trump's unsecured personal phone

apparently he conducts a ton of business from it and it is completely unsecured.

so why the silence from trumptards about it?

That's only bad if you're secretary of state. Everybody knows that.

Benghazi! No collusion, no collusion. My campaign was wiretapped. I like people who don't get caught. No collusion. Pizzagate. Witch hunt. Fake news. Lock her up. 3,000,000 Mexicans voted illegally. I'm building a wall and Mexico is paying for it. Good people on both sides. Vote for Roy Moore, we need that vote. Shit hole countries. Illegals are animals. Those women are all lying and I'm suing right after the election. Where's my African American. Never stayed in Russia. I never met Putin. Russians have the best prostitutes. Nobody ever met with Russians. Rocketman. Hillary did it. I know more than the generals. Scott Pruit is a good man. Are we going to just believe these lying women? Confederate statues are part of our great history. I'm the least racist person you'll ever, ever meet. I don't know where she got the money.
That's only bad if you're secretary of state. Everybody knows that.

Benghazi! No collusion, no collusion. My campaign was wiretapped. I like people who don't get caught. No collusion. Pizzagate. Witch hunt. Fake news. Lock her up. 3,000,000 Mexicans voted illegally. I'm building a wall and Mexico is paying for it. Good people on both sides. Vote for Roy Moore, we need that vote. Shit hole countries. Illegals are animals. Those women are all lying and I'm suing right after the election. Where's my African American. Never stayed in Russia. I never met Putin. Russians have the best prostitutes. Nobody ever met with Russians. Rocketman. Hillary did it. I know more than the generals. Scott Pruit is a good man. Are we going to just believe these lying women? Confederate statues are part of our great history. I'm the least racist person you'll ever, ever meet. I don't know where she got the money.
Keep it up, only 2900 to go...
gotcha, but what is the raw number of retards?

what did he get , roughly 60,000,00 votes?

what percentage of those people are retarded?

hint: its a very large number
Oh I don't know, I'm not really comfortable tossing around a word like that so I'll let you answer your own question.