free to post these PMs. I am sure they are terribly incriminating.

So much for trying to make peace.

Meff is a bad drug. It really fucks people up. More than an unending stream of cracker meth seekers does to a predominantly black neighborhood.

There is no need. You incriminated yourself plenty trying to insinuate I use meth while being caught in your obvious debt.

And what peace? There is no peace in this forum for anyone who might disagree with the insane far left.

And the answers all lie in compromise and education. Not regulation. More government involvement is never the answer.
i can literally quote each and every person on that list calling you a meth junkie

Go ahead. You seem to have plenty of time on your hands to waste.

Doesn’t make it true and doesn’t change the peace I have made.

I disagree with the politics. That doesn’t make me something else just because you say. You only troll here.