non-passable tranny fucks trump live on fox news

Complete garbage you just pulled out of your ass.

You don't have to explain anything to the bank when it comes to a home equity loan. It's YOUR equity. You can do whatever the hell you want with it.

I can go to my bank right now and take out a 100,000 dollar equity loan. The only thing the bank will ask me is what denomination of bills I want it in.

Then you haven't read the loan agreement. Pretty silly omission.

A standard HELOC application clearly states what the money can be used for (home improvement, education, real property (cars, homes, etc), health needs, and some other limited categories). If you use funds for any other purpose, you have to notify the bank. Paying hush money to a porn star isn't one of the authorized uses.

It's all right there in the 2 point print. Try reading what you sign next time.
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no, it's on video. trump's lawyer is on video saying trump knew. then trump even tweeted today that he knew.

It's an interesting thing about lawyers. The can quite literally speak for their clients. They can even enter into legally binding agreements as if the client themselves signed the contract (with a signed power of attorney form of course).

Si "if" Rudy is in fact trump's attorney, and isn't just playing one on tv, what he said has the legal weight of trump saying it himself. It doesn't matter it was on tv instead of in court. When a lawyer makes a factual statement about what a client knew, that is as binding as if the client themselves said it.

Lawyers have a very big burden when it comes to speaking for their client. They have to tell the truth as it was told to them. So unless Rudy was lied to, what he said stands. And if he was lied to, that is the same as perjury since the lie was to an officer of the court acting in an official capacity.

Does it ever get prosecuted? I doubt it. But then again, Muehler has gotten multiple people to cop to perjury charges already. He really doesn't like liars. Not one bit it seems. Really doesn't. Nope.
Then you haven't read the loan agreement. Pretty silly omission.

A standard HELOC application clearly states what the money can be used for (home improvement, education, real property (cars, homes, etc), health needs, and some other limited categories). If you use funds for any other purpose, you have to notify the bank. Paying hush money to a porn star isn't one of the authorized uses.

It's all right there in the 2 point print. Try reading what you sign next time.

Here you go:

"The funds were taken from my home equity line and transferred internally to my LLC account in the same bank," Michael Cohen said in a statement.

Absolutely legal. Nothing at all wrong with that.

One day, if you ever are in a position to get a home equity loan, you'll understand.

It's MY equity. I can do whatever the hell I want with it. If you're dealing with a bank that wants to know what you're going to do with your own equity, then you are dealing with a shit bank. Banks don't care what you're going to do with it. It's a secured loan. If you don't pay it back, they get your house. They do not care one way or the other.
Here you go:

Absolutely legal. Nothing at all wrong with that.

One day, if you ever are in a position to get a home equity loan, you'll understand.

It's MY equity. I can do whatever the hell I want with it. If you're dealing with a bank that wants to know what you're going to do with your own equity, then you are dealing with a shit bank. Banks don't care what you're going to do with it. It's a secured loan. If you don't pay it back, they get your house. They do not care one way or the other.

wanna bet michael cohen is indicted before the 4th of July?
Eventually he may be...but it's not going to be over a home equity loan.

you may be correct, but only because he and trump have committed much bigger crimes.

my guess is cohen will realize he would like to see his family without glass between them for 20 years so he will flip on trump.
you may be correct, but only because he and trump have committed much bigger crimes.

my guess is cohen will realize he would like to see his family without glass between them for 20 years so he will flip on trump.

At best so far, Cohen is guilty of nothing more than being an idiot. About the most he will face will be if he has been lying this entire time to federal agents (which he probably has) and they find evidence that proves it. Then he'll be facing an obstruction charge and however many charges of giving false statements.

But other than that, he's done nothing illegal. Paying people to enter NDA's isn't illegal. Other than that, he's not really been involved in anything for the campaign.
At best so far, Cohen is guilty of nothing more than being an idiot. About the most he will face will be if he has been lying this entire time to federal agents (which he probably has) and they find evidence that proves it. Then he'll be facing an obstruction charge and however many charges of giving false statements.

But other than that, he's done nothing illegal. Paying people to enter NDA's isn't illegal. Other than that, he's not really been involved in anything for the campaign.

well you're a naive, gullible person.

if you think that is all cohen has done, you must have voted for cheeto jesus...
well you're a naive, gullible person.

if you think that is all cohen has done, you must have voted for cheeto jesus...

Then tell us all exactly what he's done then.

I discuss what we know, not what we hope for. And so far, all we know is he's done nothing illegal to this point.
It's MY equity. I can do whatever the hell I want with it. If you're dealing with a bank that wants to know what you're going to do with your own equity, then you are dealing with a shit bank

Your ignorance seems to know no limits.. Probably why you believe the chump.

It isn't your equity. They loaned you their money. Your home value is merely collateral.

They expect their money to be repaid on the schedule you agreed to. One of the reasons they put all of those clauses in the contracts is because they know it reduces the risk you won't repay them. If you told them you were going to build an illegal growhouse and sell weed, they would never loan you the money.

The LAST thing they want is to go to court to get your termite ridden crack house. Banks rarely get whole on foreclosures.

So yes, they put restrictions on what you can do with their money. You agreed to that when you signed the application, which by the way is a contract. But more than that, there are federal banking laws backing that and how you can move money around and how you have to report it.

