Aussie Growers Thread

I wanna make my own salts now cuse of u im having shit lipuck with the capsicums there small as fuck and shriveled kinda with like tthay all have on e hole in em
Tbone steak with my Carolina reaper home made salt

Man Carolina reaper salt is the best shit. My friends and I disappointed this bar the other week. Apparently have the hottest wings around, had a few reapers in the sauce so they were starring at us while we eating them, we just kept smiling and waving to them 'cause it really wasn't that bad at all, fuckin' stung obviously but was entirely edible. They come over with a golfball size reaper all hey, we're doing this new challenge, no one's wanted to attempt it yet do one of you guys want to try it for free drinks for all of you and we'll film it and put it on our page. So my mate's immediately like free drinks fuck yea, go over to the bar, throws the thing in his mouth, chews it up, swallows. We're just standing there, everyone's filming him. He legit just stands there for 5 minutes, no teary eyes, not complaining how hot is. A little sweaty but that's it, he's just like yea nah this is piss easy mate some challenge this is

They didn't bother uploading it after that haha

Also happy birthday gigs, I'll be turning to jelly tonight to celebrate with you