Aussie Growers Thread

i wanted 2 on tje instructors head tbh but na after that i was having a panic attack so i pulled ove said take me home wont go with him again
Laugh away but am i corect to say tell them like a coup,e of seconds b4 not tell them what to do the verry millasecond thay need 2 do it like im tjere trynna procces every thing plus drive tje car n shit im just pissed cuse now im more nervouse and anxips about it tjen when i was b4 hes shit all heas told me 2 do is 2 slow down or speed up or when 2 turn any thing els eif iv had w ask other wise i wouldent of been told shit
Laugh away but am i corect to say tell them like a coup,e of seconds b4 not tell them what to do the verry millasecond thay need 2 do it like im tjere trynna procces every thing plus drive tje car n shit im just pissed cuse now im more nervouse and anxips about it tjen when i was b4 hes shit all heas told me 2 do is 2 slow down or speed up or when 2 turn any thing els eif iv had w ask other wise i wouldent of been told shit
Well what else is a driving instructor meant to say ? Turn the music up or down ?
Ok this “water boy” needs some help please someone...
What’s more often than not the cause of nutrient lockout? Is it ph?
Im pretty sure your ph should be 5.5 upwards to say no more than 6.3 or 6.4
If it' not in that range u can get ph problems if I remember rightly but I havnt done indoor for like nearly a decade
So flush? 1/4 strength nutes or no nutes at all?

Also would it cause much trouble if I changed nutes in the middle of a cycle?
plain ph adjusted water flush.
If you mean change brand, in theory shouldn't really matter, unless you go to something really different or just unsuitable (That was gonna be bad anyway).