Why are there so many Trump supporters on RIU?

When did I insult you? Please point it out so I can try to understand your need to insult me. As a leftie, one of your prime directives is to accept diversity. How about diversity of thought? Is that not included?
It all started when Trump came out with his declaration that Mexicans who cross the border illegally looking for work were "drug smugglers, criminals, rapists and a few were nice people:. Then there were the anti-Muslim populist statements claiming they were Islamic terrorists trying to steal our women (I made up the last part). Then there was the "she's a nasty woman" comment during the debates, the grab them by the pussy, the jingoist speech and the poorly attended inauguration that he lied about, then the Russian collusion, then the expansion of ICE, then the attack on people's health care coverage, then there was the tax break to the wealthy that was paid for by the deficit, then there was the cover Trump gave Nazis who run people over in their cars, then there were the endless attacks on the foundations of our government. All this doesn't mention the corrupt staff in the WH, the gorging on profits made from presidential influence, the attacks on the independence of the media or his lies that come out his mouth every five minutes.

If you support that shit then your existence is an insult to humanity.

Diversity of thought? Sorry man to get that consideration you must think first.
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And now accusations of racism, on top of the insults. Right by the play book.

I am not a racist. You don't even know my race. I am in fact a part of an inter-racial family. Which races are not important. It doesn't prevent me from spotting hypocrisy.

Black Irish and German dont count as interracial. This idiot sounds just like that moron who leaves his guns around his kids.
It all started when Trump came out with his declaration that Mexicans who cross the border illegally looking for work were "drug smugglers, criminals, rapists and a few were nice people:. Then there were the anti-Muslim populist statements claiming they were Islamic terrorists trying to steal our women (I made up the last part). Then there was the "she's a nasty woman" comment during the debates, the grab them by the pussy, the jingoist speech and the poorly attended inauguration that he lied about, then the Russian collusion, then the expansion of ICE, then the attack on people's health care coverage, then there was the tax break to the wealthy that was paid for by the deficit, then there was the cover Trump gave Nazis who run people over in their cars, then there were the endless attacks on the foundations of our government. All this doesn't mention the corrupt staff in the WH, the gorging on profits made from presidential influence, the attacks on the independence of the media or his lies that come out his mouth every five minutes.

If you support that shit then your existence is an insult to humanity.

Diversity of thought? Sorry man to get that consideration you must think first.

I stated once already that I am not a Trump supporter. I can state it again if you would like. Maybe then you can actually try to explain your insults directed at me. Actually, there is no need to explain.
That is your measure? $22 trillion dollars spent (4 times more than all our wars combined) and nothing solidly gained but dependence on the state. With this brought much higher rates of fatherless children and a shit load of other problems.
Nobody said to gut it all at once, just stop the insanity.
I told you, tear down every statue of those slave owning Democrats, I wouldn't blink an eye. I do think using the scrap for a statue of Trump is a marvelous idea. Maybe even towering high over San Fran.
Is that the same civil rights act that Republicans voted 82% along with the Democrats 78% to pass?

when you say "nothing solidly gained" by the war on poverty are you including the children who got healthcare or didn;t go to sleep hungry?

why do you republicons have torchlit nazi marches to defend statues of slave owners who went to war against lincoln?

wasn't civil rights passed along geographic lines with northern reps voting almost 100% for it while southern reps (the same ones who went to war with lincoln and now vote republican and have torchlit nazi marches to defend statues of those slave owning war mongers) voted almost 100% against it?

didn;t a democrat president sign civil rights into law knowing full well the south would then vote republican because they hate black people?

didn;t the south switch from democrat to republican after democrats passed civil rights into law?
I stated once already that I am not a Trump supporter. I can state it again if you would like. Maybe then you can actually try to explain your insults directed at me. Actually, there is no need to explain.
well no one believes that because it is an obvious lie and we are not as dumb as you are
Black Irish and German dont count as interracial. This idiot sounds just like that moron who leaves his guns around his kids.

Does Japanese count? How about Indiginous North American? Persian? Any of those count, or do they not land on the right notes?

Secure storage of firearms is required by law in my country. All firearms owners that I know take this very seriously.

But continue with your random accusations and assumptions. I know you need to.
Cock$moke or Coldjoke was his name and he got shit on by everybody on this site because he kept insisting he could leave his loaded weapons anywhere in the kitchen and his kids wouldn't EVER touch them. Everyone patiently explained to him that someone would eventually get hurt and he defended his position for like 9 pages. He then went on to hide his roots and eventually admitted to being half Asian. Damn that dude was corny as Fuck.

Welcome back STUPID!
So you think he's Coldsmoke? Damn that guy was obnoxious.
I stated once already that I am not a Trump supporter. I can state it again if you would like. Maybe then you can actually try to explain your insults directed at me. Actually, there is no need to explain.
So, I deleted a post where I made an apology. If you ARE Coldsmoke, then we have nothing more to say. I am under the impression you said you were a Canadian conservative. In which case I'm open to more of a discussion regarding our differences.
Honestly you are so far the light

You really aren't nearly as smart as you think. You toss narrative from your that Huffington bitch. You really are average IF THAT. Weak sauce bro. Like weaker than mcdonalds hot sauce. I thought you were for real. I really did. You are fucking sad and a bitch. You aren't even gay or black. Are you?> Just a fat whitish kid living in a Rollitups mods basement.

JV TEAM every last one. @Fogdog takes that cake. You really have degraded this site to the point of it being complete shit. I wouldn't doubt the NSA love this site though. Im sure you fairy fuckers are being watched.

The govt is watching this site as evinced by FDDs bust a few years ago.
Welcome new member!
dumb as you are

I really had high hopes that you were a formidable challenger. Nothing of the sorts at all I have no need to stick around here anymore, seeing how that is why I came. So good luck. Enjoy the circle jerk chump. Ill head back in a few months to see how you are holding up or maybe sooner if your lucky.

Curls bro and then squats. You need some work.

Punctuation is not needed amongst your little group in the East. Neither is education nor civility apparently.