Well-Known Member
The shit you read in RIU politics makes you wonder ....does weed really make some stupid as fuck
I believe the same thing
The shit you read in RIU politics makes you wonder ....does weed really make some stupid as fuck
You moron that is not black culture. Jazz is an aspect of black culture, HBCs are an aspect of black culture, hip hop is an aspect of black culture, church life is an aspect of black culture.
Its sad you can't tell the difference between a set of bad behaviors and the milestones and achievements of a group of people.
I wonder what constitutes your culture.
problems within the American black community is a direct result to what built America. SLAVERY and RACISMDid I deny any of the milestones and achievements of African Americans?
But denying that the African American community in America has problems unique to them is ignorance at its finest, and dangerous, too.
Our discussions on racism are needed - but we tiptoe around fundamental problems of that group of people, preventing any change for the better.
you throw that word around pretty freely. after the civil war is recently to you? you have a different time sense than i do.You sir are a moron. Sharecropping turned recently free men into indentured servants after the Civil War, Jim Crow laws were alive until the 60s, redlining neighborhoods created ghettos, and the war on drugs was created to oppress minorities.
God Damn the level of stupidity and ignorance on this site is mind blowing. And the level of confidence which you morons post with is comical. Talk about stupid.
You sir are a moron. Sharecropping turned recently free men into indentured servants after the Civil War, Jim Crow laws were alive until the 60s, redlining neighborhoods created ghettos, and the war on drugs was created to oppress minorities.
God Damn the level of stupidity and ignorance on this site is mind blowing. And the level of confidence which you morons post with is comical. Talk about stupid.
Did I deny any of the milestones and achievements of African Americans?
But denying that the African American community in America has problems unique to them is ignorance at its finest, and dangerous, too.
Our discussions on racism are needed - but we tiptoe around fundamental problems of that group of people, preventing any change for the better.
you throw that word around pretty freely. after the civil war is recently to you? you have a different time sense than i do.
you seem to think that i don't realize racism is still alive in this country. why do people assume that if you don't directly address something that you're unaware of its existence? how do you know why the war on drugs was created? maybe the people that started it had good intentions. i highly doubt you were present, or that you know what you're talking about. you strike me as a liberal parrot that immediately condemns people that don't agree with your narrow, biased views. views that you entirely appropriated from your favorite radio or tv host. learn to think, read some history, maybe talk to some of those minorities you're so keen to protect.....then get back to me...or not, i can live with it, either way
Did you forget to mention them or just chose to reinforce stereotypes bbecause you have no practical real world experience outside of your town of 10000 people? Go fuck yourself.
As if white culture was just made up of inbred,toothless mountain dew drinkers, meth and pillhead Wal-Mart shoplifters, neo nazis, and thoughtless wealthy people. Please address these issues because they are dragging the country down. Fuck for such a mighty self reliant culture white people are pwned by their racist fear of 14% of the population. In your head much?
problems within the American black community is a direct result to what built America. SLAVERY and RACISM
Again your ignorance is showing. Havr you heard the Nixon and lbj recordings?you throw that word around pretty freely. after the civil war is recently to you? you have a different time sense than i do.
you seem to think that i don't realize racism is still alive in this country. why do people assume that if you don't directly address something that you're unaware of its existence? how do you know why the war on drugs was created? maybe the people that started it had good intentions. i highly doubt you were present, or that you know what you're talking about. you strike me as a liberal parrot that immediately condemns people that don't agree with your narrow, biased views. views that you entirely appropriated from your favorite radio or tv host. learn to think, read some history, maybe talk to some of those minorities you're so keen to protect.....then get back to me...or not, i can live with it, either way
Please explain overly emotional. Maybe if you experience racism in everyday life you would think differentlyI certainly didn't suggest otherwise, did I?
This is the problem with discussions of racism - people get overly emotional and make knee jerk assumptions. I haven't demonstrated any semblance of emotion on the matter, merely stating the facts of things. I don't need to acknowledge every single point in every single post, the entirety of black history in this country, to prove my point. You know what I'm saying is true yet you are making blind assumptions of my beliefs to deflect from them.
Ignoring problems doesn't make them go away. Our conversations of racism in America are ignoring critical aspects of the problem, everyone know what is to blame for the plight of black people in America today.
Again your ignorance is showing. Havr you heard the Nixon and lbj recordings?
Have you seen the interview with the Nixon's former advisor where he states that the war on drugs was created to fuck over minorities and liberals. How about Cointelpro where the FBI set up infiltrated the black Panthers and other organizations, riled them into anti police action as an excuse to get them shot.
The shit goes on and and on until this day and you say this is something ingrained In a race? GTFO.
you weren't there either, you assuming anything is just ignorance. lots of things started with good intentions, then turned bad.No comment, still laughing.
I don't know how you can deny problems that are statistically unique to the black population in America. Do I need to pull up homicide rates? Or will you try to suggest that those statistics are falsified or somehow irrelevant? If you can accept the fact that blacks carry out a massively disproportionate amount of murders in the country, then we can move on to why that may be, in which we probably agree upon.
The irony of this conversation - and I'm going to make an assumption of my own, based upon your clear political leanings - is that you likely champion open conversation on gun control, insisting that denying a problem exists is folly.
Bundee are you honestly trying to suggest that white people can't be involved in this conversation?
Do you understand how foolish that sounds, in a country that has a white majority?