Aussie Growers Thread

Cunts in perth are actually pretty chill and everyone's fairly friendly to each other although a fair percentage of the indigenous here are pretty fucked which is a shame. Been to melbourne and you don't even notice the indigenous because they're literally just normal every day people 'cause well... they are. Come to perth, pick any time of day and take a walk around the city and you'll see groups of them in the dozens sniffing petrol, sniffing paint in broad daylight in front of children, abusing people, spitting at them, fighting each other. That kind of shit is eveeryyywhere here it's properly munted. Good luck catching a train without them hurling abuse at you etc
Yeah I second that ive seen some fucked up shit happening in perth .. go for a walk through a nice park .. find needles everywhere .. perth is still a nice city tho . My little fella loves kings park .. and its nice to go and see some grass on occasion
Speaking of grass... its actually gonna fucking rain up here for once ... first time in months


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Haha lol whats the dumbest shit u ever got any one 2 do
I convinced my mate that the clown at his kids birthday party was a gay guy I knew and he’d asked me i my mate would be keen on hooking up with him. My mate btw is the most homophobic person on earth so he spent the whole day with his back glued to the wall meanwhile I made friends with the clown and invited him to come back later on for a few beers. After the party I fucked off and got a phone call from my mate telling me he’d almost killed “that fucking poofter clown mate of yours” when he turned back up at about 10.30 that night lol
Cunts in perth are actually pretty chill and everyone's fairly friendly to each other although a fair percentage of the indigenous here are pretty fucked which is a shame. Been to melbourne and you don't even notice the indigenous because they're literally just normal every day people 'cause well... they are. Come to perth, pick any time of day and take a walk around the city and you'll see groups of them in the dozens sniffing petrol, sniffing paint in broad daylight in front of children, abusing people, spitting at them, fighting each other. That kind of shit is eveeryyywhere here it's properly munted. Good luck catching a train without them hurling abuse at you etc
Tbh having korri in me or bot samevas any one thay need 2 take responsibility for their own choices im not talking bout the past u cant sit there n abuse drugs shit n then blame other people all we have in tis world is our selv3s
n im not trynna be like thay need 2 get over the past but sorry not sorry plenty of people have got threw fucked up unabaginable stuff n still go on 2 become producive i just think u can sit around cry about racism n shit when ur abusing drugs n and people and then blaming other things same as any other race my dad works in mentel health or is a drug and alcahole coukceler or some shit was telling me when he was in darwin little girls would walk up 2 u n offer 2 suck ur dick for a smoke im very very hesatant 2 go now becuse of that i def dont wanna spend any mony going on a hiloday 2 see that heart breaking
n im not trynna be like thay need 2 get over the past but sorry not sorry plenty of people have got threw fucked up unabaginable stuff n still go on 2 become producive i just think u can sit around cry about racism n shit when ur abusing drugs n and people and then blaming other things same as any other race my dad works in mentel health or is a drug and alcahole coukceler or some shit was telling me when he was in darwin little girls would walk up 2 u n offer 2 suck ur dick for a smoke im very very hesatant 2 go now becuse of that i def dont wanna spend any mony going on a hiloday 2 see that heart breaking
What are you talking about .. just take a packet of ciggis dont be shy
Im talking about 5 yr old kids offering 2 suck dick for smokes im talking about past aside people including my self and other races need 2 stop bitching and blaming i dint care if ur nan or whao was stolen when it comes 2 some one being drugged fucked rather than look at why thay are same as any one else thay bla,e shit that happend years ago im not saying all that stuff should be forgotten but my point is it pisses me of when people do that shit im not saying to them 2 shut up about the past im saying dont bkame the past on ur drug addiction its very easy 2 sit back n make excuses i do it daily with other things
Just gets 2 me cuse we are capable of the same as any one else but so many people sit back n cry just over the buplshit of it like u cant blame the white man for shit if ur sitten at train stations being a fuck wit inmho
i do understand knowng how mutch of ur culture has been lost that can be fuking depressing tbf but still alot of people have been thrrew alot worse n made a life for em selfves
Im talking about 5 yr old kids offering 2 suck dick for smokes im talking about past aside people including my self and other races need 2 stop bitching and blaming i dint care if ur nan or whao was stolen when it comes 2 some one being drugged fucked rather than look at why thay are same as any one else thay bla,e shit that happend years ago im not saying all that stuff should be forgotten but my point is it pisses me of when people do that shit im not saying to them 2 shut up about the past im saying dont bkame the past on ur drug addiction its very easy 2 sit back n make excuses i do it daily with other things
Road trip to Darwin just moved to the top of my list