Aussie Growers Thread

ive got one of those cheap gas cookers that use the gas in a can (kmart and super cheap have them). Takes up hardly any room and works a treat, can boil the billy or cook a roast in the camp oven.
I know the ones you mean. Me mate has two of them. I had one. Somehow broke it.

I just like the idea of the old wood fired stoves. Going to try finding some fatwood to test out at some stage too.
Trying to get myself outside a bit more. Would help to learn some self sufficiency.

Torn between a taller swag and a smaller sturdy tent. One where I'm not in that awkward state half way between a crouch and standing.

I've got somewhat of a kit built to camp with. Got a thermal mat to lay on. A shitty $50 tent from Kmart -for now. A bag with a change of clothes, basic med kit, wet weathers, skillet. A couple dry food items. And essential seasonings. Even has a fire steel.

I'm looking into building my own ammo can rocket stove too. Want to make it capable of holding at least some kind of chimney stack. And possibly a small amount of fire starter/fuel for a single billy/meal.
Ive got a soto burner .. cost 280 bucks but is compact and runs on petrol .. among other fuels .. with tents I find tge lighter the better .. I have a 2 man that weighs around 1.8kgs but im normally doing big hikes into the mountains .. 60 - 100 kms most medical kits are a waste of time .. and space .. buy a good quality bandage and some duct tape a couple of tubes of super glue and a pair of scissors ... can make a sling from a shirt if needed google how to make a decent snare for rabbits and other small tucker. Good compass and some charts of the area can be helpful if going for a longer time another thing that is handy is if you get an old chainsaw chain ... break a link with a grinder .. get some soft wire and wire a handle on each end .. handpowered chainsaw good for cutting wood for a fire or building a hut etc
last 2 is the male def growing a fair few pisttles on the others i moved out the widdoew in order 2 have the plants closer to the light n yes i need 2 stop being sutch a lazy cunt and clean up my shit concentrating on out side the tent but i think to morros job will be cleaning the tent and i may spray some bleatch or something gunna get on top of that b4 winter hits cuse i wanna have it lest drafty 20180521_150516.jpg 20180521_150436.jpg 20180521_150413.jpg 20180521_150401.jpg
I like that chainsaw chain idea. I could make one of those easy enough. Was looking at getting a Folding pruning saw &/or a hammer hatchet.
I like that chainsaw chain idea. I could make one of those easy enough. Was looking at getting a Folding pruning saw &/or a hammer hatchet.
I just take a chainsaw as I drive to where I camp normally and ya never know if a tree is down and across the tracks on the way in or out. A battery one would be great for camping. Those folding pruning saws are not the best, the hand pruning saws (that don't fold) work well.
I just take a chainsaw as I drive to where I camp normally and ya never know if a tree is down and across the tracks on the way in or out. A battery one would be great for camping. Those folding pruning saws are not the best, the hand pruning saws (that don't fold) work well.
Ill second that .. the hand pruning saws are only good for something the thickness of your thumb the idea i mentioned earlier will get through something as big as my thigh .. im 6ft 3 and 120 kgs .. so its no chicken leg all depends on the length of your chain type of wood and if you know how to cut properly
oh u wack it over the fire sort of thing it dont look in good knick 2 cook on but i dont k no shit
5 mins with the angle grinder and its right to go. Just some surface rust is all as it lives outside. Its real thick to, holds the heat well. Stainless steel flu so no smoke in ya eyes when cooking.
Only used it once and we set it up on some besser blocks about waist high a mate was supposed to fit some foldable adjustable legs. Must get onto him about that, I forgot all about it.