What did you accomplish today?

I usually get the 600-1200 count , this new one is 900 but I have had more comfortable 600's . We'll see how long it lasts, I like to change mine every week and the ol' lady insist on seasonal stuff. I don't know why because I don't entertain company in the bedroom...... well sometimes I do but the sheets are not important at that point. I mean I have never been turned down because my sheets were out of season.
Buck won't talk to me anymore its strange he's convinced I'm racist but isn't doing his self apointed duties. I miss his misguided intellect he's certainly gone down a dark trail of perversion and will be missed
I was just talking to him, Fogdog and Unclebaldrick in politics. All very agreeable fellows. Give it time. He'll come around. It is weird that all 3 of them celebrated Trump's victory tho. Who woulda thought?