Aussie Growers Thread

Whybi love saying hallo 2 people when we do make eye contact it throws people off i find less n less people say hallo back its mainly the old people where u get a smile n a hallo back young people just look at u n thing fuck whats tnis cunts scam or some shit i wanna drive down 2 melbourne one day n mayeb drive tje great ocean road n head 2 sa from there
still u think tassies full jebus christ do other parts ofmaust get alot of immagrents seems like hew doas not being a cunt if there nice then welcome but i find mostly people are cu ts in genarol
Whybi love saying hallo 2 people when we do make eye contact it throws people off i find less n less people say hallo back its mainly the old people where u get a smile n a hallo back young people just look at u n thing fuck whats tnis cunts scam or some shit i wanna drive down 2 melbourne one day n mayeb drive tje great ocean road n head 2 sa from there
I hitchhiked goldcoast to espereance .. down the great ocean road and across the nullabor .. was an awesome way of doing it
Don’t really see it being worth the effort especially with DE fittings but some guys will do it and say they work great and others will do it and say it’s shit just like everything but they definitely aren’t a game changer
I haven't looked into the cost of them but my thinking is with my small space it might be a waste of money. People seem to rave about them though.
Whybi love saying hallo 2 people when we do make eye contact it throws people off i find less n less people say hallo back its mainly the old people where u get a smile n a hallo back young people just look at u n thing fuck whats tnis cunts scam or some shit i wanna drive down 2 melbourne one day n mayeb drive tje ogreat ocean road n head 2 sa from there
I like to do random strange shit to fuck with people like that especially at functions. Inappropriate jokes,pretending to steal,faking (really obviously) having a disability or injury to get sympathy or even donations pretty much anything I can do to make them feel uncomfortable
Id like 2 learn mor about aus iv only ever known what life is like here based on living in sydny do people walk around looking like theve tasted shit in othaer parts of the country or is that just us
Cunts in perth are actually pretty chill and everyone's fairly friendly to each other although a fair percentage of the indigenous here are pretty fucked which is a shame. Been to melbourne and you don't even notice the indigenous because they're literally just normal every day people 'cause well... they are. Come to perth, pick any time of day and take a walk around the city and you'll see groups of them in the dozens sniffing petrol, sniffing paint in broad daylight in front of children, abusing people, spitting at them, fighting each other. That kind of shit is eveeryyywhere here it's properly munted. Good luck catching a train without them hurling abuse at you etc