Why are blacks from the states so much different.

don't even bother. the whole political forum is just a pile of shit, for flies like these to buzz around. all they do is haunt the forum looking for people to attack. there is no intelligent conversation from them, there is no making a point with them, nor do they try to make points, all they do is smear their hate all over the thread, and try to make people agree with them by bullying them and calling them ignorant, stupid, etc., until you agree with their biased, self loathing views. and since i'll never agree with this stupidity, we'll never agree on anything.
you throw that word around pretty freely. after the civil war is recently to you? you have a different time sense than i do.
you seem to think that i don't realize racism is still alive in this country. why do people assume that if you don't directly address something that you're unaware of its existence? how do you know why the war on drugs was created? maybe the people that started it had good intentions. i highly doubt you were present, or that you know what you're talking about. you strike me as a liberal parrot that immediately condemns people that don't agree with your narrow, biased views. views that you entirely appropriated from your favorite radio or tv host. learn to think, read some history, maybe talk to some of those minorities you're so keen to protect.....then get back to me...or not, i can live with it, either way

I have real world life experience.I grew up in NYC, in literally the most diverse neighborhood in the world. Elmhurst Queens NYC. Look it up. More languages are spoken per square mile than any other place in the world. FACT.
I went to the best boarding school in the country for high school. I grew up with every culture. Maybe I'm just particularly lucky and enlightened as I've also been to 10 different countries.

I DON'T NEED TALKING POINTS. I've seen the good and the bad firsthand. The difference is I judge the individuals when I actually meet them instead of speaking to third parties about the problem.

What perpective do you have to speak about the problems of another race besides what you see on tv and your Wal-Mart parking lot?
don't even bother. the whole political forum is just a pile of shit, for flies like these to buzz around. all they do is haunt the forum looking for people to attack. there is no intelligent conversation from them, there is no making a point with them, nor do they try to make points, all they do is smear their hate all over the thread, and try to make people agree with them by bullying them and calling them ignorant, stupid, etc., until you agree with their biased, self loathing views. and since i'll never agree with this stupidity, we'll never agree on anything.

I believe that is known as "politics" in today's world.
why don't you get to know some black people and ask them how they feel about the issue. Are you saying that only white people can fix everyones problems? What are we going to launch cruise missiles at the problem and call it a day? Sounds a bit Trumpian no?

Baseless assumptions, insinuations, inserting words in my mouth.

Do you have anything, constructive, to offer?
don't even bother. the whole political forum is just a pile of shit, for flies like these to buzz around. all they do is haunt the forum looking for people to attack. there is no intelligent conversation from them, there is no making a point with them, nor do they try to make points, all they do is smear their hate all over the thread, and try to make people agree with them by bullying them and calling them ignorant, stupid, etc., until you agree with their biased, self loathing views. and since i'll never agree with this stupidity, we'll never agree on anything.

What qualifications are you using to state that your conversation is intelligent? If we followed your logic this thread will become a racist circle jerk or the comments section of your local pennysaver.

Typical comments in a thread like this:

Where are the fathers?
Hip hop is bad
Welfare entitlements
Why do they choose to name their children like that?

@schuylaar @ttystikk @Roger A. Shrubber seen it before. Your replies confirm it.
This thread is prime example of why we as people will NEVER come to peace amongst us.

Shit ain't a black or white thing.....it's a humans are shit thing.We are just a nasty mold spreading over the planet.
you cannot have a meaningful conversation in the political forum. there are too many hateful, mean, biased, bigoted people who just call you names, tell you you're stupid (usually with no explaination why), too many self loathing liberals who hate themselves, and hate you because you don't hate yourself. you must be some kind of racist, conservative evil fuck if you don't feel guilt about something you had nothing to do with....you all are just fucking sad little faux intellectual, faux enlightened, hypocrites.

Not a worthwhile thought in all of that digital diarrhea.
Do you have any experience taking to actual minorities? If not then go back to fucking what could turn out to be your relative in your small town.

Do you have any experience living in a small town?

I don't, but I'd assume that fucking of relatives isn't as common as you seem to paint it.

And yes, I do have experience talking to, and living with, minorities.
What qualifications are you using to state that your conversation is intelligent? If we followed your logic this thread will become a racist circle jerk or the comments section of your local pennysaver.

Typical comments in a thread like this:

Where are the fathers?
Hip hop is bad
Welfare entitlements
Why do they choose to name their children like that?

@schuylaar @ttystikk @Roger A. Shrubber seen it before. Your replies confirm it.

So are you denying that hip hop culture breeds ill behavior? Or the fact that many black youth are left fatherless? Or perhaps you're denying the significance of assimilating into a culture via names that are familiar?

As for welfare, our welfare is bad for everyone except those that abuse it. Mostly the rich.
Here's an idea, Bundee, why don't you ask for my opinion on things, and we can find where we agree. I promise, we agree upon more than your baseless assumptions allow you to believe.
Do you have any experience living in a small town?

I don't, but I'd assume that fucking of relatives isn't as common as you seem to paint it.

And yes, I do have experience talking to, and living with, minorities.

Yes I do I moved. I moved down to a racist shithole country town so yes I've gone to school with the DeBeers diamond family and now I live in town with the Kornegay methamphetamine family
your opinion thus far has been that people over react when it comes to racism

That's actually not at all what I said, what I said was that people let emotions detract from the conversation of racism. It's impossible to objectively examine a topic like racism when you allow the conversation to become emotionally charged, regardless of how difficult it is to remove the emotion from the conversation.
Yes I do I moved. I moved down to a racist shithole country town so yes I've gone to school with the DeBeers diamond family and now I live in town with the Kornegay methamphetamine family

That's nice, I live in a mid sized town, about 17,000, rather affluent yet has people from all walks of life. Guess what? There's drugs everywhere.

To be honest now that I think of it, I haven't seen any racism in this thread except for your own towards whites. Anger is justifiable, but I'd like you to justify your racism.
Do you have any experience living in a small town?

I don't, but I'd assume that fucking of relatives isn't as common as you seem to paint it.

And yes, I do have experience talking to, and living with, minorities.

Fucking of relatives is pretty common here. That whole father daughter incest murder suicide 3 days ago came out of NC. Ive grown enough weed to have a basic understanding of genetics. When you have 7ft tall people standing next to a 4ft tall family member you have inbreeding.