So the press is actually reporting he is being investigated for bank fraud. Legal experts on cable channels are talking about bank fraud and money laundering.

The FBI was actually able to get a court to agree to search warrants of a Lawyer, which is very rare. There are real crimes behind all of this.

But I know facts drive you insane. Go back to the internet and find your safe space. They will make you feel better. ;)
Remember a few weeks ago you told me how screwed stormy was and how Trump was going to sue the shit out of her, you never get anything right.

And he may still do exactly that. And she may be screwed even harder than we all think.

Your ignorance seems to know no limits.. Probably why you believe the chump.

It isn't your equity. They loaned you their money.

You obviously have no idea what equity is.

And I don't believe him one bit. I'm discussing what we can PROVE. Not what you WANT to happen.
Typical. Can't make a coherent argument so you result to insults.

I can't stand Trump. I sincerely hope that he and his cronies all go to jail.

But the fact of the matter is that you people are beating your drums about everybody being guilty and facing 20 years when the fact of the matter is that at this point there's very little evidence that Cohen did anything wrong at all.

And Stormy isn't out of the woods yet either.

Ask yourself a question: why did the payoff not happen until right before the election? Why did they wait 7 years to pay her to keep her mouth shut?

My guess is that she came to them, not the other way around. If she did, that's called extortion - which makes her guilty of a felony and clears them both. (Trump and Cohen)

I find it difficult to believe that Trump just woke up one morning before the election and told Cohen, "by the way, there's a porn star I screwed 7 years ago that you need to go pay off just in case."

We don't know half of all the shit that went on with that payment and why it really took place to begin with. That is my point. But rage on. It's what you're best at.
Typical. Can't make a coherent argument so you result to insults.

I can't stand Trump. I sincerely hope that he and his cronies all go to jail.

But the fact of the matter is that you people are beating your drums about everybody being guilty and facing 20 years when the fact of the matter is that at this point there's very little evidence that Cohen did anything wrong at all.

And Stormy isn't out of the woods yet either.

Ask yourself a question: why did the payoff not happen until right before the election? Why did they wait 7 years to pay her to keep her mouth shut?

My guess is that she came to them, not the other way around. If she did, that's called extortion - which makes her guilty of a felony and clears them both. (Trump and Cohen)

I find it difficult to believe that Trump just woke up one morning before the election and told Cohen, "by the way, there's a porn star I screwed 7 years ago that you need to go pay off just in case."

We don't know half of all the shit that went on with that payment and why it really took place to begin with. That is my point. But rage on. It's what you're best at.
I bet you still waiting for those Chip Ahoy cookies.
Typical. Can't make a coherent argument so you result to insults.

I can't stand Trump. I sincerely hope that he and his cronies all go to jail.

But the fact of the matter is that you people are beating your drums about everybody being guilty and facing 20 years when the fact of the matter is that at this point there's very little evidence that Cohen did anything wrong at all.

And Stormy isn't out of the woods yet either.

Ask yourself a question: why did the payoff not happen until right before the election? Why did they wait 7 years to pay her to keep her mouth shut?

My guess is that she came to them, not the other way around. If she did, that's called extortion - which makes her guilty of a felony and clears them both. (Trump and Cohen)

I find it difficult to believe that Trump just woke up one morning before the election and told Cohen, "by the way, there's a porn star I screwed 7 years ago that you need to go pay off just in case."

We don't know half of all the shit that went on with that payment and why it really took place to begin with. That is my point. But rage on. It's what you're best at.
I'm not here to argue, especially about porno stars and Trump's inability to keep his dick in his pants, it's childish. Apparently you don't remember trump threatening to sue a dozen accusers before the election, huh?
I'm not here to argue, especially about porno stars and Trump's inability to keep his dick in his pants, it's childish. Apparently you don't remember trump threatening to sue a dozen accusers before the election, huh?

Yes, I do remember that. And he did. And he won several cases which made the women keep their mouths shut as they had legally binding agreements with him.

But here's the point you and others keep on ignoring:

Trump did just about everything wrong you can do in an election short of pissing on the American flag while kicking a baby and still won. He said many times he could do pretty much anything and get away with it and still win the election.

And he did.
  • He made racist remarks several times. It was all over the news. Didn't matter, he still won.
  • He had several women accuse him of harassment. It was all over the news. Didn't matter, he still won.
  • He was ON TAPE talking about the grotesque way he treated women. It was all over the news. Didn't matter, he still won.
  • He said he could actually shoot people in the street and still win. It was all over the news. Didn't matter, he still won.
So do you really think he would give a shit if it hit the news he screwed a porn star? Seriously?

Of course not, because it would have been (and is) all over the news, but it wouldn't have mattered he would have still won.

The only thing that makes any sense at all is that she came to them and wanted cash or she was going to the papers, and if that happened Trump would risk his fortune. It would give Melania all the ammo she needs to take his ass to the cleaners.

Do you really think Trump was more concerned with an election that his own personal fortune?

If you do, you're insane.

The only thing Trump cares about is money. THAT is what he was afraid of losing, not an election. His entire persona is around doing whatever the hell he wants and nobody caring. Hell, if he were single he would have ADVERTISED that he screwed her and probably given her a cabinet position.