New Member
So before anyone condemns what I am intending to do this is a culmination of a few failed grow attempts. I have accumulated alot of different stuff over the years trying to grow in illegal states and recently moved to somewhere it is legal to so I'm going to give it a go again. Awhile back I got a kind led xl750 and a 4x4 gorilla grow tent. I have alot of co2 equipment from a long time ago 20# 15# and 5# tanks multiple flow regulators and I just scored a co2 monitor and controller for 40 bucks on eBay. Now being that this is a grow tent I can't really run a window AC unit to cool the co2 controlled room and since its on the smaller side I would like to maximize the space that I have available. Running the light completely sealed without ventilation running the room tops out around 105 degrees so of I could manage to lower the temperature just 20 degrees I'll be in good shape. So I got the idea of water cooling the grow room so that I can keep it sealed and lower the temperatures I know this isn't normally economical but I ended up finding a used 1/6 hp water chiller fpr 75 and also this thing called a wine well for 75 that I've seen at liquor stores they're made to rapidly chill upto 7 bottles of wine at a time in 3 minutes or so so my original idea was to kind of use the basin of that as a small res put a pump into it to the chiller and then to either ice box heat exchangers that hydro innovations sells or to a radiator or heat exchanger that I could get from a junkyard and clean up with a fan attached to it. But I figure using it as the res may put too much stress on the machine so I thought maybe use a a wort chiller 50' for homebrewing in the water basin send water from a 30 gal reservoir through the wart chiller in the wine well to either 2 iceboxes with and inline fan and carbon filter or to a radiator/heater core and fan while running the other fan and carbon filter in the room as well then running the warmed water into the water chiller back to the reservoir to recycle. I think this would work but have literally zero experience with something like this and any advice would be appreciated. I'm attaching a photo of a couple of diagrams I drew again please don't light me up about how stupid it is. It's just an idea I have the stuff and think it could work. Thanks