Aussie Growers Thread

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Who's this jelly gang im hearing a new breeder or have i missed something? Fly home in a few days for abit then im back and at it! Can not fuckin wait. I tell ya, goin home and seeing everyone's season starting is gonna be tough. Any you guys got cuts sent from state side? Bit of a transit i know, few more days longer than ive done before.
Just some social misfits.


Well-Known Member
Who's this jelly gang im hearing a new breeder or have i missed something? Fly home in a few days for abit then im back and at it! Can not fuckin wait. I tell ya, goin home and seeing everyone's season starting is gonna be tough. Any you guys got cuts sent from state side? Bit of a transit i know, few more days longer than ive done before.
Trips about 48 hours too long


Well-Known Member
Seeds havent poped yet but a coupl look like thay want 2 may put some in some water 2 do some that way 2 will have 2 be selective cuse i got no pots lmfao i dont know if im gunna do these freebie seeds in coco might go a couple soil may go 2 bunnings n get a few bags of cheap soil and compost n see how that goas
go to the hydroponic store and get some canna terra professional 30 to 35 dollars a bag but it will pay for itself and you will be smiling when your babies are green and Lushish from it, you won’t be sorry


Well-Known Member
You asked this yesterday
Honestly man your sounding like a 12 yr old boy on laughing gas
All this time I been waiting for pics of your aunty and even sent smoke seeds and a vibrator to you interstate for free.
I didnt get no pics ...I was ripped off man
I dont have pics of my auntie tho