The progressive wing has already beaten the establishment in 2018

By your logic, BLM is racist for speaking out against Israel - they are ANTI SEMITES!!

Having a hard time pretending who you defend?

I'm pointing out that your cartoon contained antisemitic messages.

Too bad for you that it is true and you have to deflect.

It is quite logical and reasonable to object to the actions of the State of Israel without resorting to antisemitic references and images. You, on the other hand are neither logical or reasonable.

Your depiction of a Jew in that cartoon was about as free from antisemitism as loving depiction of a man eating a watermelon is not racist:
I'm pointing out that your cartoon contained antisemitic messages.

Too bad for you that it is true and you have to deflect.

It is quite logical and reasonable to object to the actions of the State of Israel without resorting to antisemitic references and images. You, on the other hand are neither logical or reasonable.

Your depiction of a Jew in that cartoon was about as free from antisemitism as loving depiction of a man eating a watermelon is not racist:
View attachment 4127529

No. Not even a little bit.

You are absolutley fucking delusional.

You poor thing....
You ARE stupid.

And totally sucking the revisionist history cock.

America has overthrown the governments of over 80 countries, just since WWII.

But knowing that means doing some homework.

I have seen you support Neo-Nazi posts at least 80 times since spring began, but that doesn't mean that all your posts are vile, loathsome and filled with hate.

Yup, we have done some bad shit and probably will again, especially since the country has been divided and many people who should know better are now in the thrall of authoritarian forces (cough, cough... Ttystikk.) but for you to put American policies of building civil societies in authoritarian countries in order to promote democratic governments on the same scale as the shit being done by some other countries shows that you are quite naive and very much a fool.

Sorry if America hasn't been pure enough for you. Some of us will keep trying though, even without your support.

You are subhumanView attachment 4127531
It is perfectly reasonable to object to the actions of the State of Israel without resorting to antisemitic language, images or propaganda.

That meme discredits a valid argument against Israel's use of asymmetric force. Missiles against rocks is simply wrong. But no, that poster has to reduce the argument from one of reason to one of emotion. You are either one of the weak people who are subject to propaganda or you are one of the propagandists.

I think you are the latter.
More ignorant bullshit. I really hit home huh? you HASBARA losers are cying pretty hard.

1 google search : HASBARA = Hasbara is a form of propaganda aimed at an international audience, primarily, but not exclusively, in western countries. It is meant to influence the conversation in a way that positively portrays Israeli political moves and policies, including actions undertaken by Israel in the past.

The dumbest of Humans could understand criticism of HASBARA & the terrorist Israeli state is NOT anti semitic.


Hasbara does exist, as does the Protocols of Zion and in fact people do use them to attack one side or the other. Those people are a teensy tiny fraction of their respective sides. Your quoting concepts behind Hasbara is similar to white supremacists quoting the words of Elija Muhammad, an early leader of the Nation of Islam. It's not that they don't exist but people of today don't take any of that rhetoric seriously.

What you fulminate about is a false conspiracy theory that implies ALL Jews including Buck are spouting the principles behind Hasbara. I suppose I could say you are are endorsing the Protocols of Zion in a fallacious argument to discredit your words.

I don't need to do that though, you discredit yourself by posting antisemitic memes and images.
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@trippnface , I'm lonely.

I'm needing another post from you where you call me a name.

May I suggest "zionist bootlicker"? I've always been partial to that one.
Maybe one of their world class prostitutes Donald talks about. Russian women can be pretty hot.
Yeah, some can be. Unfortunately most of the hot ones are too smart to take a job that ends with Putin's ouster. It would be our luck to get one of these


I'm sure she's a lovely person on the inside.

then again probably not.