NFL denys free speach to it's players


Well-Known Member
The NFL announced today that any player that refuses too stand in a respectful manner next season, in a straight line, holding their helmets in their left hands at the playing of the national anthem, will face disciplinary actions
No more on the field protests against injustices.
It seems that Trump has gotten his way, again
What the fuck has this country become in the span of 18 months, where a citizens right (yea, NFL players are citizens) to peacefully protest against injustices by not standing for the National Anthem, and when the fucking POTUS yell's "Fire them", and the moneygrubbing owners bow to their new fucking Fuhrer's demand, and limits their employees ability to express their 1st Amendment rights.
I know what, a fascist state run by a clown who demands unmitigated loyalty, and screams about the "Deep State", when confronted about his own criminal actions.
Yea, and Hillary sucked, right?
Fuck me


Well-Known Member
Yo dumbass do you ever stop?
They can do whatever the fuck they want on their free time. But at work you represent your employer. Grow up snowflake.

I think I should be clean pretty fast I sweat so much at work it's not funny everyday and its a 7 day a week job and right now it's about 90 to 105 everyday. I must drink at least a gallon of water a day at work if not more and sweat just as much out I hope i will be clean in time only gave myself about 20 days. like I was saying they do not care about weed, not the slightest. Alot of people are saying they are not going to quit smoking for one of two reasons they do not think they are going to go through with it (about 30 people work at our yard and only 6 are drug free and they know this) or they just will not quit. At the moment work around here is pretty easy to come by last year it was real slow everything was dead no drilling, but just as soon as the new year came around BAM it was back like crazy drilling everywhere,guess thats a boom town for you. I must pass (if they do) because I plan on buying a house as soon as income tax comes in and need a job for at least a year to do so. yeah they say they do randoms here but not in the 2 years I have been here and did not take one to get job either only drug test the drivers here.
Why do you think black NFL players should adhere to terms of employment, but not yourself?

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
i saw a white guy on facebook saying nasty things about muslim people and he had his employer listed in his bio. so i screenshotted all the racist shit, emailed it to his employer, and he was later fired.

isn;t that awesome?
I never knew anything about that... and I really don't care.